Emergency Procedures Flashcards
Fire on the Ground
*1. Engine Start Lever/Fuel Cutoff Switch (Affected Engine) - Cutoff (PM)
*2.Engine Fire Switch (Affected Engine) - Pull and Rotate to the Stop until bottle Discharge (PM)
*3. .Engine Fire Switch (Affected Engine) - Rotate to the other Stop until bottle Discharge (PM)
>>Proceed to Ground Evacuation Checklist
*1. Choose one:
♦ *a. INSIDE the aircraft:
*(1) APU fire switch — Pull, rotate to the stop until BOTTLE DISCHARGE illuminates. (ACW)
*(2) APU switch — OFF. (ACW)
►►Go to Step 2.
♦ *b. OUTSIDE the aircraft:
*(1) APU fire control handle — Pull down. (ACW)
*(2) BOTTLE DISCHARGE switch — Push left. (ACW)
►►Go to Step 2.
Engine Tailpipe Fire
*1. Engine start lever/FUELCONTROL switch (affected engine) — CUTOFF. (P)
Aborted Engine Start Conditions:
Perform the ABORTED ENGINE START checklist if one or more of the following abort start conditions occur:
- The N1 or N2 does not increase or increases very slowly after the EGT increases.
- There is no oil pressure indication by the time that the engine is stable at idle.
- The EGT does not increase within 10 seconds after the engine start lever/FUEL CONTROL switch is moved to IDLE/RUN.
- The EGT quickly nears or exceeds the start limit.
- Engine torching.
Aborted Engine Start
*1. Engine start lever/FUEL CONTROL switch (affected engine) — CUTOFF. (P)
*1. Autothrottle — Disengage. (PF)
*2. Thrust levers — Close. (PF)
*3. Brakes — Verify RTO or MAX MANUAL. (PF)
*4. Speed brake lever — Up. (PF)
*5. Reverse thrust — Apply. (PF)
- Additional emergency checklists — Complete as required.
Setting the parking brake following an aborted takeoff may result in damage to the aircraft if sufficient
cooling time is not allowed.
- Brake cooling schedule — Review
Smoke, Fire, or Fumes
*1. Alert crew, execute firefighting duties — Alerted. (PM/MSN)
*2. Oxygen masks and regulators — ON/100%, as required. (ACW)
FIRE-ENG (1, 2) or Engine Severe Damage or Separation
*1. Autothrottle — Disengage. (PF)
*2. Thrust lever (affected engine) — Confirm — Close. (PF)
*3. Engine start lever/FUEL CONTROL switch (affected engine) — Confirm — CUTOFF. (PM)
*4. Engine fire switch (affected engine) — Confirm — Pull. (PM)
*5. If the engine fire switch or ENG OVERHEAT light stays illuminated or the FIRE ENG message still shows:
*a. Engine fire switch — Rotate to the stop and hold until BOTTLE DISCHARGE illuminates. (PM)
*6. If after 30 seconds the engine fire switch or ENG OVERHEAT light stays illuminated or the FIRE ENG message still shows:
*a. Engine fire switch — Rotate to the other stop and hold until BOTTLE DISCHARGE illuminates. (PM)
Loss of Thrust on Both Engines
At or above FL270, set airspeed above 275 knots. Failure to achieve the appropriate
airspeed may limit N2 preventing a successful restart.
*1. ENGINE START switches (both) — FLT. (PM)
*2. Engine start levers/FUEL CONTROL switches (both) — CUTOFF. (PM)
*3. When EGT decreases:
*a. Engine start levers/FUEL CONTROL switches (both) — IDLE detent/RUN. (PM)
*4. If EGT reaches 950 °C or there is no increase in EGT within 30 seconds:
*a. Engine start lever/FUEL CONTROL switches (affected engine) —Confirm — CUTOFF, then IDLE detent/RUN, repeat as required. (PM)
Engine Limit, Surge, or Stall
*1. Autothrottle — Disengage. (PF)
*2. Thrust lever (affected engine) — Confirm — Retard until indications stay within limits or the thrust lever is closed. (PF)
*1. Autothrottle — Disengage. (PF)
*2. Thrust lever (affected engine) — Confirm — Close. (PF)
Windshear Escape
Immediately perform the first 7 steps simultaneously upon recognition of windshear.
*1. Autothrottle — Disengage. (PF)
*2. TO/GA switch (either) — Press. (PF)
*3. Thrust levers — Maximum. (PF)
Maximum thrust can be obtained by advancing the thrust levers full forward if the EECs
are in the normal mode.
*4. Autopilot — Disengage. (PF)
*5. Roll — Wings level. (PF)
*6. Pitch — 15º initially, then follow flight director TO/GA guidance, if available. (PF)
*7. Speedbrakes — Retract. (PF)
Condition: An approach to stall may be characterized by any one (or a combination) of the following conditions:
- Buffeting.
- Stick shaker.
*1. Autothrottle — Disengage. (PF)
*2. Thrust levers — Maximum. (PF)
*3. Autopilot — Disengage. (PF)
*4. Roll — Wings level. (PF)
*5. Adjust pitch to avoid ground contact or obstacles. (PF)
*6. Speedbrake lever — Retract. (PF)
*7. When ground contact is no longer a factor:
*a. Reduce pitch and accelerate while minimizing altitude loss.
*b. Recover to appropriate airspeed and configuration. (PF)
• Do not change flaps or landing gear configuration. Retracting the flaps causes an
altitude loss during the recovery, which could result in ground contact. The landing
gear should remain in the landing configuration in case there is ground contact.
• Excessive use of pitch trim or rudder may aggravate an upset situation or may result
in loss of control and/or high structural loads.
• The PM shall verify all actions and call out any omitted checklist items.
• The PM shall monitor altitude and airspeed and call out any trend toward terrain
Runaway Stabilizer
*1. Control column — Hold firmly. (PF)
*2. Autopilot — Disengage. (PF)
*3. If the runaway stops: (PF)
■ ■ ■ ■
*4. If the runaway continues:
*a. STAB TRIM CUTOUT switches (both) — CUTOUT. (PM)
*5. If the runaway continues:
*a. Stabilizer trim wheel — Grasp and hold. (PM)
Nose High Unusual Attitude Recovery
Condition: The aircraft pitch attitude is unintentionally more than 25 degrees nose high and increasing, and the airspeed is decreasing rapidly.
*1. Autothrottle — Disengage. (PF)
*2. Thrust levers — Reduce. (PF)
*3. Autopilot — Disengage. (PF)
*4. Roll — To obtain nosedown pitch rate. (PF)
*5. Apply nosedown elevator to as much as full nosedown. (PF)
*6. Speedbrakes — Verify retracted. (PF)
*7. Complete the recovery:
*a. When approaching the horizon:
*(1) Roll — Wings level. (PF)
*b. Recover to appropriate airspeed and configuration. (PF)
Excessive use of pitch trim or rudder may aggravate an upset situation or may result in
loss of control and/or high structural loads.
• The PM shall verify all actions and call out any omitted checklist items.
• The PM shall monitor and call out attitude, altitude, and airspeed throughout the
Nose Low Unusual Attitude Recovery
Condition: The aircraft pitch attitude is unintentionally more than 10 degrees nose low and going lower, and the airspeed is increasing rapidly.
*1. Autothrottle — Disengage. (PF)
*2. Thrust levers — Reduce as required to prevent overspeed. (PF)
*3. Autopilot — Disengage. (PF)
*4. Roll — Wings level. (PF)
Roll in shortest direction to wings level. Unload and roll if bank angle is more than 90
*5. Speedbrakes — As required. (PF)
*6. Initiate Recover to level flight:
*a. Adjust thrust and speedbrakes as required. (PF)
Excessive use of pitch trim or rudder may aggravate an upset situation or may result in loss of control and/or high structural loads.
•The PM shall verify all actions and call out any omitted checklist items.
• The PM shall monitor altitude and airspeed and call out any trend toward terrain
Condition: A TCAS Resolution Advisory (RA) or Traffic Advisory (TA) occurs.
*1. Autothrottle — Disengage. (PF)
*2. Thrust levers — Adjust to satisfy RA. (PF)
*3. Autopilot — Disengage. (PF)
*4. Roll — Continue planned lateral path. (PF)
*5. Pitch — Adjust to satisfy RA. (PF)
RA Climb in Landing Configuration
*1. Autothrottle — Disengage. (PF)
*2. Thrust levers — Maximum. (PF)
*3. Autopilot — Disengage. (PF)
*4. FLAPS 15 — Set. (PM)
*5. Roll — Continue planned lateral path. (PF)
*6. Pitch — Adjust to satisfy RA. (PF)
- *Condition:** Any of the following conditions exist:
1. Activation of the aural GPWS warnings.
a. “PULL UP.”
2. Other situations resulting in unacceptable flight toward terrain.
*1. Autothrottle — Disengage. (PF)
*2. Thrust levers — Maximum. (PF)
Maximum thrust can be obtained by advancing the thrust levers full forward if the EECs
are in the normal mode. If terrain contact is imminent, advance thrust levers full forward.
*3. Autopilot — Disengage. (PF)
*4. Roll — Wings level. (PF)
*5. Pitch — 20º initially. (PF)
*6. Speedbrakes — Retract. (PF)
*7. If terrain remains a threat, continue to increase pitch up to: (PF)
*a. Pitch limit indicator.
*b. Stick shaker.
*c. Initial buffet.
*8. Monitor radio altimeter for sustained or increasing terrain separation. (PF)
*9. When clear of terrain, slowly decrease pitch attitude and accelerate. (PF)
CABIN ALTITUDE, DON OXYGEN or Rapid Depressurization
*1. Oxygen masks/regulators — ON,100%. (ACW)
If in the lavatory, don oxygen mini-bottle, proceed to assigned ditching station and don normal oxygen mask.
*2. Crew communications — Establish, as required. (FLT, TC/OBS)
CONFIG (Landing)
*1. Landing configuration — Check. (FLT)