Limits Flashcards
What is defined as engine start?
Starter initiation, acceleration of Ng, and starter dropout/disengagement.
What is the required delay between start attempts after an aborted start?
60 seconds, except during emergencies.
What is required for crossbleed starts?
The receiving engine shall be at or above 24% Ng prior to advancing to IDLE.
Are engine starts with main rotor blades or tail rotor pylon folded allowed?
No, they are prohibited.
What should be done if an operational limit is exceeded?
An appropriate entry shall be made on a maintenance action form (MAF) stating what limit(s) were exceeded.
What should the crew do if a red ‘XXX’ is displayed due to an exceeded limit?
The crew shall land as soon as practicable.
What is the TGT limit during engine start?
851°C until idle speed.
What is the engine start procedure for temperatures below 16°C OAT?
Engaged once - 60 sec disengaged; Engaged twice - 60 sec disengaged; Engaged 3x - 60 sec disengaged; Engaged 4x - 30 minutes disengaged.
What is the engine start procedure for temperatures between 16-52°C OAT?
Engaged once - 60 sec disengaged; Engaged twice - 30 minutes disengaged.
What is the engine motor procedure with ignition OFF at any temperature?
Engaged - 2 mins / Disengaged - 5 mins; Engaged - 2 mins / Disengaged - 30 mins.
Is engine operation with gust lock engaged allowed?
No, it is prohibited.
What are the TGT ranges and limits?
0 to 810 °C = Continuous / Green; 810 to 851 °C = 30 min / Yellow; 851 to 878 °C = 10 min / Red; 878 to 903 °C = 2.5 min / Red; 903 to 949 °C = 12 sec / Red; 949 °C = MAX / Red.
What are the Power Turbine Speed (Np) limits?
< 96% = Avoid / Red; 96-105 = Continuous / Green or Yellow above 101%; 105-117 = 20 secs / Yellow; 117-120 = 12 secs / Yellow; 120 = Maximum / Red.
What caution should be noted during engagement of Power Turbine Speed?
Extended operations in the 20-40% and 60-75% ranges may cause engine damage.
What are the Main Rotor Speed (Nr) limits?
Less than 96% = Avoid / Red; 96 to 101% = Continuous / Green; 101 to 120% = Precautionary / Yellow; 120% = Max / RED; Greater than 120% = 123% is FCF MAX / RED; 127% = Overspeed Latch / Red.
What are the Dual-Engine Torque (TRQ) limits at <80 KIAS?
0 to 120% = Continuous / Green; 120 to 144% = 10 Seconds / Yellow; 144% = Maximum / Red.
What are the Dual-Engine Torque (TRQ) limits at >80 KIAS?
0-106% = continuous / green; 106-127% = 10 seconds / yellow; 127% = maximum / red.
What are the Single-engine Torque (TRQ) limits?
0-135% = Continuous / Green; 135-144% = 10 secs / Red; 144% = Max / Red.
What are the Gas Generator Speed (Ng) limits?
0-102.2% = continuous / green; >102.2-106% = 2.5 minutes / yellow; >106-107% = 12 seconds / red; 107% = maximum / red.
What are the Transmission Temperature (XMSN T) limits?
-50 - 105ºC = Continuous / Green; 105 - 120ºC = Precautionary / Yellow; 120ºC = Maximum / Red.
What is the minimum Transmission Pressure (XMSN P)?
20 PSI = minimum / red.
What are the Transmission Pressure (XMSN P) limits?
20-30 PSI = idle and transient / yellow; 30-65 PSI (45-60 PSI in level flight) = continuous / green; 65-130 PSI = precautionary / yellow; 130 PSI = maximum / red.
What is the acceptable fluctuation for Transmission Pressure during steady-state nose-high pitch attitudes? Fix this one
Fluctuations acceptable - including momentary dips below 30 psi and below 20 psi for up to 1s.
What does zero oil pressure indicate in rotor engagement?
It may indicate no-oil flow and is limited to less than 1 min and requires MAF write-up.
What are the Engine Oil Temperature (ENG OIL T) limits?
-50 - 135ºC = Continuous / Green; 135 - 150ºC = 30 Minutes / Yellow; 150ºC = Maximum / Red.
What are the Engine Oil Pressure (ENG OIL P) limits?
22 psi = Minimum / Red; 22 - 26 psi = Precautionary / Yellow; 26 - 100 psi = Continuous / Green; 100 - 120 psi = Precautionary / Yellow; 120 psi = Maximum / Red.
What is the minimum fuel requirement?
No less than 225 lbs (approximately 20 mins) per main tank.
What are the AOB limits when <300lbs of fuel per main tank?
> 30 degrees balanced flight.
Not intended for routine in-flight use. Op of the APU in flight SHALL be limited to essential ops only.
Emergency procedures, Single engine training, Practice autos, Power ECS during extreme temperatures.
APU Limits - Rotors not engaged
Continuous use up to 51 C.
APU Limits - Rotors engaged
Continuous use up to 43 C. 30 mins between 43 and 60 C.
Transmission Limited by
Nr, Q, XMSN Oil P/T. Engine torques over 150% are displayed as red XXX.
Rotor Engagement / Disengagement
45 KIAS from any direction.
180 (or as limited by blade stall).
Max Auto
100 KIAS.
Max Sideward/Rearward Flight
45 KIAS (35 w/ external).
Max SAS 1 and SAS 2 inop in IMC
125 KIAS.
Max SAS/Boost Off ( Speed Question)
140 KIAS.
125 KIAS.
Cabin doors opening/closing
100 KIAS.
Cabin Doors Open
120 KIAS.
The soundproofing must be properly secured when flight is conducted with cabin doors opened.
Gunner windows opening/closing
170 KIAS.
Landing light in transition airspeed
130 KIAS.
Searchlight in transition airspeed
100 KIAS.
A/C gross wt. > 22,000lbs w/ external load
120 KIAS.
Cockpit doors removed and cabin doors removed / closed
150 KIAS (ball within 1/2).
ROD max for rescue hoist loads
1000 fpm.
Hovering Limits
- Prolonged rearward flight and downwind hovering should be avoided to prevent accumulation of exhaust fumes in the helicopter and heat damage to the window on an open cabin door.
- Hovering turns at a rate in excess of 30° per second.
AOB Limits ( Looking for 6 Answers)
- Normal Ops - 45°
- Ops above 10,000 ft DA - 30°
- Either Pri Servo Press caution on - 30°
- SAS/Boost Off flight - 30°
- External Load - 30°
- Rescue Hoist Load - 10-20 (0-40 KIAS).
Max DA
13,000 feet.
Prohibited Maneuvers
- Aerobatic flight
- Practice full-autorotation landings
- Intentional approaches into or inducement of retreating blade stall.
Rotor Brake Limits
Max: 76% Nr
Routine: 50-30% Nr
180 psi max limited to extend service life.
Max Wind for blade fold and spread
45 KIAS any direction.
Cooling period post-complete fold and spread before commencing another
10 mins.
Max Wind for tail pylon/stab fold and spread ops
45 KIAS any direction.
Max ROD for level terrain
540 fpm.
Max ROD for sloped terrain
360 fpm.
Max TO speed with tailwheel locked
60 KGS.
Max TD and TO speed with tailwheel unlocked
20 KGS.
Max Braking speed
35 KGS.
Slope Landing Limits think degrees
9 degrees NH / 12 degrees cross-slope / 6 degrees NL.
low-freq oscillation may occur on NL slope landing with cyclic near aft stop.
Downwind Landings
should be avoided.
Max Operating Weight
23,500 lbs.
Max launch and recovery gross weight for aviation ships and amphib assault
23,500 lbs.
Max launch and recovery gross weight for air capable ships
22,500 lbs.
Max total internal (aft cabin)
5,500 lbs.
Max total weight for palletized cargo
4733 lbs.
Max weight for single pallet of cargo
3,000 lbs.
Max external load on cargo hook
6,000 lbs.
Max external load on rescue hoist
600 lbs.
Minimum Aircraft Equipment for Night Flight Over Water
- Altitude Hold.
Minimum Aircraft Equipment for Flights Into Forecast or Known Icing Conditions
If equipped w/ operable anti-ice AND blade de-ice equipment: permitted into forecast or known TRACE or LIGHT icing. All installed equipment must be operational.
If not equipped with operable blade de-ice equipment: prohibited into forecast or known icing conditions.
What is required to be considered Icing Conditions (Need to check)
OAT of 5C or below in visible moisture.
What is prohibited when it comes to Icing
Flight into forecasted or known moderate or severe icing conditions is prohibited.
Minimum Equipment for Passengers
Except in emergency situations, helicopter emergency egress lighting system (ADHEELS and IHEELS) shall be operational for all overwater flights requiring passengers/non-aircrew in the cabin.
Warning: use of gunner belts shall be restricted to occurrences when mission accomplishment requires persons to be out of their seats.
OAT Limits
< -40C or > 60C (140F) is prohibited.
Backup Hyd Pump Limits
only apply when rotors static.
33-38C 24min ON 72 min OFF
39-60C 16min ON 48min OFF.
When should Pitot heat be turned on?
When visible moisture is present and/or the OAT is 5 °C or below.
What may happen if Pitot heat is not turned on in icing conditions?
Erroneous airspeed indications, which can lead to erratic and/or downward programming of the stabilator and loss of control of the aircraft.
What is the max available seats not counting the gunners seats?
What are the ratings for the differemt rescue hook?
3000 lbs: large hook
1500 lbs: equipment ring
1000 lbs: small hook
At what 3 Nr %’s will the generators drop off line?
94 % on the ground
80 % in the air
97 % to reconnect
What is the hoist speed when using the crew hover or pendant grip?
0-215 (BE)
0-250 (LW)
How many degrees in the main XMSN tilted?
3 degrees forward
How fast does the back-up power move the hoist?
85 fpm
How many feet of cable is in the hoist & how much is orange?
200, first and last 20 feet
How fast can the pilots move the hoist?
100 fpm
When do the droop stops go out / in?
70% Nr out
50% Nr in
In a tail rotor failure, what two speed provide balanced flight?
25 & 145 KIAS
How fast can the pilots move the hoist?
100 fpm
Minimum altitude for an auto?
500 AGL
GAU21 (.50CAL)
-Min Standoff:
-Max Eff:
Tr Burn:
Max E: 1,850m
Min Standoff:
Max Eff:
Tr Burn:
Min: 100m
Max E:1,200
Max: 3725
Tr Burn: 900