Limiting Factors Flashcards
Hip Flexion
Contact with thigh on abdominal wall
Tension in opposing muscles (extensors)
Hip Extension
Iliofemoral ligament (particularly the medial band)
Pubofemoral and ischiofemoral ligaments
Tension in opposing muscles (flexors)
Hip Abduction
Pubofemoral ligament
Iliofemoral ligament (medial band)
Inferior joint capsule is stretched
Tension in opposing muscles (adductors)
Hip Adduction
Iliofemoral ligament (lateral band)
Ischiofemoral ligament
Tension in opposing muscles (abductors)
Hip Medial Rotation
Ischiofemoral ligament
Tension in opposing muscles (lat.rot)
Hip Lateral Rotation
Iliofemoral ligament
Pubofemoral ligament
Tension in opposing muscles (med.rot)
Knee Flexion
Contact of calf with posterior thigh
Knee Extension
All ligaments are taut (MCL, LCL, ACL, PCL)
Extent and shape of articular surfaces
Knee Medial Rotation
Crucifer ligaments are taut (particularly PCL)
Knee Lateral Rotation
Crucial ligaments are taut (particularly ACL)
Dorsiflexion of ankle/foot
Tension in gastrocnemius, soleus, deltoid ligament (posterior tibiotalar band) and calcaneofibular ligament.
Posterior part of capsule
Extent of articular surfaces
Wedging of talus between both malleoli
Plantarflexion of ankle/foot
Tension in anterior crucial muscles, deltoid ligaments (anterior tibiotalar and tibionavicular bands) and calcaneofibular ligament (anterior talofibular ligament).
Anterior part of capsule.
Wedging of talus between both malleoli
Inversion of ankle/foot
Tension in opposing muscles (everters : peroneus longus and brevis)
Eversion of the ankle/foot
Tension in opposing muscles (inverters: tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior)
Extent of articular surfaces
Plantar calcaneocuboid ligament
Flexion of MTP joint
Tension in opposing muscles (extensors: ext. hall/digi. longus, lumbricals)
Digital extensor tendons
Collateral ligaments tense
Extension of MTP joint
Tension in opposing muscles (tib.ant., ext.hall/digi. long., peroneus tertius.)
Digital flexor tendons
Abduction of MTP joint
Toe in toe webs
Plantar interossei?
Adductor hallucis
Flexion of IP joint
Tension in opposing muscle groups (must name)
Digital extensor tendons
Collateral ligaments tense
Extension of IP joint
Tension in opposing muscle groups (must name)
Digital flexor tendons
Flexion of lumbar spine
Stretched ligaments (posterior long., interspinous, supraspinous ligaments.) Intervertebral disc (post. part stretched and compressed ant. part)
Extension of lumbar spine
Stretched ligaments (anterior long. ligament) Intervertebral disc (ant. part stretched, post. part compressed) Approximation of joint surfaces posteriorally.
Lateral Rotation of lumbar spine
Stretched ligaments on opp. side (intertransverse lig., ligamentum flavum) Approximation of joint surfaces on same side Intervertebral disc (stretched on opp. side and compressed on same side)
Axial rotation
Ligaments in both sides (opp. to side of movement)