Limitations - Rev 85 Update June 22 Flashcards
A320 Aircraft Dimensions and
Min Pavement for a 180 degree turn
A320 Sharklet:
Wingspan: 118’
Length: 123’
Height: 39’
Minimum Pavement for a 180: 75’
A321 Aircraft Dimensions and
Min Pavement for a 180 degree turn
A321 Winglet:
Wingspan: 118’
Length: 146’
Height: 40’
Minimum Pavement for a 180: 93’
Altitude Comparision Check
Ground Check:
ADR1 and ADR2: 20’
ISIS: 100’
ADR1 and ADR2: 130’
ISIS: 445’
Vol II 5.50 pg1
Are you permitted to start the APU during refueling? If a fuel spill occurs and the APU is running, what should you do?
During refuel/defuel procedures, APU starts or shutdown are permitted with the following restrictions:
- If the APU failed to start or following an automatic APU shutdown, do not start the APU
- If a fuel spill occurs, perform a normal APU shutdown.
Are you permitted to use the APU if the LOW OIL LEVEL advisory is displayed on the ECAM? When is maintenance action required? Is a logbook entry required?
The APU may be started and operated even if the LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM advisory is displayed. Maintenance action is required within the next 10 hours of APU operation.
NOTE: A logbook entry is not required after receiving this advisory message. Contact MCC to determine the status of required maintenance action.
At what height must the autopilot be turned off for a Non-Autoland ILS with CAT 1 FMA?
160 AGL
At what height must the autopilot be turned off for a Non-Autoland ILS with CAT 2/3 FMA?
80 AGL
At what height must the autopilot be turned off for an RNAV VISUAL APPROACH?
500 feet AGL
At what height must the autopilot be turned off for Non-Precision Approaches?
Flight Crew Oxygen (CEO) -
- Good to go with:
- 900psi - 2 crew
- 1100psi - 2 crew + 1 observer
- 1400psi - 2 crew + 2 observers
Flight Crew Oxygen (NEO) -
- Good to go with:
- 600psi - Per side (No observer)
- 800psi -Per side (With observer)
Fuel Temperature Limits
-36° C to 49° C - good to go.
Outside of that reference the manual.
Note: For Jet A, if TAT reaches -34° C monitor ECAM FUEL page to ensure fuel stays above -36° C.
If one or more of the autoland requirements cannot be met, may an approach still be conducted if the weather is below 1/2 mile or 2400 RVR?
Yes, if one of the autoland requirements cannot be met (e.g. strong crosswind) a non-autoland CAT I approach may be conducted down to our lowest authorized CAT I minimums (i.e. 1800 RVR or as published).
Is takeoff with center tank fuel supplying the engines permitted?
Takeoff with center tank fuel supplying the engines is PROHIBITED.
Is taxi with deflated tires permitted?
Yes, given certain conditions are satisfied. However, taxiing the aircraft with deflated tires should only be done if absolutely necessary and all other means of moving the aircraft have been exhausted.
Reference Vol II 2.10 pg 13
Is the use of APU bleed air for wing anti-ice permitted?
Max Brake Temp for Takeoff
300° C (brake fans off)
Max Runway Slope
+/- 2 percent
Minimum Oil Temp for Engine Start
-40° C
Reverse Thrust Limitations
- Prohibited in Flight
- Backing up with Reverse Prohibited
- Max Reverse Thrust not used below 70 KTS
- Except in Emerg., reverse not used to slow taxi
Safety Relief Valve Setting
Should you perform an autoland at KCOS in an A321? KCOS airport elevation is 6187 feet.
Demonstrated Autoland Airport Altitude:
201-299, 301-399, 601-699 : 9,200 ft
701-799: 5,750 ft
Speed Brakes Limitation for 320NEO Aircraft (OEB 57)
For approach, the use of speed brakes at or below 240kts is not permitted if:
- GWCG is above 35%
- In overweight landing conditions
-Applies to all 320NEO regardless of OEBs on aircraft until limitation is removed.
For 201-299 the maximum taxi speed when making a turn is ___ when the aircraft weight is greater than _____?
20 kt
The use of AP or FD in ___ or ___ mode is not permitted inside the FAF or below 1000ft AGL on a visual approach?
Use of SOFT Go-Around (GA SOFT) mode is ________
What are the APU started duty cycle limits?
After three consecutive APU start attempts, the flight crew must wait 60 min before a new start attempt.
What are the autoland wind limitations?
201-299, 301-399 and 701-799
- Headwind - 30 kts
- Crosswind - 15 kts
- Tailwind - 10 kts
- Wind Correction: 5 to 15 kts
The wind limitation is based on the surface winds reported by ATC.
- Headwind - 15 kts
- Crosswind - 10 kts
- Tailwind - 10 kts
- Wind Correction: 5 to 15 kts
The wind limitation is based on the surface winds reported by ATC.
What are the engine start duty cycle limitations?
205-299 and 701-799:
- 4 cycles (automatic start cycle includes 3 start attempts) with 20 seconds pause between
- 15 minutes cooling after the 4th cycle
- 3 cycles (automatic start cycle includes 3 start attempts) with 60 seconds pause between
- 15 minutes after the 3rd cycle
- 3 cycles (automatic start cycle includes 2 start attempts) with 35 seconds pause between
- 15 minutes after the 3rd cycle or 15 min of continuous or cumulated crank
What are the flight maneuvering load acceleration limits?
Clean configuration: -1.0g to +2.5g
Other configurations (Slats and/or Flaps extended): 0.0g to +2.0g
What are the maximum cross wind limitations for takeoff and landing?
Takeoff: 35kts
Landing: 38kts
What are the maximum tailwind limitations for takeoff and landing?
Takeoff for 201-299, 301-399, 601-699: 15kts
Takeoff for 701-799: 10kts
Landing for all aircraft: 10kts
What conditions must be satisfied to conduct an autoland approach?
- CAT II/III runway
- CAT II/III aircraft
- CAT II/III trained crew
- Appropriate ground facilities operational
- Wind within limits
- Braking action medium or better
What is considered a narrow runway?
A narrow runways is any runway less than 148ft/45m wide.
What is Frontier’s operational procedure in regards to flap extension speeds?
To extend slats/flaps at a maximum of VFE Next - 10 knots to avoid inadvertently exceeding placarded speeds.
What is Frontier’s stabilized approach policy?
At 1,000 AFE:
- Steady rate of descent not to exceed 1,200FPM
- On correct lateral path (1 dot ILS/LOC, .3NM RNAV or 1/2 dot VOR)
- On the correct vertical path (1 dot)
- In the final landing configuration (Gear & Flaps Extended, Speed Brakes Retracted)
- Absent any GPWS Warnings and Cautions
At 500 AFE:
- Landing Checklist Completed
- Steady rate of descent not to exceed 1,000FPM
- Within -5 to +15 knots of target speed for approach
- Thrust Stabilized, usually above idle, commensurate with what is required to maintain the target speed criteria
What is the approach category of the A320 and A321?
A320CEO, A320NEO and A321NEO - Category C
A321CEO - Category D
What is the autopilot minimum engagement height after takeoff (if SRS is indicated)?
100 feet AGL and at least 5 seconds after liftoff
What is the autopilot minimum engagement height enroute?
900 feet AGL
What is the max altitude for an APU start using normal electrics?
39,000 feet MSL
What is the max altitude to use the APU to assist an engine start?
20,000 feet MSL
What is the max altitude to use the APU to supply electrical power with one pack operating?
22,500 feet MSL
What is the max altitude to use the APU to supply electrical power with both packs operating?
15,000 feet MSL
What is the max wind speed for passenger door operations?
How about cargo door operations?
Maximum Wind for Passenger Door Operation: 65kts
Maximum Wind for Cargo Door Operations: 40kts/50kts(1)
1 - If the aircraft nose is oriented into the wind, or if the cargo door is on the leeward side of the aircraft, operation of the cargo door is permitted in winds up to 50 knots. If the wind speed begins to exceed these limitations, the cargo door must be closed before the wind speed exceeds 65 kts.
What is the maximum altitude that the Flaps or Slats may be extended?
20,000 feet MSL
What is the maximum altitude to start the APU using battey power only (Elec Emerg Config)?
25,000 feet MSL
What is the maximum hydraulic pressure?
What is the Maximum Operational Pressure Altitude?
39,800 ft
What is the Maximum Pressure Altitude for Takeoff or Landing?
9,200 ft
What is the maximum speed at which the landing gear may be extended (VLO Extension)?
250kts/0.60 Mach
What is the maximum speed that the landing gear may be retracted (VLO Retraction)?
220kts/0.54 Mach
What is the maximum speed while the landing gear is extended (VLE Extended)?
280kts/0.67 Mach
What is the maximum time limit to use TOGA thrust with all engines operating? How about if one engine is inoperative?
All Engines Operating: 5 min
One Engine Inop: 10 min
What is the maximum tire speed?
195 kts (groundspeed)
What is the maximum windshield wiper operation speed?
230 KIAS
What is the minimum engine oil quantity required prior to each flight?
201-299, 701-799:
- 9.5 qt + .5 qt per every hour of estimated flight time
301-399: The minimum oil quantity is the highest of:
- 10.6 qt
- 9.0 qt + .5 qt per every hour of estimated flight time
601-699: The minimum oil quantity is the highest of:
- OAT at or above -30C: 14 qt
- OAT below -30C: 16.5 qt
What is the minimum engine oil temperature required before takeoff?
201-299, 301-399, 701-399: 19C
601-699: 52C
What is the minimum fuel for takeoff?
3,300 lbs
What is the minimum height the autopilot can be engaged during a Go-Around (if SRS is indicated)?
100 AGL
What is the Minimum Pressure Altitude for Takeoff and Landing?
-2,000 ft
What is the minimum runway length for landing at Frontier?
5000ft unless the Dir Operations authorizes a shorter length.
Vol I 10.30 pg 1
What is the minimum runway width for takeoff and landing?
A/C 227-229 and A321NEO - 100ft/30m
All other aircraft - 148ft/45m
What is VMO/MMO for the A320/A321?
350kt/0.82 Mach
What is the maximum aircraft speed with the cockpit window open?
200 KIAS
When is an autoland required?
Autoland is required below CAT I minimums.
Furthermore, to minimize the chances of a go around, Frontier’s policy is to set up and brief for an autoland IF the reported RVR/visibility is at or below 1/2 mile or 2400RVR AND all of the requirements for an autoland can be met (environmental, aircraft approach capability, ground equipment, etc.), the approach will be briefed and flown as a CAT II or CAT III autoland.
When must the autopilot be turned off after an autoland approach?
ROLLOUT/Taxi Speed
When should you use LOW vs MED autobrakes for an autoland? Are autobrakes required for all CAT III approaches?
Runways less than 8,000ft: MED
Runways 8,000ft or longer: LOW or MED
Autobrakes (if available) are required for all CAT III approaches.
For aircraft approved to land on narrow runways (227-229, 601-699) what are the limitations?
- Autoland N/A
- Dispatch is N/A with inop NWS or any wheel brake inop
Diversion to a normal width runway is recommended in case of:
- Rudder Jam
- Rudder Pedal Jam
- Yaw damper system fault
- Rudder Travel Limit system fault
- All failures leading to loss of NWS (Yellow HYD loss, double hyd system failure, double BSCU or double LGCIU faults)
How long can the aircraft electrical system be powered without a cooling system above what temperature?
Above 49C
What is the minimum oil temperature before takeoff?
205-299, 301-399, 701-799: 19C
601-699: 52C
When is a takeoff with reduced thrust prohibited?
- On slippery or contaminated runway
- When suspected, reported or known windshear is present (e.g. predictive windshear alerts, or ATC issued windshear alerts for the departure runway or departure path)
- When a Special Departure Procedure specifies full thrust for takeoff
What are the wind limitations for the engines?
- Engine Start: 45kts crosswind
- Takeoff: 35kt crosswind
- Engine Start: 35kts crosswind