Limitations Flashcards
Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW)
11,990 Kgs
Maximum Landing Weight (MLW)
11,700 Kgs
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW)
10,900 Kgs
Maximum Ramp
Weight (MRW)
12,070 Kgs
Company use 12,040 Kgs
Maximum Turbulent Air Penetration Speed
175 KIAS
Restriction on Power Levers-Ground Operations
At or Below FLT Idle, brief excursions (Up TO 5sec) for maneuver
Below A080 250 KIAS
Between A080 and FL130 272 KIAS
Above FL130 M 0.52
0.52 M
Condition Levers must be in _________ position during all ground operations except when cleared for takeoff or landing roll
APU maximum operating temperature (OAT)?
ISA+ 38C
Aviation Gasoline may be used in emergency for up to a limit of _______ hours between overhauls
150 hours
APU max allowable EGT during steady state operation?
680 C ( 680 - 732 permitted for up to 5 mins)
Maximum Tire Speed
165 KIAS
Maximum Operating Altitude, EEC ON
-engine bleed open/closed
Bleed Open 32,000
Bleed Closed 25,000
Maximum Operating Altitude, EEC OFF
-engine bleed open, closed
Bleed Open 25,000
Bleed Closed 20,000
With Engine Bleeds CLOSED and the only source of bleed air is the APU the maximum operating altitude is? (2)
Dual packs FL200
Single pack 10,000
Maximum demonstrated imbalance between L and R wings fuel tanks is? (lbs)
Maximum takeoff and landing pressure altitude?
10,000 Press Alt, above 8000 PA EEC must be OFF
Runway Slope limit?
+/- 2% runway length
Cabin Pressurization Absolute Max Differential and Max Normal Differential?
Absolute Max 7.2 psid
Normal Max 7.0 psid
Main Gen Max Load
Below FL270 400 amps .
Above FL270 OR 380 amps
hotter than ISA + 27 on GRD
Maximum Load per Auxiliary Generator?
Below FL180 150 amps
Above FL180 140 amps
APU Generator max loads?
Below FL160 400 amps
Above FL160 290 amps
If the main ejector boost pump is inoperative you add ____ to the unusable fuel in the corresponding wing?
79.6 lbs /
46 ltr
Maximum Battery Temp?
70 C
Oxygen System duration with 30 passengers
00:50 min
Initial Px 1850 psi
Maneuvering Load Limits?
- 1.0 to +2.8 Flaps Retracted
0. 0 to +2.0 Flaps Extended
160 KIAS
Minimum NH for operation of pneumatic deice system?
80% NH
Flight in Icing Conditions
165 KIAS, All engines
160 for alarm
Do we need all wing inspection lights operative to fly into icing conditions at night?
Do one or both stall warning systems need to be operative prior to flight into icing conditions?
APU Max starting EGT?
Garret Model
974 C
(732-974 C for 10 seconds max)
VFE 15
VFE 25
150 KIAS
VFE 45
135 KIAS
200 KIAS
Maximum Tailwind
10 kts
Max Reverse is NOT approved for?
Wet runway with areas of Standing water, due possible water ingestion
Maximum Usable Fuel Quantity in EACH wing?
2866 lbs / 1628 ltr
Unusable Fuel Quantity EACH wing?
24 lbs / 14 ltr
Start T6
950 C
816-850 C (20 Secs)
850-950 C (5 Secs)
Max Takeoff T6
Up to 816 C for 5 Mins
Max Continuous T6
800 C
Transient T6
850 C (Up to 850 C for 20 Secs)
Max Continuous / Takeoff Torque
100% / up to 110% for 5 Mins
Max Climb/Cruise Torque
Transient Torque
120% ( 20 Secs )
Takeoff Np
100.0 - 101.0 %
Max Climb/Cruise Np
100.0 - 101.0 %
Max Reverse Np
Transient Np
110.0% ( 20 Secs)
Ground Nh
62.0% MIN
Takeoff/Continuous Nh/NL
Max Climb/Cruise Nh/NL
Start Oil Temp
-40 C MIN
Max Climb/Cruise Oil Temp
115 C
Min Medical Oxygen Pressure
1500 psi for Op’s above FL250
Transient Oil Temp
115 C - 125 C (15 Mins MAX)
Start Oil PX
70 psi MAX
Ground Idle Oil PX time limitations
40 Min
OPS Between 40 - 55 Only if Nh is below 75%
Takeoff/Max Continuous Oil PX
65 psi
Transient Oil PX
40 psi - 70 psi
MAX Operating Temp (OAT)
ISA +35 C Aircon working
ISA +20 C Aircon NOT working
(ALT Alert OFF / Radio mast ON)
ISA +15 C Aircon NOT working
(ALT Alert ON)
*May use ISA +20 for up to 30 mins Radio Mast ON
(except Start)
Aircon maybe turned OFF for up to 2 mins without limitation for T/Off and LDGing
APU Air start speeds
Not Less than 135 Kts
Max 240 Kts @ 5000
decreasing to
Max 210 Kts @ FL200
APU Air-start Altitudes
Min ALT 1000’
Max ALT FL200
Starter Duty Cycle limits
1st Cycle 30 sec ON 3 min OFF
2nd Cycle 30 sec ON 3 min OFF
3rd Cycle 30 sec ON 30 min OFF
MIN Operating Temp (OAT)
-54 C
Flight Crew
2 Crew, Pilot and Co pilot
Kinds of Operations
VFR / IFR / Icing Conditions / Category II
Landing above “Quick turn around WGT”
Delay T/Off for at least 26 mins
Flight in Icing Conditions
Speed- flaps 15 and gear up?
140 KIAS, All engines
Maximum Allowable Cruise Power (1305 SHP)
100%Np - 72% Tq
90% Np - 80% Tq
85% Np - 84% Tq
Minimum Oxygen PSI for dispatch
Main 4 Crew / 30 PAX 1470 psi
3 Crew / 30 PAX 1300 psi
Attendant Portable 1200 psi
Maximum Negative cabin Pressure
- 0.3 psid
Air cond / Press Cabin Pressure
Sea Level - 16,800 Sea Level
16,800 - 32,000 - Cabin Alt up to 8000’
Engine bleeds ______ on Take Off
Engine bleeds LOW, maybe closed if APU on / wet or gravel RWY
Max Operating ALT with one pack
Min ALT for Autopilot / Yaw dampener Engagement
after T/Off
500’ AGL
Min airspeed for Autopilot / Yaw dampener
2 engines
110 KIAS
Min airspeed for Autopilot / Yaw dampener
OEI - single engine
120 KIAS
Min ALT for Autopilot / Yaw dampener
Coupled ILS approach
200’ AGL
Min ALT for Autopilot / Yaw dampener
Non precision approach
50’ Below MDA
Min ALT for Autopilot / Yaw dampener
All other approaches
500’ AGL
Use of Flaps in known icing conditions
Restricted to T/Off, App & Landing. Must not be retracted unless upper wing clear of ice or required for Go Around
Use of Leading edge deicers during Take Off into known icing conditions
Use of the leading edge deicers delayed until reaching Vfs (final segment speed)
Atmospheric icing conditions exist when
OAT or TAT less than 10 C and visible moisture present
Max Baggage Weight
Overall 550 Kg
Section 1 - 550 Kg
Section 2 - 258 Kg
*Together can’t exceed 550 Kg
Loss Of LEFT Hydraulic System
GREEN GROOMS LEFT Gear doors Rudder 1 Outboard Flaps Outboard Brakes Main Door Steering (nosewheel)
Loss Of RIGHT Hydraulic System
BLUE FIRE RIGHT F Inboard Flaps I Inboard Brakes Rudder 2 Emergency braking
EMERGENCY MODE, requirements
Atleast one Main Generator switched on
Power source selected to BATTERY
F - Fuel A - Autopilot C - COMMS 2 E - Engine Instruments (except T6 & Tq) F - Flaps L - Landing Light A - Anti-Skid P - Pressurization
Manoeuvring Speed
Min 160
Target 180
Manoeuvring Speed
Flap 15
Min 140
Target 150
Manoeuvring Speed
Flap 25
Min 130
Target 135-140
Manoeuvring Speed
Flap 45