Special Alternate Criteria
Aircraft has dual ILS/VOR approach capability; ie, with duplicated LOC, G/P, marker and VOR receivers.
NB: requirement for duplicated marker receivers may be satisfied by one marker receiver and DME.
Also two ADF systems, when an NDB is used for the ILS
*Not available when local METAR/ SPECI or forecasting services are not available, or an aerodrome control service is not provided
Approach Mins Lighting
Depending on the lighting on your approach you can reduce the Vis (however you need a coupled FD/AP with failure warning)
HIAL plus HIRL 0.8
HIAL only 1.2
HIRL only 1.8
Airspace Separation
Class A: clearance required, separation provided for all aircraft, no VFR allowed
Class C: IFR-IFR-VFR separation provided, clearance required
Class D: IFR- IFR-Spec VFR separation provided, VFR traffic only , clearance required
Class E: IFR separation provided, and IFR required to obtain a clearance, VFR – no clearance required
Class G: No clearance required & no separation provided (traffic information provided)
Squark code if given no IFR code
CTA - 3000
CTAF – 2000 (ENR1.6-8)
Visual Approach DAY
ATC authorization for an IFR flight: By day: Within 30nm; and Pilot has established and maintain continuous visual reference to the ground or water; and 5 Km vis
Not less than 500’ above the lower limit of the CTA
Not below the lowest altitude permissible for VFR flight
CAR 157 1000’ populated area / 500’ non populated
Tracking requirements - Visual Approach
A PIC must maintain track/HDG on the route progressively authorized by ATC until:
By day – within 5nm of the aerodrome
By night – within the prescribed circling area and the aerodrome in sight
Visual Approach NIGHT
Within 30nm; and
Pilot has established and maintain continuous visual reference to the ground or water; and
5 Km vis
If being vectored, the flight has been assigned the MVA and given HDG instructions to intercept final or to position the aircraft within the circling are of the
Not less than the route segment LSALT/MSA or appropriate step of the DGA, or 500’ above the lower limit of CTA, if this is higher; or
If being vectored, operate not below the last assigned altitude
Until the aircraft is
within the circling area and the aerodrome is in sight
within 5nm (7nm for a runway equipped with an ILS) of the aerodrome, aligned with the runway centreline and established not below ‘on slope’ on the T-VASIS or PAPI; or
within 10nm (14nm for runways 16L & 34L at Sydney) of the aerodrome, established not below the ILS glide path with less than full scale azimuth deflection
Missed Approach Requirements
1/ Out of tolerance Final Approach segment
2/ NAV AID failure below MSA
3/ Loss of RAIM or RAIM warning after IAF
4/ Not visual @ or before the MAPt/DA
5/ Straight In landing cannot be effected and Wx conditions less than those specified for circling
6/ Visual reference is lost while circling to land
Missed Approach Procedure
Must track to MAPT
Can climb before
Off a circling Approach turn towards the RWY, climb
Visual Circle To Land
Company Mins 500’ AGL
Must maintain visual contact with the RWY environment ( Threshold or approach lighting aids or other markings identifiable with the runway) WHILST at the MDA for circling.
Descent below the circling MDA
remain within the circling area (Cat C – 4.2 nm)
Maintain published visibility for the procedure
Maintains visual contact with the landing environment
within the circling area, can complete a continuous descent to the landing threshold using rates of descent and flight maneouvres which are normal for the aircraft type maintaining obstacle clearance
DAY ONLY Obstacle clearance (400’ Cat C)
Maintains visual contact with obstacles along the intended flight path and an obstacle clearance not less than the minimum for the aircraft category until the aircraft is aligned on the landing runway (OCA)
Holding Pattern Limits
Right Hand Patterns, BLW FL140, 1 Min , 230 KIAS Btw FL140 - FL200, 1.5 Min, 240 KIAS ABV FL200, 1.5 Min, 265 * 170 for CAT A & B only approach
Flight Time Limits
Double Check
Rostered 8 Hrs, extend 9 Hrs, extra Hr rest for every 15 min or part there of
Duty Time Limits
0600-1259 - 1 or 2 sectors - 14Hrs,
more sectors less hrs, 3 sect 13 Hrs then mostly 12 Hrs
Earlier/later start 13 Hrs, 0500 then aft 1500 12 Hrs
Rest Periods
9 Hrs embracing Local 10 pm - 6 am, otherwise 10 Hrs
If Duty exceeds 12, FLT exceeds 9, 24 Hrs rest
IPC Recency
12 months (15 if completed within 3 mths of EXP date) Must include 3D / 2D, Missed Approach and circle to land
Approach Recency
Conducted at least 3 instrument approaches - 90 days in an aircraft or an approved flight simulation training device.
Category under the IFR must have Conducted at least one instrument approach within the previous 90 the same category or an approved flight simulation training device.
2D instrument approach - 2D instrument approach within the previous 90 days
3D instrument approach - 3D instrument approach within the previous 90 days The holder is authorised
CDI (Course Deviation Indicator) - 90 days
Azimuth approach - 90 days