Limitations Flashcards
Max taxi weight
300 ER
300 ER winglets
300 F
300 BCF
300— 290 700
300ER 401 000
300ER W 401 000
300 F 413 000
300BCF. 409 000
Max take off weight
300 ER
300 ER winglets
300 F
300 BCF
- 288,700
300 ER. 400 000
300 ER W. 400 000
300 F. 412 000
300 BCF. 407 000
Max Landing weight
- 280 000
300 ER. 320 000
300 ER winglets. 320 000
300 F. 326 000
300 BCF. 326 000
Max zero fuel weight
- 278 000
300 ER. 288 000
300 ER winglets. 291 300/ 288 000
300 F. 309 000/ 312 300
300 BCF. 309 000
300 288,700
-300ER 288,000 291,300(Winglets)
-300BCF 309,000
300 179,000
300ER 179,000
- 300F 177,300
- 300BCF 180,400
Wing Span
47.57 m (156’1”)
54.94 m (180’3”)
Wing Tip Radius
37.6 m (123’)
Min width for 180 Turn
46.3 m (152’)
225 mph GS capable
Max Rwy Slope
Max T/W > 2001m
< 2000m
15 kts
10 kts
Max op alt
Max t/o,ldg alt
Max flap alt
Man Limits Flaps up
F25 to 30
+2.5g to -1.0g Flaps up, +2.0g to 0.0g Flaps down
+2.0g at MLW to +1.5g at MTOW
360 kts / M0.86 (340 kts/M0.86 with Winglets)
Max pax
290 (emergency evacuation limited)
Min Oxygen Pressure (21)
850psi (1,250psi for ops to Urumqi) Freighter see NP3-3-(2)
Max fuel in mains
42,671 lb
Max fuel in centre (ER, F only)
84,490 lb
Centre fuel condition
ER, F only
22,050 lb in centre ok with less than full mains as long as ctr fuel + ZFW is less than MZFW and in balance. If jettison activated minimum main fuel is 10,300 lb
Fuel Pump Limitations: Main
Before defuel test PRESS lamp. During defuel monitor and turn off pump as soon as PRESS annunciated.
Dry running of a Centre Tank Fuel Pump is prohibited.
Min fuel in center
2,300 kg
Max fuel imbalance:
Linear reduction with weight from: Mains > 48,000lb 2,500 lb Mains ≤ 79,800 1,500 lb
Allowed Fuels (frz tmp)
Jet A (-40), Jet A-1 (-47) JP 5 (-46), JP 8 (-47)
Prohibited Fuels
Jet B, JP 4
Max Fuel Temp
Min Fuel Temp
3 above fuel freeze temperature
Max Engine N1
Max N2
Max EGT Takeoff
960 (5 mins)
Max EGT Cont.
Max EGT Starting
750 (870 for 40 sec)
Start Limits
Min motor 15% N2
Start Limits
Abort start for any of these.
EGT quickly nears or exceeds start limit.
No EGT rise within 25 sec. of fuel control switch RUN.
Oil pressure indication not normal at stable idle.
No N1 rotation within 30 sec N2 at stable idle.
Oil System
Min pressure
Max temp
10 psi
160 (175 for 15 minutes)
Max alt for start
No limit, but it may not start above 35,000’
No limit, but it may not start above 35,000’
No bleed air above 17,000
Starter Limits
3 attempts in 60 min
Ice Protection.
Do not use if SAT or TAT>10 or SAT<40
Use on during ground and inflight where icing exists or is anticipated, or if < 10 and in visible moisture (clouds, fog vis < 1mile, rain, etc…), or if operating on areas of ice, slush, snow etc…
Crosswind Limits
Crosswind Limits
Wet - grooved
- ungrooved
- flooded
Wind Limits
Autoland - Headwind
- Crosswind
- Tailwind
10 or 15 as per company limits
Crosswind Limits Ice or Snow: - Good - Medium to Good - Medium - Medium to Poor - Poor
20 20 (15)* 20 (15)* 15 (10)* 10 * Runways less than 2,500m
Crosswind Limits
Slush: 2 mm or less depth
3-12 mm depth
Max tailwind
- <2000 m
- 2001m or greater
Runway Condition Limitations
Water or Slush
13 mm (0.51”) deep or more
Runway Condition Limitations
Wet Snow
51 mm (2.01”) deep or more
Runway Condition Limitations
Dry Snow
71 mm (2.80”) deep or more – TAKEOFF
153 mm (6.01”) deep or more - LANDING
VFE: 1 5 15 20 25 30
245 kts 225 kts 205 kts 205 kts 175 kts 165 kts
VFE: 300ER and Freighter 1 5 15 20 25 30
250 kts 230 kts 210 kts 210 kts 180 kts 170 kts
VLO: Retraction
270 kts
270 kts / M0.82
270 kts / M0.82
Alternate System VLE:
250 kts / M0.75
Turbulence Penetration
290 kts / M0.78
Best Angle Climb
VREF30+80 or M0.77
Econ Clb without FMC
250 kts, then 290 kts / M0.78 above 10,000’
Max Δp
9.1 psi
Max norm Δp
8.6 ± 0.05 psi
Max climb Δp
8.6 ± 0.1 psi
Max t/o, ldg Δp
0.125 psi (236’below airport)
Do not engage below 200’ AGL
1) . NPA-disengage if suitable visual reference is established SP4-2-4-(11)
2) . Circling-disengage when intercepting landing profile SP4-2-4-(12)
3) . GA - don’t re-engage until 500’ HAT
4) . Autocouple disc by 50’ HAT unless to autoland approved runway
Do not use for takeoff and landing manoeuvre below 200’ AGL
Max Quick Turnaround
Wait 75 mins, check plugs before next T/O (AOM3 8-6). No limitation even in strictest conditions for C2B2 engines
Altimeter Maximum Difference:
Pre-Flight Capt – FO
Pre-Flight Capt/FO – Airport
In-Flight RVSM Capt - FO
EGT rise time for inflight start.
Check A/C
MTaxi Weight 297400 290700 (w)
MTOW 295400 288700
MLW 295400 288700
MZFW 288000 288000
Categories of limitations
Manufacturers recommendations
Ice Crystal conditions
Visible moisture
-Amber or red wx radar returns below the airplane
-Appearance of liquid water on the windshield at temperatures too cold for rain
-A/T is unable to maintain the selected airspeed
-TAT indication on EICAS stays near 0 degrees C
(TAT indication might show error)
Autoland wind limitations
Headwind 25kts
Tailwind 15
Crosswind 25kts
ACARS messages
Takeoff Data Pre-Departure clearance ATIS FLEX info W&B Oceanic clearance
Flight management and Navigation
2 IRS and 2 FMC for sole means of Navigation for flights up to 18 hours duration
IRS ground alignment
78.2 N to 78.2 S
IRS in NAV mode will provide valid Magnetic heading and track
73 N - 60 S
FMC will provide navigation, guidance and map display
87 N - 87 S
- Do not use terrain display for navigation
- Do not use look-ahead terrain alerting and terrain display
1. within 15nm of takeoff, approach and landing at an airport not contained in the EGPWS airport database
2. FMS in IRS NAV only
3. Unless the FMS position has been updated within 5 min prior to Takeoff or verified with actual runway position, ( 10nm, AC symbol on runway
4. During QFE operations
Braking action VERY POOR
not allowed
CF 0.19
R.C.R 6 and below
Runway condition Restrictions
water or slush 13mm
wet snow 51mm
dry snow 71mm Takeoff
dry snow 153mm Landing
Certification Status, Airworthiness category
Airplane, Transport Category
Kind of Airplane operation
Icing conditions
Extended over water
Fuel freezing points
Jet A -40
JetA1 -47
JP5 -46
JP8 -47
Secondary airframe and engine parts missing (exterior)
Floor Photo luminescent Emergency escape path markings charging time
15 mins – gives 6.5 hours
30 mins – gives 11 hours