Limitations Flashcards
What approach category is the CRJ900
Max ramp weight
85000 lbs.
Max T/O weight
84500 lbs
Max landing weight
75100 lbs.
Max zero fuel weight
70750 lbs.
Minimum flight weight
45000 lbs.
Cargo loading
- Aft 3650 lbs.
2. Forward 1700 lbs.
Max operating speed
.82 Mach in RVSM
Max flap speed 1* 8* 20* 30* 45*
1* = 230 kts 8* = 230 kts 20* = 220 kts 30* = 185 kts 45* = 170 kts
Max Vle
220 kts
Max landing gear retraction speed
200 kts
Max cruise with landing gear down
220 kts
Max turbulent air penetration
280 kts or .75 Mach, whichever is lower
Max wiper ops speed
250 kts
Max cruise with wiper failed in non parked position
250 kts
Max tire limit speed
195 kts ha
Max airspeed for ADG ops
Max tailwind for T/O and landing
10 kts
Max X-Wind for T/O on DRY Rwy
Max X-Wind landing on a DRY Rwy
Max X-Wind for T/O and landing on a WET Rwy
Max X-Wind for T/O and landing on a FAIR Rwy
Max X-Wind for T/O and landing on a POOR Rwy
Max X-Wind for T/O and landing for high min crew
Max pressure altitude for T/O and landing
Max operating altitude
Max ambient temp for T/O and landing
Minimum ambient temp for T/O
How close to a suitable airport must you be if you are transporting cargo?
60 min.
When must taxi lights be off?
When stationary for 10 minutes or more
What must be checked before taking off after an RTO or landing.
Brake cooling requirements 4.140
Max pressure relief differential
8.7 psi
Max negative pressure differential
-0.5 psi
Max differential pressure during taxi, T/O, and landing.
0.1 psi
Max altitude for single pack operations.
When must aircraft be totally depressurized
Prior to opening any door
EMERG DEPRESS switch is limited to what altitude?
Below 15000’
Max GS angle
Autopilot altitude restrictions
Not below 600’ unless:
Non-precision 400’
Precision 80’
RVSM requirements
Autopilot and XPDR must be coupled to FP side
What are the permissible loads on the AC system
40 KvA on both the main and APU generators
Permissible loads on DC system
- In flight 120 amps on each TRU
2. 5 minutes max for battery power only to protect the CRT displays
Can you reset a CB in flight
Not unless directed by the POM or in an emergency
When is the FMS use allowed
Non-precision approaches
What is only advisory on the FMS
- Fuel management
- Airspeed/ Altitude capabilities
- Range
Can you deviate from ATC clearance for an RA
When must cowl anti-ice be on when on the ground
- OAT is 10*C or below in visible moisture or less than 1 mile visibility
- On ramps with OAT below 10*C where surface moisture is visible.
What is turned on first: cowl anti-ice or continuous ignition
Cowl anti-ice
When do icing conditions exist in flight and what is the exception?
TAT is at or below 10*C in visible moisture.
Unless SAT is -40*C
In flight when must cowl anti-ice be on?
- In icing conditions
2. When the “ice” light is on
When must wing anti-ice be on
- For T/O when OAT is at or below 5*C including when vis. Is a mile or less
- Contaminated runway with temps at or below 5*C
- Type 2-4 fluids used
- Ice light on
- In icing conditions less than 230 kts
Flap restrictions in flight
- Don’t hold in icing
- Prohibited above 15000’
- Enroute use prohibited
When is anti-ice use prohibited?
When the APU is used as a bleed source in manual mode.
Super cooled large droplets?
- Don’t fly in to
- Leave if you do
- Cowl and wing anti-ice on
Can you T/O with ice on critical surfaces.
Max allowable fuel imbalance
- 300 lbs for T/O
2. 800 enroute
Center fuel tank load limits
No more than 500 lbs in center tank unless there is 4400 lbs in each wing
Minimum fuel for go around
600 lbs in each tank and a max of 10* pitch attitude
Engine fuel temp limitations for
Not permitted below 5*C
What type of fuel cross flows are prohibited for T/O
Powered and gravity
Minimum ambient temperature for starting a cold soaked engine
Cockpit Door
- Challenge and response when closed required
- Closed and locked in flight.
- If a crew member leaves the cockpit another must take their place.
APU motor duty cycle
- 2 minutes between starts
2. No more than three attempts in an hour
APU bleed air extraction in flight and on ground
- Not above 25000 feet
2. No restrictions on ground for starting
Max APU loading
40 KvA
How long must the engine remain at idle after start
Oil pressure in normal range
N1 restrictions after engine start
- Not above 75* for 2 minutes or
2. All parameters are in normal range
High power schedule restrictions
Not permitted during normal ops
When is an airplane cold soaked
When it has been sitting in -30 C for 8 hours
Procedures for cold soaked aircraft
- Motor engine for 60 sec to insure rotation
2. Cycle thrust reverser a until they cycle in 5 sec
When must continuous ignition be used
- Contaminated runways
- Moderate to severe turbulence
- Moderate to severe rain
- In the vicinity of thunderstorms
When can you not use flex thrust
- Contaminated runways
- Anti ice being used
- Wind shear
- Anti skid inop
N2 starter limits
Don’t attempt start with the N2 above 45%
Start cycle on the ground
- 1-2 start. 90 sec. 10 sec rest
2. 3-5 start. 90 sec. 5 min rest
Start or motoring in flight
- 1 start. 120 sec. 10 sec rest
2. 2-5 start. 60 sec. 5 min rest
Motoring on ground cycle
- 1 start. 90 sec. 5 min rest
2. 2-5 start. 30 sec. 5 min rest
When can the thrust levers be moved from shutoff to idle
ITT is 120* or below on ground
Or ITT is 90* or below in the air
Reverse taxi?
Stall protection system limits
On for all phases of flight
Flight spoiler limits
- Not below 1000’
- Not with flaps greater than 30*
- Not at speeds below Vref 45 + 15
Reverse thrust limitations
- Maximum reverse not permitted below 75
2. Must be at idle by 60
What items are on the emergency action card
- Engine shutdown in flight
- Double engine failure
- Engine fire or severe damage in flight
- Eng fire or severe damage on the ground
- Pax evacuation
- APU fire
- HYD 1 HI temp
- HYD 2 HI temp
- MLG bay overheat
- Brake overheat
- CABIN ALT or EMERG decent
- Ditching or forced landing