Electrical Flashcards
Max rating on the TRUs
120 amps
What is the relationship between the ADG and hydraulic 3B pump
It has a direct linkage from the pump to the ADG bus
Where are the circuit breakers located
Behind the pilot and copilot
Panel 3 in the aft equipment bay
Where do you connect the EXT AC PWR
Right side nose
What’s the bus priority for AC Bus 1/2
Onside IDG
Inside (APU gen)
X-Side IDG
What indications would you receive following a DC TIE closure
DC Criss Tie CLSD status or
DC ESS TIE CLSD status or
How can you restore normal electrical system logic after the ADG has deployed, once you restore generator power
What AC buses power which hydraulic ACMPs
1B and 3A = AC bus 2
3B and 2B = AC bus 1
What is the effect of turning off the battery master switch in flight
Some caution messages but ultimately nothing unless AC buses fail completely
What is the output voltage of the APU battery and how many amp hours
PSM 07-30-1
24 Vdc and 43 amp-hours
The main battery provides power to which bus
PSM 07-30-1
Main battery direct bus
Is the DC service bus powered by a hot bus
PSM 07-30-1
What is the CSD
Constant Speed Drive
It regulates constant generator RPM with variable power settings
What does the utility bus power
Right side cabin reading lights
If both ESS TRUs fail then which ties close or open
Cross tie closes to power ESS and battery bus
Main tie closes to take over power of bus 2
Utility bus opens
What happens if TRU 1 and 2 fail
Transfer line between ESS TRU 2 and 1 which is only displayed on EICAS with failures
How many amp hours for the main and APU batteries
17 main
43 APU
How do you confirm that the ADG has deployed
ECS electrical page EMER POWER ONLY warning
What DC ties are automatic
What does The ADG power
AC essential bus
ADG bus
What does AC ESS XFER mean
Powered by bus 2 when it is usually powered by bus 1
Are any of the DC cross ties manually actuated
What will happen if you stow the manual ADG handle
Nothing. Only the power transfer override switch will restore normal power