Limbs 2 Flashcards
What two bones form the forearm
Radius and ulna
Connected by interosseous membrane which connects the bones to stabilize them. Allows vessels to pierce from anterior to posterior aspect of forearm
Elbow joint
Synovial hinge joint allows flexion and extension of forearm
Formed between three joints which are humeroradial humeroulnar and proximal radiulnar joint
The first two form the hinge joint
Full flexion of elbow
About 150 degrees
The coronoid fossa accommodates the coronoid process of ulna
Radial fossa accommodates for radial head
Ligaments of elbow
Radial collateral ligament which attaches to lateral epicondyle of humerus and anular ligament laterally
Ulnar collateral ligament which attaches to medial epicondyle of humerus and proximal head of ulnar. It has three fibres anterior posterior and inferior
They stabilize during hinge movement
Proximal radioulnar joint
Is a pivot joint
Formed between radial head radial notch of ulnar and annular ligament laterally
Allows for supination and pronation
Annular ligament
Forms a loop that holds the radial head against the ulna
Stabilizes radioulnar joint
What muscles make up the anterior arm
Biceps brachii
Proximal attachment and distal attachment of biceps brachii
Long head
Origin from supraglenoid tubercle insterion into radial tuberoscity
Shirt head
Origin from coracoid process inserts into radial tuberosity
Action of biceps brachii
Flexes the arm and forearm
Innervation of biceps brachii
Musculocutneous nerve
Brachialis proximal and distal attachment
From mid shaft of humerus to ulna tuberosity
Action of brachialis
Flexes forearm
Innervation of brachialis
Musculocutaneous nerve
Coracobrachialis proximal and distal attachment
From coracoid process to mid shaft of humerus
Action of Coracobrachialis and Innervation
Flexes forearm
Musculocutaneous nerve
Triceps brachi origin insection action Innervation
Long head
Origin from infraglenoid tubercle of scapula insertion into olecranon process of ulna
Medial head
Origim from inferior to radial groove insertion into olecranon process of ulna
Lateral head
Origin from humerus superior to radial groove inserts into olecranon process of ulna
All extend the forearm and are Innervated by radial nerve
Only muscle in posterior forearm that flexes instead of extends
Thick fascia bound close to a joint holding tendons down during muscle contraction to prevent bow stringing
What muscles make up the anterior forearm
Pronator Teres
Flexor digitorium superficialis
Flexor digitorium profundus
Proximal attachment of muscles of forearm
Medial epicondyle
(Common flexor)
Pronator teres distal attachment
Midshaft of radius
Pronator teres action and Innervation
Pronates forearm and flexes it
Innervated by median nerve
Flexor digitorium superficialis digital attachment
Middle phalanges of digits 2-5
Action of flexor digitorium superficialis
Flexes hand and flexes middle phalanges at proximal interphalangeal joints of digits 2x5
Flexes proximal phalanges at metacarphophalngeal joint
Innervation of flexor digitorium superficialis
Median nerve
Flexor digitorium profundus distal attachment
Distal phalanges of 2-5
Action of flexor digitorium profundus
Flexes digital phalanges at distal interphalangeal joints of digits at digits 2-5
Assists in hand flexion
Innervation of flexor digitorium profundus
Lateral part median nerve
Medial part ulnar nerve
Brachioradialis attachments
Origin from Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
To Lateral surface of distal end of radius
Action of brachioradialis
Flexes forearm
Innervation of brachioradialis
Radial nerve
Supinator origin and Insertion
Lateral epicondyle of humerus and posterior surface of ulna
Posterior, lateral and anterior surface of proximal radius
Action and Innervation of supinator
Supinates forearm
Innervated by radial nerve (deep branch)
Abductor policis longus attachments
Posterior surface of radius and ulna and interosseous membrane inserts into Base of 1st metacarpal
Action of abductor policis longus and Innervation
Abducts thumb and extends it at carpometacarpal joint
Radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch)
Extensor policis brevis attachment
Posterior surface of radius and interosseous membrane and inserts into Proximal phalanx of thumb
Extensor pollicis brevis action and Innervation
Extends proximal phalanx of the thumb at carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joints
Blood supply via
Radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch)
Extensor pollicis longus attachments
Posterior surface of ulna and interosseous membrane until Distal phalanx of thumb
Action of extensor policis longus and Innervation
Extends distal phalanx of thumb at metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints
Radial nerve (posterior interosseous branch)
Musculocutaneous nerve c5-c7
Terminal branch of lateral chord
Pierces Coracobrachialis to reach biceps and brachialis
Muscular Innervation to anterior arm muscles
Cutaneous innervation to lateral forearm
Axillary nerve c5-c6
From the posterior cord
Motor Innervation to deltoid and teres minor
Sensory Innervation to upper lateral aspect of arm
Radial nerve c5xT1
Branch of posterior cord
Passes through the triangular space and descends within the radial groove
Gives muscular branches to head of triceps and aconeus
Innervates all posterior arm and forearm muscles
Cutaneous branch in arm and forearm
What does radial nerve divide into
In elbow it divides to give
Deep branch-motor supply to posterior muscles of the forearm
Distal to the supinator the deep branch is known as the posterior interosseus nerve
Superficialis branch-cutaneous to the dorsolateral hand
Radial nerve injury
Radial nerve travels down the radial groove of the posterior humerus
Susceptible to injury from a fracture of the humeral shaft thus causing weakness or paralysis of the extensors of the wrist because of loss of Innervation this wrist droop
Ulnar nerve
Terminal branch of medial cord
Passes behind the medial epicondyle of the humerus and it’s easily damaged here
Muscular branches to medial half of flexor digitorium profundus and flexor carpi u,naris
Median nerve
From lateral and medial cords
Innervates most of the anterior forearm
Commonly damaged at the distal arm
In cubital fossa the median nerve lies medial to the brachial artery
It descedunds into forearm anterior to FDP
In the forearm it gives off the anterior interssoeas nerve
Arterial supply to muscles of arm
The arm is supplied by the brachial artery which is a continuation of the Axillary artery
The brachial artery gives rise to the deep brachial artery which supplies triceps
What does the brachial artery bifurcate into
Radial and ulnar artery in the cubital fossa
Ulnar artery gives rise to the common interosseus artery
What does the common interosseus artery bifurcate into
Anterior and posterior interosseus arteries
Venous drainage superficial
Cephalic veins ascends the anterolateral, aspect of forearm and drains into Axillary vein
Basilic vein ascends into forearm and receives the median cubital vein at the cubital fossa
Deep veins of forearm and arm
The radial and ulnar veins unite in the cubital fossa to form the brachial veins
The basilic vein continues and unites with the brachial vein in the arm to form the Axillary vein
Cubital fossa boundaries
Superior-horizontal line between epicondyle of humerus
Medial-Pronator teres
Floor-brachialis and supinator
Roof-bicipital aponeurosis fascia
Contents of cubital fossa
Bicipital tendon
Median nerve
Brachial artery (bifurcates into radial and ulnar artery)
Superficialis veins
Clinical revel ace is venepuncture intravenous access