Lilly, et al 2023 Flashcards
What were the speeds of Atlantic salmon smolts migrating in the Irish sea?
Ranging from 14.03 to 38.56 km per day
What was a strong indicator for migration success?
Strongly correlated with the distance they had to travel
What is the citation for this paper?
Lilly, et al 2023
What is the name of this paper?
Migration patterns and navigation cues of Atlantic salmon post-smolts migrating from 12 rivers through coastal zones around the Irish sea
What journal published this paper?
Journal of Fish Biology
What did the results of this study strongly indicate about post-smolts migrating though the coastal marine environment?
-Not simply migrating by current following
-They engage in active directional swimming
-Have an intrinsic sense of their migration direction
-Can use cues other than water current direction to orientate during this part of there migration
What makes migration beneficial?
-Fitness benefits
-Chance of acquiring resources out weigh cost of migration
What are some costs associated with migration?
-Exposure to natural and anthropogenic stressors
-Navigation error leading to mortality
How much is known about marine navigational cues?
Very little is known
Describe salmon migration
Atlantic salmon is an anadromous salmonid that spawns in fresh water and migrates to the sea for access to better feeding opportunities’
What are the assumed benefits for Atlantic salmon migration?
-Higher fecundity for females
-Greater mating success in males
-Larger body size
-Faster growth at sea compared to freshwater
How long do salmon spend in their natal streams?
-Spend 1 - 7 years
Describe the downstream migration of Atlantic salmon
-Tends to be nocturnal
-During periods of high river discharge
Why is it believed that nocturnal migration is advantageous?
-Decreases visual risk from predators
When do smolts form UK and Irish rivers enter the estuarine environment?
Late April and May
What is a post-smolt?
After entry to sea, until December 31st of the same year
Why is an understanding of migratory pathways important?
-For correct management of anthropogenic coastal activity
How many wild and ranched salmon were captured for this study?
1008 wild
60 ranched
How many acoustic tags were deployed?
What did the study find out about success rate of migration between different rivers?
The minimum migration success differed between rivers
Why might this study not be completely representative?
Tagging is restricted by fish size, smaller fish cannot be tagged so no representative data for them
What was the main finding of this study?
Minimum rate of success was lower for smolt that had to travel further
-6% for Nith smolts (278 km)
62% for River Bann smolts (46 km)
-Through Irish sea to the North Atlantic
Why do smolts switch from nocturnal migration to day and night migration in the sea?
-Post smolts are visual predators
-Must feed in early stages of marine migration to reach destination