Lennox, et al 2022 Flashcards
What is the name of this paper?
Effects of tag type and surgery on migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts
What is the citation for this paper?
Lennox, et al 2022
What % of tagged salmon were recaptured?
What was the main finding of this study?
-Timing of outmigration for salmon smolts based on acoustic tagging should be made cautiously berceuse of the relationship among tag size, suitable fish size and timing of a tagged individual’s migration
What types of tags work best for anadromous species?
-Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags
-Acoustic transmitters
Describe acoustic transmitters
-Battery powered
-Larger than PIT tags,
-Have limited battery life
-Inserted in fish through surgery by ventral incision
What journal published this paper?
Journal of Fish Biology
Why is knowing the timing of the outmigration important?
-For management in various contexts
-Regulate operations for hydropower
Where is the Dale river located?
-Vaksdal municpal
Describe the Dale river.
4.7 km
Regulated river, impacted by hydropower since 1927
Wolf traps installed in the river for smolts
How many smolts were tagged in this study?
How many smolts were recaptured?
What was the effect of length on smolt?
-Significant on smolt migration odds
-Odd of migration increased by 1.04 per millimeter of total length
How did each millimeter of total length effect migration?
Each millimeter reduced the days to migrate by 0.47 days
How much were smolts expected to grow each day after tagging?
0.34 mm
Describe migration timing.
-Is size dependent in Atlantic salmon smolts
-Smaller smolts grew during the season and migrated later
Why might tagging smaller fish be important?
Tagging smaller fish that migrate later is crucial for studies to effectively capture the full extent of smolt migration windows