Kennedy et al 2022 Flashcards
What is the name of this study?
Programmed acoustic tags reveal novel information on late-phase marine life in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
What is the citation for this study?
Kennedy, et al 2022
What journal published this study?
Journal of Fish Biology
What was the main finding of this study?
The mortality rate of returning salmon was around 40% - 60%
-Late stage mortality marine mortality may be significant
Is acoustic tags good for research?
-They are accessible
-High applicable research tool
-Allows for detailed study of mobile aquatic organism
What did this study focus on?
To provide information encompassing both the initial outward smolt journey and the subsequent return of adult salmon after 1 winter at sea
How did this study extend the battery life of the acoustic tags?
-Programming the tags to transmit inline with the phenology of the target species
-Turn on and then off and then on again
Where and what salmon were tagged in this experimetn?
-River Bush salmon
-100 salmon were tagged
How many salmon were detected off the coast one year later?
How many salmon were detected entering their spawning river one year later?
What animals prey on returning salmon?