Lights Flashcards
What light is this?
What is its special circumstance?
What is the day shape?
What is the fog signal?
Engaged in undewrwater operations - Size unknown
- End on aspect
-Could be at anchor - Day shapes, diamond ball, vertical line
Fog signal, DELTA -one prolonged follow by two short
at intervals not exceeding 2 minutes
What is this? Day shape? + Fog signal will come up in exam
Port Aspect
Probably over 50m
Day shape = 3 vertical black balls
Sound =
3 distinct strokes of the bell
5s rapid ringing of the bell
3 distinct strokes of the bell
at intervals not exceeding 1 minute
If OVER 100m
Deck lights should be on
3 distinct strokes of the bell
5s rapid ringing of the bell
3 distinct strokes of the bell
followed by 5s sounding of the gong in the aft part of the vessel
All round white light? _______________
What is the range of a mast head light on a 40m M/Y?
5 Miles
What is the range of a stern light?
greater than 50
STBD aspect
Mast arc - 225 deg over the horizon, range 6NM
Day shape
ball diamond ball, vertical line
diamond on tow
fog signal?
Power driven vessel, towing alongside
fog signal?
What is a masthead light?
a white light placed over the fore and aft centreline of the vessel
showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 225
degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on eitherside of the vessel.
What is a sidelight?
Lights on each side showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 112.5 degrees
so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on itsrespective side.
Vessel >20 sidelights may be combined in one lantern carried on the fore + aft centreline
what is a Sternlight?
a white light placed as nearly as practicable at the stern
showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 135 degrees and so fixed as
to show the light 67.5 degrees from right aft on each side of the vessel.
What is a towing light?
a yellow light having the same characteristics as the
‘sternlight’ defined in paragraph I of this Rule
What is a All round light?
means a light showing an unbroken light over an arc of the
horizon of 360 degrees.
What is a Flashing light ?
means a light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of 120
flashes or more per minute.
What is the
range & arc of a masthead light on a PDV over 50m?
Range - 6 miles
Arc- 225 deg
What is the range/arc of sidelights on a PDV over 50m?
Range- 3 Miles
Arc- 112.5 deg
What is the range/arc of a sternlight on a PDV over 50m?
Range- 3 miles
Arc - 135 deg
A vessel more than 12m in length but less than 50m? Masthead light range?
5 miles
What is the range of a vessels sidelights, over 12m and less than 50m?
2 miles
There is a certain way to say all lights answers, what is it?
1.Type of vessel
4.Special Circumstances
5.Under Way
6.Making Way
Correctly answer this?
This is a Vessel
Length is Unknown
Aspect - seen from astern
Special circumstances - NUC
Making way
She could be a vessel aground, seen from dead ahead, less than 50m
What would this be?
Probably over 50m
STBD aspect
no circumstances
What is this?
Less than 50m
STBD aspect
no circumstances
What is this?
Probably over 50m
PORT aspect
no circumstances
What is this?
probably over 50m
PORT aspect
Air-cushioned vessel when operating in nondisplacement mode
What is this?
Less than 50m
seen from dead ahead
What is this?
A vessel
Size- Unknown
Seen from dead astern
Circumstance - NUC
Making way
A vessel aground
seen from ahead
under 50m
What is this?
A Vessel
Length- Unknown
Aspect- Unknown
Circumstance - NUC
No sidelights or stern light therefore underway
Not making way - Underway
What is this?
A vessel
Size - Unknown (never tell NUC size)
Aspect - Port
Due to exceptional circumstances she is unable to comply with the rules - NUC
Making way
What is this?
A vessel
Length - Probably over 50m
STBD aspect
Circumstance - RAM
Making way
What is this?
A vessel
Length - Unknown
Aspect - Unknown
(All round lights)
As soon as she has a masthead light or sidelight she is then Making way
What is this?
A vessel
Length- Probably over 50m
Aspect - PORT
Circumstance - At anchor and RAM
Neither underway or making way
What is this?
A PDV tug and tow
Length - less than 50m
Aspect - STBD
Circumstance - Towing
Length of tow - Less than 200m, measured from the stern
Can you define the white light on the bottom on the right?
This is a masthead light
Arc of Visibility - 225deg
Unbroken light - WHITE
A vessel CBD
Length - Probably over 50m
Seen from STBD Aspect
+ Day shape = Cylinder
What is this candidate?
white over red, pilot ahead
A vessel engaged in pilotage duty
You cannot tell the size of a pilot vessel
What is this, and what length?
This is a pilot vessel at anchor
length = under 50m
Aspect = Pointy end, port
What is this?
A vessel
engaged in dredging or underwater operations
Size = Unknown
Clear to pass down the green side
What is this?
A vessel
Engaged in mine clearance operations
Under way, possibly making way
you are unable to tell if she is making way
Inform the master, call on the radio to ensure she is clear to pass
A vessel NUC
A vessel
Length - Unknown
Aspect - Unknown
What is this?
A vessel Aground
Length - Probably over 50m
Pointy end - Port Aspect
What is this? and what is the aspect?
A vessel
At anchor
Length- Probably over 50m
Pointy end - Port aspect
What could this be?
(White light)
This could be a number of things sir
-The stern of a vessel
-Vessel at anchor under 50m
-Masthead of a PDV coming over horizon
-Life jacket
-Life raft
You are going along, and you see these lights out of the STBD window.
A PDV engaged in towing
Length - cannot tell from stern
Aspect - Astern
this is indicating i am between the tug and tow
What is this?
This is a PDV
Probably over 50m
Aspect - Seen from STBD
Engaged in towing
Length of tow exceeds 200m
measured from the stern of the towing vessel to the aft end of the tow
What is this?
A PDV engaged in towing operations
length - Tow is less than 200m
Tug - less than 50m
What is this?
Engaged in towing operations
Probably over 50m
Length of tow - More than 200m