Ligaments of the uterus Flashcards
Broad ligament
The broad ligament is formed by the overlying peritoneum ‘draping’ over (like ghost) the uterus and associated structures.
broad ligament connects
Uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries to the pelvic wall
broad ligament contains
Fallopian tubes
Round ligament
Round Ligament
The round ligament is a cord-like structure that extends from the corpus to the labia majora, via the inguinal canal.
It is an extension of the ovarian ligament that passes from the ovary to the uterine corpus.
Both of these ligaments are derivatives of the embryonic gubernaculum that extended from the gonads to the labia majora (females) or scrotum (males). The function of the round ligament may be to assist in maintaining the anteflexed position of the uterus.
round ligament connects
Uterine fundus to the labia majora
round ligament contains
Cardinal ligament
The cardinal ligaments pass from the cervix to the internal iliac artery, though alternative attachment sites at the iliac fossae, ischial spines and the broad ligament have been described.
The cardinal ligament is a conduit for blood vessels and nerves that pass to or from the uterus and associated pelvic structures. The cardinal ligament likely provides support to the pelvic viscera, as structural abnormalities have been associated with pelvic organ prolapse.
cardinal ligaments connect
Cervix to the lateral pelvic wall
cardinal ligament contains
Uterine vessels
Uterosacral ligament
The uterosacral ligaments pass from the posterior and lateral supravaginal portions of the cervix to the middle three sacral vertebrae, though other attachments include levator ani, coccygeus and obturator internus. The ligament is thought to facilitate the passing of nerves to the pelvic viscera. However, it is likely to have limited supportive value, other than to maintain the natural anteverted position of the uterus.
Uterosacral ligament connects
Cervix/posterior vaginal dome to the sacrum
uterosacral ligament contains
Suspensory ligament of the ovaries connects
Ovaries to the lateral pelvic wall
suspensory ligament contains
ovarian vessels