Ligaments (Lower Limb) Flashcards
from post’r sup’r iliac spine + lateral margin of sacrum
to ischial tuberosity
from ischial spine
to lateral margin of sacrum
Fibrous Joint Capsule of Pelvic Girdle & Hip
from margin of the acetabulum
to neck, intertrochanteric line + intertrochanteric crest of the femur
from ant’r inf’r iliac spine
to intertrochanteric line of femur
from iliopubic eminence + sup’r pubic rams
to fibrous capsule
from ischium post’r to acetabulum
to greater trochanter + iliofemoral ligament
Ligament of the Femoral Head
from fovea of femoral head
to acetabular notch
Fn of Iliofemoral lig.
limit extension of femur
Fn of Pubofemoral lig.
limit abduction of femur
Fn of ischiofemoral lig.
assists iliofemoral lig. in limiting extension of femur
Fibrous Capsule of Knee
from margins of femoral condyles
to margins of tibial condyles
Tibial Collateral (& fn)
from medial epicondyle of femur
to medial condyle + shaft of tibia
(fn: prevents abduction of tibia)
Fibular Collateral (& fn)
from lateral epicondyle of femur
to head of fibula
(fn: prevents adduction of tibia)
Anterior Cruciate (& fn)
from medial part of ant’r intercondylar area of tibia
to post’r part of intercondylar fossa of femur
(fn: prevents post’r displacement of femur on tibia & hyperextension of knee)
Posterior Cruciate (& fn)
from post’r intercondylar area of tibia
to lateral surface of intercondylar fossa of femur
(fn: prevents ant’r displacement of femur on tibia)
Medial Meniscus
from ant’r & post’r regions of intercondylar area of tibia + fibrous capsule at tibial collateral lig.
Lateral Meniscus
ant’r & post’r regions of intercondylar area of tibia
Crural Interosseous Membrane
from interosseous border of tibia
to interosseous border of fibula
Talocrural Fibrous Capsule
from borders of articular surface s of tibia + malleoli
to margins of trochlear surface of talus
Medial Collateral (Deltoid) (& fn)
from medial malleolus
to talus, navicular + sustentaculum tali of calcaneous
(fn: stabilizes joint and resists forced eversion)
Lateral Ligament Complex (of ankle) (& fn)
from lateral malleolus
to talus + calcaneous
(fn: stablize join and resist forced inversion)
Long Plantar
from plantar surface of calcaneous + cuboid
to plantar surfaces of bases of metatarsals
Short Plantar (Plantar Calcaneocuboid)
from calcaneous
to plantar surface of cuboid
Plantar Calcaneonavicular (spring) (& fn)
from ant’r margin of sustentaculum tali
to plantar surface of navicular
(fn: supports med’l longitudinal arch of foot)