Ligaments Flashcards
Yellow Ligaments
Connect vertebral arches of adjacent vertebrae
Lateral Ligament
Temporal Bone and Mandibke
Stylomandibular Ligament
Styloid process and mandible
Sphenomandibular Ligament
Sphenoid bone and mandible
Anterior Longitudinal Ligament
Anterior to the foramen magnum
Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
Posterior of the vertebral bodies
Interspinous Ligaments
Connects adjoining spinous processes ( in the middle)
Supraspinous Ligaments
Connect the apices (ends) of spinous processes
Nuchal Ligament
Occipital protuberance to spinous processes of cervical vertebrae
Intertransverse Ligament
Connects transverse processes of adjacent vertebrae
Atlanto-occipital Membranes
Connect C1 to occipital bone
Atlanto-axial Membrane
Connect atlas and axis
Transverse Ligament
Holds the dens against C1
Longitudinal Bands
Occipital bone to C2
Cruciate Ligament
Made up of the Transverse ligament and the Longitudinal bands, (Alanto-axial joint)
Alar Ligaments
Connects sides of the dens to sides of the foramen magnum
Intra-articular Ligament
Rib head to the IV disc
Radiate Ligaments
Surrounds each joint of the rib to the vertebrae,
Lateral Costotransverse Ligament
Tubercle of the rib to the transverse processes
Superior Costotransverse LIgament
Neck of the rib to the transverse process above it
Anterior Radiate Sternocostal Ligaments
Anterior surface of the joint between the sternum and the costal cartilage
Posterior Radiate Sternocostal Ligaments
Posterior surface of the joint between the sternum and costal cartilage
Sacroiliac Ligaments
Connects the sacrum to the ilium anteriorly and posteriorly
Sacrotuberous Ligaments
Connects the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity
Sacrospinous Ligaments
Connects the sacrum to the ischial spine
Superior and Inferior Pubic Ligament
Connects the two pieces of the pubic bone
Iliolumbar Ligaments
The ilium and the L5 vertebrae
Anterior/Posterior Sternoclavicular Ligaments
Reinforce the capsule between the clavicle and the sternum
Interclavicle Ligaments
Between the clavicles, strengthens the capsule
Costoclavicular Ligament
Inferior surface of the head of the clavicle to the 1st rib and costal cartilage
Acromioclavicular Ligament
Acromion to the clavicle superiorly
Coracoclavicular Ligament
Connects the coracoid processes of the scapula to the clavicle
Conoid Ligament
Coracoid process to the inferior surface of the clavicle
Trapezoid Ligament
Connects the end of the coracoid process to the trapezoid line of the clavicle (head of clavicle)
Coracoacromial Ligament
Connects the coracoid process to the scapula
Glenohumeral Ligaments
Glenoid labrum to the superior aspects of the glenoid cavity of the scapula
Coracohumeral Ligament
Strengthens the capsule superiorly
Transverse Humeral Ligaments
Bridges the gap between the tubercles of the humerus
Radial Collateral Ligaments (elbow)
Lateral epicondyle of the humerus to the head of the radius in the notch of the ulna
Ulnar Collateral Ligament (elbow)
Medial epicondyle of the humerus to the coronoid process and the olecranon of the ulna (anterior band, posterior band, oblique band
Anular Ligament
Attaches to the ulna anteriorly and posteriorly to the radial notch
Anterior and Posterior Ligaments of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
Strengthen fibrous joint
Triangular Ligament
Strengthens the distal radioulnar joint
Palmar Radiocarpal Ligaments
Attach the radius to the two rows of carpals anteriorly
Dorsal Radiocarpal Ligaments
Attach the radius to the two rows of carpals posteriorly
Ulnar Collateral Ligaments (wrist)
Connects the ulnar styloid process to the triqetrum
Radial Collateral Ligaments (wrist)
Connects the styloid process of the radius to scaphoid
Iliofemoral Ligament
Connects the femur to the hip joint anteriorly and superiorly
Pubofemoral Ligament
Connects the femur to the hip joint anteriorly and inferiorly
Ischiofemoral Ligament
Reinforces the joint posteriorly
Patellar Ligament
Distal part of the quadriceps tendon and attaches to the tibial tuberosity, anteriorly
Fibular Collateral Ligament (FCL)
Connects the head of the fibula to the lateral epicondyle of the femur
Tibial Collateral Ligament (TCL)
Connects the medial surface of the medial condyle of the tibia to the medial epicondyle of the femur
Oblique Popliteal Ligament
Expansion of the semimembranosus tendon, posteriorly strengthen the knee joint
Arcuate Popliteal Ligament
Strengthens the knee joint posteriorly
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)
From the anterior of the tibia on the intercondylar area to the posterior part of the femur on the medial side of the lateral condyle
Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL)
Connects the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia to the medial side of the anterior medial condyle of the femur