Life Under Normans Flashcards
What were the differences between the feudal system before 1066 and after?
- barons and bishops added
- 6 earls to 200 barons
- slavery declined as church disagreed
- knights added: 40 days service
- Norman’s replaced the Anglo Saxons as landowners
What was bad about having 6 earldoms before 1066?
They would each have immense power and if disagreements arose they could work in order to overthrow the king.
What was the role of the peasants in the feudal system?
- grow crops and give to lord
- work the lord’s land
- give loyalty to lords
How much land did the king and church own?
King: 20%
Church: 25%
Why were knights important?
Promised loyalty + yearly knight service in exchange for land
Why was the feudal system during Norman’s effective?
The king could take and give land according to how well people were towards him
Gov: what was the regency?
Trusted people left in charge of the country
Gov: what was the chancery?
Kept documents for who held land, keep and record royal documents
Gov: who were the exchequer?
Dealt with king’s finances and the collection of tax
Gov: who were the curias Regis?
Replaced the witan. King’s advisors
What was the government by writ?
Written document containing direct order. The Norman’s introduced local gov. to make sure it was followed
Local Gov: what were shires?
Shires split into hundreds. Sheriff acted as the king’s deputy Duties: •making payments to king • court • collect tax • raise army
What were Castellans?
Sheriff in areas ruled by castles
What was the murdrum fine?
Fine on community it murderer of a Norman was not found
What was the honrial court?
Tenants could appeal against landlord
Why did courts improve in Norman time?
They introduced more courts so cases could all be effectively targeted and solved faster
What is primogeniture?
The eldest inherits all the land
What was the forest law?
Anyone caught hunting in the king’s forest could be fined or executed
(Norman time)
What was the domesday book? How done?
Record ownership of land. Commissioners sent all over England to survey who owns what
What was learnt from the Domesday book?
- not all parts were equally wealthy
- wastelands: the north
- much of the country is well off
- tax payed unfairly
Why did William commission the Domesday Book?
- see how much he can raise in tax
- see what everything is worth (assess his country)
- Norman’s had legal ownership of land, settled land disputes
- army + resources in case of attacks
- reverse low tax on trusted
What was the open field system and how was it divided?
- strips of the field divided so everyone got land
- 2 fields: grow crops
- fallow: left empty to regain nutrients
What was the Manor House?
Where the lord lived in a village
Why is woodland important in a village?
- wood for fire, building houses
* hunt meat: restricted due to forest laws
What was kept in a pasture?
Why are rivers important in a village
- drinking water + fish
* powered the mill
Why was the mill significant?
It was owned by the lord, the villagers would pay him to grind their wheat into flour. Making bread
What was trade like in towns?
- wool and salt
* coastal towns grew as centres of international trade e.g sandwich
What are guilds?
Associations for craftsmen, weavers, butchers etc.
Made more money
How many towns were there in Norman times?
Why were markets and fairs important in towns?
- needed a franchise (authorisation) to be opened
- celebrated religious events
- made money for church, entertainers and traders