life span final Flashcards
Single adults tippled from ___ yr to ___yr
from 1970. to 2005
advantages of single adults:
freedom, time, opportunities
Common problems in singles adults
finding niche in marriage
oriented society
forming intimate relationship
percent of single adults 30-34 years of age:
male% and females% in 1970 compared
to 2005 males% and female %
1970 male: 14%
1970 female: 11%
2005 male: 34%
2005 female: 26%
cohabiting adults are
people who live together in sexual relationship without marriage
in 2005 there are ___% of cohabiting adults compared to 1970 ___%
___% of cohabiting parents last around ____ yr
1 year
which relationship is equal b/w male & female ?
cohabiting adults
married adults change b.w
male and female equality
males are now show less___ but have more_____ to family
less contribution with kids
more financial help
marriage in middle adulthood are more;
satisfactory because of expression &
worst marriage already dissolved
marriage in late adulthood(60 years and older`) leads to :
- adjustments needed at retirement
- happiness affected by each partner and coping with aging
divorced adults are more likely to
increase all socioeconomic status (SES) groups
Who have a higher change of getting a divorce?
youthful marriage, low education, low income, not religious, divorced parents, baby before marriage.
how many year is it most common to get a divorce
b/w 5-10yrs
challenges after divorce:
- Loneliness, diminished self-esteem,
- anxiety about future
- Difficulties w/new relationships
- Financial issues
- Child rearing & overload (custodial)
- Alienation from children (non-custodial
remarried adults are more likely to:
- Adjustment difficult in step-families (only 30% stay married)
- Marry for financial reasons, child-rearing, ease loneliness
- Bring same negative patterns to 2nd that led to failure in 1st
Birth control:
allows choosing when & how many
Average age for 1st child:
Advantages of having children in 20s
More physical energy
Fewer medical problems w/pregnancy & birth
Less likely to build up expectations for children
Advantages of children in 30s
More time to consider life goals (family, career)
Maturity, benefit of experience, more competent parenting
Better established in careers; more income
Parents as Managers Provide :
opportunities, monitor, teach independence & making competent decisions
Effective management produces best outcomes
Lack of adequate monitoring is
parental factor most related to juvenile delinquency
Parenting Styles (Baumrind’s):
Authoritarian, Neglectful & Indulgent
Authoritarian is :
Restrictive, punitive, firm limits & control
Enforce but not explain rules:“My way or else”
Unhappy, anxious, fearful children reluctant to initiate activity, weak comm. skills
Authoritarian Different in context of other cultures
Concern, involvement, a type of training
Development of identity embedded in family thru respect & obedience
Authoritative Encourages:
and has expectations:
independence w/limits & controls
-Expectations of maturity, independence, age-appropriate behavior
Authoritative Children are often
cheerful, self-controlled, self-reliant, achievement-oriented
Friendly w/peers, cooperate w/adults, cope well w/stress
Parenting Styles (Baumrind’s) Neglectful
Uninvolved parent
Children sense other aspects of parent’s lives more important
Socially incompetent, poor self-control, low self-esteem, immature, don’t handle independence well
Parenting Styles (Baumrind’s) indulgent:
Parents highly involved w/children but place few demands/controls on them
Children never learn to control behavior; always expect to get their way
Rarely learn respect for others; domineering, egocentric, noncompliant, difficulties w/peers
Asian children are not allowed to do what:
attend a sleepover, have playdates, be in a school play, complain, watch tv, play video games, get a grade less than A,not number 1, has to play instrument
In one study of 50 western American mothers and and 48 Chinese immigrants mothers almost ___ % said stress in academics isn’t good for children and that school should be fun whereas ___% of Chinese mothers agreed with this statement!
70% school should be fun
0% Chinese said NO
T or F:
majority of Chinese mothers said that academic achievement reflects successful parents
how long do Chinese mothers spend on the educating they’re children ?
10x as long everyday
what consist of Chinese mothers education :
drilling academic activities
western kids are more likely to
join sport teams
why do western parents tend to give up in a child ?
because its the hardest in the beginning so they give up
once a child starts to excel at something a Chinese mother does what ?
they’ll get praised, adored and satisfactio
when a child achives a goal they are
building confidence and making the subject fun
what are some things Chinese parents can get away with #1?
being called garbage, the child knows that they aren’t garbage but its suppose to make them feel ashamed and terrible but not devalue them
what are some things Chinese parents can get away with #2?
getting called fat, they can make a logical view that they are not physically fat
what are some things Chinese parents can get away with #3)
“you are lazy all your classmates are getting ahead of you”
what are the 3 big differences b/w Chines and western mothers ?
1)western moms are anxious about Childs self esteem; don’t stress child with academics
while Chinese aren’t worried about that
2)Chinese parents believe tat child owes them everything while American child believes parents owe them
3)Chinese parents believe they override all Childs desires
Chinese parents solution to substandard performance are
excoriate, punish and shame child
is “stop being lazy, coward, self-indulgent and pathetic” motivating statement of a Chinese mother ?
how does a Chinese mother motivate her children?
with insults and shame
western parents worry too much about
Childs self esteem
Chinese mothers believe that gaining confidence is by
learning you can do something you couldn’t do!
who believes that they believe more in they child and scarified everything for them ?
Chinese mother
western parents try to ______; while Chinese parents
respect their children ;
show them reality of life
how do western parents show respect for they children ?
encouragement, support, providing positive reinforcements and nurturing behavior
how do Chinese parents protect their children ?
by preparing them fro the future, letting them see what they are capable of doing
how are French children from American ?
French children know how to play/ be alone
while American need to have attention
what study in 2009 led by economists at Princeton wha b/w French and American child ?
child care experimen
american moms believe the child is more annoying than cleaning the house
French parents differ from Chinese parents in a way that
French: play, nurture and teaches child
while Chinese: shame their child and push long hours of studying
French parents wants child to be
stimulated but not all the time
middle class American has a parenting problem such as:
helicopter parenting, overprotective kindergarchy
what benefits do French parents have that makes parenting easier ?
no preschool payments, no hethlcare payments, they have monthly cash allotments
American say _____
while French say ______
French parents tend to not disaplin child but
educate them and teach them how to do things correctly
what’s most important for s French child to learn ?
patience, being Able to play/ be alone
Walter Mischel, worlds leading expert on childs learning abilities did the
marshmallow test
what the marshmallow test :
experiment that’s lead by 4-5 yr olds into a room with a marshmallow and they have to wait 15 min to eat it if they don’t wait they won’t get 2
American kids frequently ____ adults, have no _____, and they are ______.
interrupt, fixed meal Time, incharge
american kids have no ____ and parents lack____
firm boundaries, and parents lack authority
French lessons include;
child saying hello & being respectful when misbehaving given big eyes allowed one snack at 430pm parents are the boss, they decide say NO kids have to cope with frustration