Exam 2 Flashcards
immunization in a person
A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination
What are the leading causes of accidental children death?
Drowning(pool, bath tub) and poisoning(cleaning products,medicine)
What is are some motor, cognitive & socio-emotional behaviors that would lead a child to death:
Climbing onto things, electric outlet, curiosity
Motor: Running into the street
what are some behaviors a caregiver can lead to a child death:
Smoking, drinking, unsafe driving, Teratogens, not watching child, mental health disorder
why is eating with your parents so important?
leads to communication and spending time with them
what can happen if you don’t eat dinner with your parents 5x a week?
Higher rates of smoking, drug use, fighting, sex
how does peer pressure influence you?
can instigate risk taking behavior, its higher when teenager and young adult.
The environment influenced by peers is much higher than parents influence
why is suicidal rates much higher for a male?
hides depressive thoughts, doesn’t seek out help. Method of suicide more effective
crime is usually committed by
young males
_% of adults age 65-70 have disabilities.
80 & older much higher percentage
chronic disorder is referred to as
slow onset disease, long duration !
how does socio-economic differences play a role in adult health?
older poorer adults are 3x more likely to have chronic disorder then non poor adult
economic status, education, occupation, status relates to SES(Social Economic Status)
Osteoporosis involves
extensive bone tissue loss, related to calcium deficiency
Gender differences on osteoporosis:
80% of women
affects 2/3 women over 60
common in white, thin, small females
Prevention: diet, weight, lifting!
Dementia is a ?
is a neurological disorder
symptom is deterioration of mental function
Alzheimers is a type of
Alzheimers disease is
a progressive, irreversible brain disorder with gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language and physical function
Currently no cure
Alzheimers Strats to produce less of
Acetycholine(ACH) = deficiency
Parkinsons disease
muscle tremors, slow down movement
chronic and progressive triggered by loss of dopamine production in brain NO CURE
famous people who had Parkinson’s disease
Muhammad ali, Michael j fox
BMI is
body mass index includes sex, age height,
consequences of obesity
increase Childs risk in medical problem, low self esteem, bullying
Treatment of obesity
diet, exercise, intervention & behavior modification thru numerous programs
how many adolescents ages 12-19 in 2012 were over weight
how many American over the age of 15 are over weight ?
what percentage of children without parents become over weight ?
what’s the percentage of children with one parent being overweight ?
Eating disorders include
anorexia nervosa
anorexia nervosa causes
- weight less than 85% of mass of an average person
- begins in teenage years, white middle/ upper class
Bulimia is a disorder that involves
binging and purging food, fear of becoming over weigh, depression, anxiety, Usually normal weight, 70% range of people
what does motor development- Reflex carry?
genetically carried survival mechanism, autonomic
Reflex in newborns allows them to:
new borns to respond adaptively to environment before opportunity to learn
- adapt to environment before having the opportunity to learn
reflexes in new born disappears at___
while some last though out life
gross motor skill in childhood include:
improved walking, running, jumping, climbing learn organized sport skills
when are gross motor skills in adolescence & adult hood at its peak?
When do they decline?
peak physical performance blow 19-26, most biological functions decline after 30
what are Fine Motor Skils:
are more finely tuned movement
FMS- infancy
size, shape of object, experience matter
FMS-Childhood & adolescence
age 10-12
girls outperform boys, increase myelination CNS improves FMS
some decline in middle to late adulthood as dexterity decrease( slow movement)
pathological conditions of FMS result in
may result in weakness/ paralysis of hands
T or F
is Handedness a genetic inheritance
right handed pep dominate __%
90% of all culture
right handedness preference baggings in
in the womb, sucking of thumb in womb
___% of right handed plp primarily process speech _____
process speech in the left hemisphere of brain
___% of lefties process in the ____ hemisphere, while __% in both
50% , in the left hemisphere
25% in both
left handed are more likely to:
have reading problems
visual skills, more common among mathematicians, artist, musicians, architects
what is this called when Infants assemble motor skills for perceiving and acting.
example:such as fingers coordination
Dynamic system view in infants
what’s Piagets theory of cognitive development?
process which occurs due to biological maturation and environmental experience.
Piagets theory stated that there was a driving force between:
intellectual development is biological development
Name the four states of Piagets theory:
1) Sensorimotor: Birth to 18–24 months old
2) Formal operational: Adolescence to adulthood
3) Concrete operational: 7 to 11 years old
4) Preoperational: 2 to 7 years old
Scheme is defined as
a idea/ strategy
actions or mental presentations that organize knowledge
what characterizes physical activities in infancy?
behavioral schemes
what are cognitive activities developed in children?
problem solving
mental scheme
define assimilation:
incorporate new information or experience into existing knowledge schemes
into new culture, new info, absorb into life
Accommodation is
adjusting to existing scheme(idea) to take in new information and experience
-have to change scheme(idea)
Disequilibrium is defined as
cognitive conflict child faces, confusion, disorder,puzzle
stages of development in Piagets theory unifies ?
unifies experience with biology to explain cognitive
motivation in a child is eternal search for
Stage one in Piagets theory
- birth-2yrs
- infants construct understand of world by coordinating sensory experience w/ motor skills; sensory motor skill
object permanence is defined as
understanding that an object continues to exist even when they cant see it. Do not use logic
piagets stage 2 pre-operatial:
- ages 2 to 7
- children begin to represent world with words, images, drawings
- not ready to preform operations
sub-stage –symbolic function
- ages2 to 4
- Symbolic child gains ability to mentally represent an object that’s not present
animism is
belief that animated objects have life like qualities
when does it end ?
inability to distinguish b/w ones own perspective and that of someone else (3 mountain task)
age 7
intuitive thought- substage is
children begin using primitive reasoning; want to know answer to all sorts of Questions
-Ages 4-7
centration is
focusing attention on one characteristic to exclusion of all others
Ex: doctors wear white coats
conservation is
an object or substance, amount stay the same regardless of changing cup
- this is lacking in pre-reational stage
concrete operational stage
is the 3rd stage
- ages7 7 to 11
- logical reasoning, replaces intuitive reasoning if applied to specific, concrete example
seriation is
operation that involves ordering stimulations along qualitative dimension (doll example, confuse in height)
Egocentrism is
inability to distinguish b/w ones perspective and that of someone else
conservation is a
test to see if the child has seen the difference:
- object/substance stays the same
- lacking in pre-operational stage
example of conservation:
child understands one person can be father, brother and son
formal operational stage:
- 4th stage
- 11yrs-adult
- abstract, idealistic, logical thinking
- solve problems by trial and error
in stage 4 of piagets theory someone has
hypothetical thinking- deductive reasoning , problem solving skills
contribution is a field in childrena
cognitive development
what’s are some criticisms in piagets theory
some abilities come earlier than he believed, training, education, culture can influence development
Enviromental factors play a huge role
Vygostky Theory of cognitive develpmentt states
is advanced though social interactions with more skilled adults/peers
Vygostky was a
Russian psychologist in 1930s
-empasis on culture & Social interactions guide development in children
Zone of proximal development is
tasks are too difficult for children to master alone but can be done with guidance
Scaffolding is a stage of
changing level of support to lift Childs correct performance level