exam 3 Flashcards
when is early childhood emotions present in a child?
what are the emotions:
at 6months
what are self-conscious emotions (self-awareness)acquired?
when do they appear?
acquire and used as society standard and rules: empathy, jealousy, embarrassment
appear in the first 18 months to 2 yrs
Emotional development in Infancy is the ability to __
to communicate emotions to interact with caregiver
Reflexive smile is
not a response to external stimuli, occurs during sleep in the first month after birth
social smile occurs in a :
and at what age does it occurs?
response to external stimulus
2-3mths of age
stranger anxiety is the_______, is it most intense in
its triggered/ affected by
fear and wariness of strangers
intense in 9-12mths stage
social context(where you are)
separation anxiety is
when is it a disorder
a sign of attachment, its a distress in an infant/child obvious at 9-14 months
when: still after age 3
when doe early childhood self conscious emotions appear?
ages 18-2yrs, which are their self awareness
During adulthood we have better control of ______
which create emotional_____.
better control of our emotions , create emotional satisfaction for our lifestyle
Social adults become more selective about their:
social status, & place emotional satisfaction
emotional response is
Primary genetic traits can be influenced by
environmental and their experience
Chess andThomas classification has how many categories and define each one:
4 categories
1) easy child 40%
2) difficult child 10%
3) slow to warm up child 15%
4) 35% of child fall into one or more category
Chess and Thomas#1 :
easy child classification
have a positive good, can adjust situations, 40%
chess and Thomas #2:
difficult child classification
10%, rects negatively, cries frequently, slow to accept new experience
Chess and Thomas classification #3:
slow to warm up child
15%,low activity level, somewhat negative , shows low adaptivity, displays low mood ,
chess and Thomas classification #4:
child that falls into more tan one category
Kagans behavioral inhibition’s states
inhibition of feeling b/w children:
- shy,subdued,timid
- sociable, extraverted, bold
Kagans behavioral inhibition is defined as a
restriction of emotions
or child is able to express ones feelings with out any trouble
low inhibition in a child vs high inhibition in a Childs emotions
High-cant express emotions,doesnt show it
Low-is able to express oneself
extraversion is
a positive anticipation, impulsivity, sensation seeking
negative affectivity in barts and bates view are emotions such as:
and is similar to:
fear,frustation,sadness and discomfort
similar to Kagan inhibition
effortful control in a child is
self regulation, attentional focussing and shifting inhibitory control
marshmallow study**
developmental contexts can influence temperament in
gender and culture
Childs environment can encourage or discourage
persistence of temperament, characteristics
one strategy can’t work on all children because
Childs individuals characteristics
Theory of attachments indicates that
there is a emotional bond/relationship between child and individual
Freud theory states that infants attach to
person or objects that provide oral satisfaction,
Harlow research indicates that
With monkeys
comfort offers security
Bowldys theory of attachment states that
caregivers are biologically pre-disposed to form attachment, secure base
Strange Situation is Ainsworth measurement of :
infant attachment theory
What was Ainsworth strange situation about ?
measurement of infant attachment to caregiver
what steps were needed for the strange situation theory ?
series of introductions,separations, & reunion
infants are
resilient and adaptive
Self-esteem is
evaluation of the self image, how one feels about themselves
Self-concept is
individual’s knowledge of who he or she is, components of self esteem, domain specific, evolutions of self
Examples of self-concept(components of self esteem) what are they?
academics, athletics,appearance
self-esteem is linked with:
school and job performance, physical appearance
A person with high self-esteem are prone to
increase happiness, prone to both antisocial and prosocial,
Example fo issues with self-esteem is
Nacissism, self centered, lack of awareness linked to adjustment problems
Self-esteem in girls are
much lower than boys in middle school
Where is the same drop in self-esteem meet btw the ages?
middle schoolers, 18-22,70 up
Adults with positive self-esteem results in
decrease in knowledge-related goals
increase emotional goals
compare themselves with adults
how does one Increased self-esteem
seeks for approval, achievement,coping skills, self confidant
what is identity? how do you identify yourself with?
though our career, sex, relationships, religion,culture,ethics
Eriksons ideals on identity suggest that
adolescents examine who they are, what they are about, and where they are going in life.
psychosocial moratorium is defined as:
a gap b/w childhood security and adult hood autonomy
free of responsibilities, free to try out different identities
Example of Phychosicial moratorium are
free of responsibilities, free to try out different identities
Identity status is
crisis-exploring alternative identities
James Marcia suggest that
individuals go through periods of crisis
Identity diffusion is:
undecided about occupation/ identity
no crisis nor commitment
Marcias stage of Identity foreclosure is
made commitment but not expressed crisis
predetermined by social, political, religion etc
Identity foreclosure, is found in cultures that
emphasize traditions, include religion, political and social views
Marcias stage of Identity moratorium is
period of exploration of alternatives, there no commitment but there is a crisis.
example: seeks advice from advisor
Marcias stage Identity achievement is when
you undergo crisis, made commitment
example of Identity achievement is when
there is a crisis and commitment
you’ve changed major, several times but got a degree now planning next steps
Developmental changes in Erikson’s identity status is
young adolescents primarily in statuses of diffusion, foreclosure, or moratorium
what is important for achieving positive identity ?
confidence in parental support,establish sense of industry
around what age does self identity and personality in early adolescence to adult hood happen?
happens around the ages of 18-25
“MAMA” cycle is a pattern for? also what does it stand for?
Pattern for positive identity
parental/ family influences on
identity and effects identity development
how a life event influences individual development depends on
Life event itself
Lifestage context
social historical context
individual adaptation to life event
Intelligence is a concept____
not a concrete thing , can’t be concretely measured
intelligence is
how you are able to solve problems, express yourself, ability to cope/adapt to situations
There are two theories on intelligence by
Spearman, “g” factor and “s” factor
What does “g” factor stand for
General mental ability, a general intel factor underline specific mental abilities
What does “s” factor stand for
verbal, mathematical skill, mechanical skills
that predict performance
advantages can be objectively defined and measured by
IQ test
disadvantage debates exists if its best measure of intel
narrow focus on cognitive abilities, doesn’t measure other abilities
normal distribution statistics arrange of
scores that resemble bell shaped curve , which represent all standardize test
distribution and use of IQ scores
medium-strength correlation +.50
low to medium +.30,+.50
Non intellectual factors include
non-cognitive factors that help or hinder test performance, attitude, motivation
cultural bias experience define
different culture define intel differently
environmental influences modifications in environment can
change IQ scores such as;
schooling, socioeconomics status, parenting
when young but stable as adults
reaction range is explained as IQscores increasing / decreasing based on
interactions with environmental factors