life at cellular level Flashcards
define metabolism
all the chemical reactions taking place inside cells
including those that consume or generate energy
catabolism v anabolism
degradation v synthesis
releasing energy v consuming energy
describe how metabolism, catabolism, anabolism are interdependent
all work together to produce energy and repair cells
describe in general terms, including structure and contributions to metabolic flow of ATP, ADP, NADP, NAD, FAD
compare substrate-level and oxidative phosphorylation
substrate level phosphorylation is direct phosphorylation of ADP with a phosphate group by using energy obtained from a coupled reaction
oxidative phosphorylation is production of ATP from oxidized NADH and FADH2
define major elements used to construct human biomolecules
state importance of chemical functional groups and molecular configuration and conformation in determining biomolecular function
functional groups = portion of molecule capable of characteristic reactions - determine properties and chemistry of many organic compounds
key to understanding nature’s intricate design mechanisms and blueprints
list and give examples of 5 kinds of chemical reaction occurring in living organisms
redox making and breaking C-C bonds internal rearrangements group transfers condensation and hydrolysis
structures of proteins
structures of nucleic acids
structures of polysaccharides ie CHOs
structures of lipids
- 3 fatty acids : 1 glycerol
describe structures present in all cell types
eukaryotic plasma membrane structure and function
define role of cytoskeleton
define term ‘hydrogen bond’
describe interactions between water molecules and solutes determining solubility
define pH
define buffer
open energy system
energy can be exchanged with its surroundings
eg biological organisms
closed energy system
cannot exchange energy with surroundings
ability to do work, or to create change
exists in different forms eg electrical, light, heat
1st law of thermodynamics
total amount of energy in universe is constant and conserved
energy may be transferred between places or transformed into different forms
energy cannot be created or destroyed
2nd law of thermodynamics
all energy transfers and transformations are never completely efficient
some amount of energy will be lost, most often in the form of heat
measure of disorder within a system
therefore high entropy = high disorder and low energy
free energy
energy available after losses are accounted for
usable energy, available to do work
free energy in exergonic reaction
negative number, products < reactants
exergonic = spontaneous
free energy, endergonic reactions
positive value, products > reactants
endergonic will not take place without addition of free energy