Life and Death keywords Flashcards
Life after death: the belief that existance continues after physical death
Environmental sustainability
Using natural resources in a way that means all living things can live well and in the future
Killing someone, (or allowing them to die) because they are suffering. Literally means ‘good death’ and sometimes known as ‘mercy killing’
The process by which different living creatures are belived to have developed from earlier less complex life forms
Ending a pregnacy so it does not result in the birth of a live baby
Quality of life
When life is meaningful and pleasurable.
Having food and good clothes
Sanctity of life
The belief that life is precious, or sacred. For many religious belivers, only human life holds this special status.
The spiritual part of a human being, it is non-physical and can live on after the body dies.
control over, to dominate
People who think we have dominion over the earth may say the earth is ours so we can treat it however we like.
The job of taking care of something
People who think we have stewardship over the earth think we have a responsibility to care for the earth and not do permenant damage.
An instinct towards an awareness of one God (Tawid)
A predudice or bias in favour of the interests of members of one’s own species and against those of members of other species
Someone who believers that to act morally we must cause the greatest happiness for the greatest number of beings