life and death Flashcards
the end of physical life, when the body ceases to function
those who accept gods forgiveness is given eternal existence in his presence. this face to face encounter with god is what we call heaven
eternal life
the term used to refer to heaven after death. also the phrase jesus is a term used to describe a state of living as gods intends which leads to his life in heaven
those through the exercise of their own free will reject gods grace will be sent outside of his presence eternally
the belief that each individual will be held to account by god for the things they do
the teaching authority of the church, exercised by the bishop in communion with the pope
the magisterium is given grace by the holy spirit to faithfully interpret the scriptures and traditions
the raising of the body to life again after death. christians believe jesus has experienced resurrection and that all people will experience it at the end of their life
the eternal part of a human being given at conception which lives on after death of the body. also a name for human beings rational nature
the assurance that god has forgiven the person’s sins after their confession
the holy communion received during the sacrament of the sick if the person is physically able to receive it. it means “food for journey”
a place that provides care for people with life-limiting or terminal illness
palliative care
symptom and pain management given to a person who is seriously unwell
evangelism vitae
an encyclical letter written by pope st john paul II about the sancity of life. the title means, the gospel of life
Ideas relating to beliefs in life after death, judgement and the final destiny of humankind
explain jesus’ parables of judgement: the unmerciful servant, and how it can be interpreted in relation to good and evil
- a servant is unable to pay the debt of their master, so the master pardons their debt
- the pardoned servant punishes his servant who was unable to pay off his debt
- the master finds this out and punishes the pardoned servant
- jesus warns that this is an example of what divine judgement will be like
- if we cannot pardon others, they cannot expect to be pardoned themselves
explain jesus’ parables of judgement: the rich man and lazarus, and how it can be interpreted in relation to good and evil
- jesus describes a wealthy man and a poor man who lives by the wealthy man’s gate
- the poor man goes to heaven and the rich man goes to hell
- the rich man begs lazarus for some relief of pain but he refuses
- jesus teaches us to live a compassionate life to be gifted your reward in heaven
assisted suicide
proving an ill person with the means to end their own life
voluntary euthenasia
ending a person’s life at their request
non-voluntary euthenasia
ending a person’s life when they are unable to request this for themselves
ordinary magesterium
This is when the Bishops of the Church teach the basics of the Catholic faith
conciliar magisterium
- This involves all the Bishops of the Church being called together to form a council to discuss Church teachings and issues
- The most recent council was held in the 1960s when the
Second Vatican Council took place
pontifical magisterium
-This is when a papal infallible statement is made
- Although only the Pope himself can make a papal infallible statement, he will have consulted with the Bishops of the Church by holding discussions beforehand
- papal infallible statement is a statement of faith that cannot be wrong
second vatican council
the most recent council in Church History. The Second Vatican Council lasted for three years between 1962 and 1965
lumen gentium
meaning “light to the nations”, and describes jesus as the light and the church needs to bring the light of christ to others
dei verbium
meaning “the word of god”, and focuses on the idea that the word of god is jesus
sacrosanctum concilium
concerned with the public worship in the catholic church. it reinforces the liturgy of the mass as an expression of jesus as the son of god
gaudium et spes
meaining ‘joy and hope’, and expresses that the church shares in the joy of the whole human race. it calls to the church, and all of humanity, to respond to the world as it is
a stone coffin which is usually adorned in some way with symbolic markings, words or images
pashcal candle
a tall candle lit during easter which is used for baptisms and funerals
what does the light represent on the pascal candle
represents the light that christ brought to the world
what the wick of the paschal candle represent
it represents jesus’ humanity
what do the alpha/omega symbols on the paschal candle represent
they represent the first and last letters of the greek alphabet and that jesus is at the beginning and the end of everything
what does the cross on the paschal candle represent
jesus’ death, which was necessary to pay the price of human sin
what do the 5 studs on the paschal candle represent
they represent the wounds that jesus had as a result of the crucifixion
what does the year on the paschal candle represent
it is a reminder that jesus is always with us