good and evil Flashcards
human reason making for moral descicions
catholics believe it is the god-given compulsion to do what is right and to avoid evil
absence of good
free will
the ability to choose right from wrong without being controlled other forces
the quality of being like god and seeking the well being of others
‘made flesh’, the belief that god became man in the form of jesus
natural law
the moral laws of right or wrong which are universal and not dependant on human laws
the absence of something
pain or loss which harms human beings
suffering can be caused by humans, moral evil
some cannot, natural evil
what does the enchiridion explain about good and evil
- st augustine argued that god created a perfect world, and humans used their free will to turn their back on God
- moral evil is the result of of adam and eve’s disobedience
- evil is the privation of good, e.g. a disease is an absence of good health
christian beliefs of incarnation
- jesus is god made flesh (“the word became flesh” - john 1:14)
- they believe it teaches them how they should live their lives to achieve salvation
- jesus is identified as the ‘word of god’ - john 1:1
catholic arguments in the problem of evil through incarnation
- jesus’ teachings and resurrection shows that suffering in life is only temporary (‘you will be with me in a paradise’ - luke 23:43)
- jesus explains that those who suffer in this life will be rewarded in the next (parable of the rich man and lazarus)
jewish beliefs about incarnation
- reject beliefs in the Incarnation due to their beliefs about the Messiah
- the messiah must be a descendant of king david and human
catholic beliefs on the existence of evil
- moral evil exists because god gave humans free will and because humans inherited original sin (genesis 3)
- original sin brought disorder in humanity and nature
- Catholicism teaches the story metaphorically to potray the moment when humans first turned away from God
christian beliefs on the existence of evil
- fundamentalists take the story of genesis literally, so they believe that the world would have been good if it had not been for adam and eve’s bad choice
- they believe in original sin
- fundamentalists such as john calvin consider humans to be fully bad unless they accept and follow christ
- john hick argued that natural and moral evil that happens improves souls by encouraging self-improvement and develop into the ‘likeness’ of god
atheist beliefs on the existence of evil
- david hume theorised that the existence of evil proves that there is no god through the inconsistent triad
- if god is all loving, he cannot be all powerful and vice versa
- Mackie rejects the idea of suffering making us better and wonders why God couldn’t make us perfect in the first place, “why is goodness that comes from suffering better than if it was achieved without suffering?”
Jewish beliefs on the existence of evil
- everyone is born with the inclination to do good (yetzer ha tov) and the inclination to do bad (yetzer ha ra)
- everyone has free will to take responsibility for their actions
- they celebrate repentance during the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Christian beliefs on moral authority
- they believe Jesus is the ultimate source of authority
- he has equal authority to God
- believe in the teachings of the golden rule “do to others what you would have them do to you” - gospel of matthew 7:12
catholic beliefs on moral authority
- Jesus built on the law given to Moses in the old testament (I have come not to abolish but to fulfil - Matthew 5:17)
- Catholics believe Jesus is the incarnate son of god and therefore has the same authority as him
- catholics should aim to be meek, merciful and pure of heart (beatitudes - matthew 5:1-12)
what does the kenosis hymn show about incarnation
- in the kenosis hymn in Philippians, St Paul shows how jesus ‘emptied himself’ of his divine nature to become human
salvifici doloris
- the saving power of suffering
- explains that jesus showed the problem of evil through his willingness to die on the cross
what does the nicene creed show about the trinity
- there is one god who exists in 3 persons
- Jesus, as God the Son, suffered and died as a fully human being to save other humans from sin
what is iraneous’ soul making theory
- Irenaeus stated that God made humans imperfect and is therefore partly responsible for the existence of evil
- To make humans perfect would take away their freedom to live in accordance with God’s will
- it allows humans to develop into the “children of god”
christian beliefs on the trinity
- they believe god exists in 3 parts, the father, son and holy spirit (“in the beginning there was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god” - john 1:1-3)
- jesus is the incarnate son of god
- the holy spirit is the presence of god (“the sprit of truth” - john 14:16-17)
st Augustine beliefs on the trinity
- he wrote a book called de trinitate to oppose the disproval of the trinity
- he stated that two parts of the Trinity are equal in power to the third part
- the trinity has three parts, he that loves, and that which is loved, and love
christian beliefs on the beatitudes
- in the sermon on the mount, jesus explains the kinds of human lives that are blessed by god, these are the beatitudes
- according to jesus, god gives blessings to the meek, those who make peace and those who show mercy to others
- jesus mentions that people who are persecuted because of their faith will be blessed in heaven (matthew 5:3-11)
catholic beliefs on suffering
- Suffering is a sign of Love, John’s gospel tells us that there is no greater love than ‘laying down your life for others’
- Jesus tells us that whoever follows him must also ‘take up their cross’ and therefore to show commitment we must be willing to suffer
jesus’ beatitudes teaches us that suffering brings us closer to god