Judaism Flashcards
marriage contract signed before the wedding ceremony
a canopy under which the Jewish couple stand during the wedding
the bride walks around the groom 7 times to represent the house the couple will build together
a special marriage blessing
said at the first part of the marriage ceremony
marks that a couple has agreed to marry
what day is considered a good day for marriage for God?
God said that, “Tuesday was good”
a bath used for purification
brides have this before a wedding so they are purified
The groom puts a veil over the bride’s head to symbolise that he will clothe and protect her.
done after the signing of the ketubah
the second part of the ceremony where the blessings are said.
stamping on the glass
done to represent the destruction of the temple.
Others believe it represents leaving behind a old life to create a new life
time alone
Jewish couples spend a few minutes alone after the ceremony to mark their status as a jewish couple
what is kosher
food jews can eat
food jews cannot eats
all the rules about kosher and trefah food
the method of preparing the meat for kosher consumption
food that is trefah
shell fish
animals that do not have cloven hooves
wine that is made by non-jews
mixing milk and meat
fish that do not have fins and scales
where do the rules of kosher come from
the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy
neutral food that is neither milk or meat
pareve food
kosher food
meat that is slaughtered in a specific way, e.g. cutting the throat
fruits and vegetables that have been washed so no insects are on it
food in markets with kosher labeling
food cooked with kosher utensils
quote from the book of leviticus about examining kosher fish
“Everything in the water that has no fins and scales shall be an abomination to you” Leviticus 11:12
quote from the book of leviticus examining kosher meat
“Any animal that has true hooves, with cleft through the hooves, and that chews cud-such you may eat” Leviticus 11:3
- a relationship between god and man
- an example of this is the covenant between god and abraham, promising the land of canan, descendants and the blessing of a name in return for the circumsicion of jewish males
613 commandments
4 main things jews believe about god
- he is judge
- he is singular
- he is the creator
- he is a commander
they do not believe he is omnibenevolent
example of God being seen as a creator
- god created the world ex nihlo
- god is omniscient
Genesis 1:3-5
“and God said, let there be light, and there was light.”
first 5 books of the hebrew bible
consists of the torah, Nevi’im and ketuvim
the nevi’im
books of the Jewish prophets such as Joshua and Isaiah
rosh hashanna
the jewish new year
yom kippur
- 10 days after rosh hashanna
- Day of Atonement
what happens during yom kippur
- go to a synagogue, do not work or go to school
- fast (no eating or drinking for 25hrs) as a way of apoligising to god
- at the end of the day, the shofar is blown
bar mitzvah
ceremony that takes place when a boy turns 13
bat mitzvah
ceremony that takes place when a girl turns 12
the divine presence of god
usually represented as a cloud in the torah
The promised deliverer of the Jewish nation. Jews believe a king will be sent by God to save the Jews.
examples of god being singular
shema prayer, “Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God, the Lord is One and Only.” Deuteronomy 6:4
they believe he is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent
examples of god being a law giver
- god gave the torah to moses on mount sinai
- which contained the 613 mitzvot
- “you shall not murder”
examples of god being seen as judge
- the fall of adam and eve
- noahs ark
- the 12 plagues sent on egypt
what does the shema teach about god
God is personal and demands love from Jews with every aspect of their being
Proves monotheism
“The lord our god is one”
the messianic age
a time where all war will end and everyone will live in peace and harmony
pikuach nefesh
the concept that any jewish law can be broken if it risks a human life
what is the abrahamic covenant
- abraham was called by God to go to the land of canan (the promised land)
- in return, jesus promised descendants, a blessing of a name
- all jewish males have to be circumsised
challenges of keeping kosher
- Meat has to be bought from a kosher butcher to guarantee it has been prepared in the correct way
- A three-hour gap is must be observed after eating meat before eating dairy