Life after Death Flashcards
What are Non religious beliefs about Evolution?
- Survival of the fittest
- Comes from random mutation of the genes
- Simple to complex organisms
- Fossil evidence
- Over millions of years
Define, ‘Abortion’.
When a pregnancy is deliberately ended so it doesn’t result in the birth of a child
Why do Liberal Christians tolerate Abortion?
- Situation ethics: most loving thing to do
- The Bible needs to be updated to society: the law allows abortion up to 24 weeks
- To withhold compassion is a greater evil than abortion-> Jesus never withheld compassion
- “treat others as you would like to be treated”
- “Love your neighbour”
Why do Catholic Christians not allow Abortion?
Against abortion as only God can end life
- Man is made “in the image of God”
- “I knit you in your mother’s womb”
- “If we die, we die to the Lord”
- “Life starts at conception”, bible
- “You shall not kill”
- “your body is a temple of the holy spirit”
Why would some Buddhists be against Abortion?
- Unskilful action-> from ignorance
- Bad karma for the baby
- Goes against the 1st precept
- “Do not wish harm upon another”
- Turtle analogy-> baby’s life is precious
Why would some Buddhists be for Abortion?
- Metta + Karuna
- 1st precept
- Mindfulness-> be aware of mother’s situation
- Turtle analogy-> Mother’s life will be changed/ruined with a baby
Why do Humanists support Abortion?
- Mother’s rights are more important-> her body
- Quality of life matters
- Life is not a creation of God
- Life begins after birth
- Must stop back street/unsafe abortions
Why do Atheists support abortion?
Support the law
Utilitarian attitude
What are weaknesses of supporting abortion?
- Most loving thing may be to not get an abortion-> cannot know long term impact of children on the mother
- Mother’s life isn’t more important if life starts at conception
- Bible is the word of God-> Should not be updated or ignored (Conservative Christians)
Define ‘Euthanasia’
Permitting the death of a person who is suffering from a serious illness
Why do Liberal Christians allow Euthanasia?
- Situation ethics: most loving thing to do
- “Treat others as you would like to be treated”
- “Love your neighbour”
- To withhold compassion is a greater evil than euthanasia
- Jesus never withheld compassion and always helped the sick
Why are Catholic Christians against Euthanasia?
Only God can end life
- Humans are created in God’s image
- “All the days allotted to me are recorded in your book”
- “If we die, we die to the lord”
- “You shall not kill”
- “Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit”
Why might some Buddhists be against Euthanasia?
- Unskilful: from ignorance
- Bad karma for the doctor + patient
- Goes against the first precept
Why might some Buddhists allow Euthanasia?
- Karuna + Metta
- First precept
- “I teach suffering and the end of suffering”
Why do Humanists support Euthanasia and have a ‘Dignity in Dying movement’ ?
- Humans deserve the right to a dignified death
- The law is unfair-> penalises doctors for trying to end suffering
- Humans have reason and intelligence and should have the right to choose, they have no God to choose for them
- Situation ethics: most loving thing to do when a terminally ill person is suffering
- Utilitarianism: it will bring about the most amount of happiness
What are weaknesses to allowing Euthanasia?
- Most loving thing may be to allow the person to live and come to terms with their suffering
- Euthanasia may not be loving to the doctors who have to carry it out under an oath to preserve lives
- Law is not unfair-> protects the right of all people involved, not just the dying person, also doctors and the family
What is a weakness for being against Euthanasia?
- May be the most loving thing to allow the person to shorten their life to end suffering
Why do Christians believe humans are sacred?
- “Humans are made in the image of God”
- “I knit you in your mothers womb”
- “Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit”, St Paul
- “If we live, we live to the lord, if we die, we die to the lord”-> our lives belong to God
Why do Humanists believe humans are special?
- we only live one life
- we have reason and intelligence, can live by a moral code
- we have a shared humanity, should always help others lead a good life
- Singer: we have preferences, prefer to feel pleasure not pain
- Singer: we make moral decisions
- Singer: we can self reflect
Why do Buddhists believe humans are special?
- Human realm is the only realm where beings have a choice and can become enlightened
- Buddha taught they were important (first precept)
- 8 fold path: must treat humans with respect (right speech, right action, right mindfulness= be honest, loving kindness, know how we feel and others)
Why do Christians feel animals are important?
- Genesis 1: God creates all living beings (life on water and in land etc)
- Animals are a creation of God
- Isaiah says they will be in the kingdom of God
- Jesus said to look at the birds in the air, “Neither they sow nor reap, but you heavenly father feeds them”
Why might Evangelical Christians believe animals are not important
- Evangelical Christians stress passages to do with dominion, so animals aren’t important as they aren’t made in the image of God
Why do Humanists believe animals are important?
- They have feelings and suffer pain
- They have preferences: prefer not to feel pain and scream when in pain
- Singer: we would not exploit a human who lacks reason (disabled person, baby etc), so why do we allow the exploitation of animals-> SPECEISM
Why do Buddhists believe animals are important?
- They are on their journey to Nirvana
- Buddha taught it: first precept + loving kindness
- 8 fold path: right livelihood, right action and mindfulness-> link to not harming animals and being mindful of them
What is a Christian weakness of believing animals are important?
Bible rarely teaches about animals, so cannot be as important as humans
- ie Jesus only teaches about humans
Why do Liberal Christians believe in soul immortality (dualism), judgement day and heaven and hell are not literal places?
- Evidence of near death experiences
- “Today you will be with me in paradise”: Jesus to thief so has been judged on actions throughout life
- Bible needs updating
- Science shows that physical resurrection after death is impossible for the body-> Soul immortality is more likely
- God is loving: would never send anyone to literal hell for eternity
- Bible is full of symbolism: heaven and hell should be read this way
- St Paul, “we sow a physical body and reap a spiritual body” (reference to soul)
Why do Evangelical Christians believe the body and soul are resurrected, judgement day is at the end of time and heaven and hell are literal places?
- Jesus’ tomb was found empty
- St Paul, “We sow a physical body and reap a spiritual body” (reference to body)
- Sheep and goats: judged at the end of time
- Revelations refers to hell as a lake of fire: literal place
- In John’s gospel, Jesus, “No one can get to the Father except through me”
- Jesus, “The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this”-> Implies Christians will be judged on their faith
Why do Humanists believe there is no life after death?
- Science shows once the brain is dead, it ceases to exist
- No God to bring about an Afterlife
- They are materialists, only physical beings, no soul
What are weaknesses to believing heaven and hell are real, and judgement day is at the end of time to test faith?
- Jesus’ tomb may have been empty because his body was stolen
- Revelations: lake of fire may not have been intended to be read literally but spiritually
What is a weakness to Humanists believing humans are without souls?
- No evidence humans are just physical beings. A soul is not something that can be tested
What are features of a Christian funeral? What do they stand for?
- Before death, a Priest will give his last rites and confession-> allows a person to ask for forgiveness and be atoned
- Lit candles-> show hope in Jesus’ resurrection
- Readings, “I am the resurrection…”, reminder that Jesus died and resurrected so others can go to heaven
- ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’ is read, shows God is by the side of the believer always
- “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust”, Show that man was made from dust (Adam), and will return
- Burial-> the body can be reformed in the resurrection
What are the features of a Humanist funeral? What do they stand for?
- Eulogy-> remembers the person’s life, that life was important and they lived it
- Non religious readings and poetry-> don’t believe in the after life and God, personal meanings
- Personal favourite song/poem: show the uniqueness of a person that has died
- Special coffin, show interests of the person has died
What happens in Genesis 1?
God creates from nothing
in 6 days, he separates light from dark, heaven from earth, land from sea, creates sea creatures, land creatures and lastly, humans.
He rests on the 7th day
God saw what he made and saw that it was very good
God creates man last and in his image
God said “let us make mankind in our image”
Told Adam to rule over the earth
What happens in Genesis 2?
God creates Adam first before animals
Adam is formed from the dust of the ground
God says “it is not good for man to be alone”
Eve is formed from Adam’s rib
Adam is commanded not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
He gives Adam responsibility to till the earth and look after it
What are the differences between Genesis 1 and 2?
- In Genesis 1 God creates from nothing, not stated in Genesis 2
- In Genesis 1 God saw what he created and saw that it was good, not stated in Genesis 2
Adam was created last in - Genesis 1 as the pinnacle of creation and given stewardship, in Genesis 2 he is created first
- In Genesis 1, Adam is given dominion (stewardship) as he is told to rule the earth, in Genesis 2, he names everything and is commanded to till the earth
What is the Big Bang?
- Theory of Stephen Hawking
- Cause of the world from a singularity 15 billion years ago
What do Evangelical Christians believe about the origins of the universe and human life?
- The earth was creates by God in 6 days-> Genesis 1 account in the bible, Yom (Hebrew word) means day
- The universe was created 10,000 years ago-> Old testament genealogies adding up to 10,000 years ago, fossil evidence from Noah’s flood
- Humans were created separately from apes in Genesis 1-> shows they didn’t evolve from them
- The devil planted fossil evidence
What do Liberal Christians believe about the origins of the universe and human life?
- The bible creation stories are written as myths, not literal, only containing important truths-> show God’s love and power for the world
- The Bible was written at a time when they didn’t know about evolution and the Big Bang so wouldn’t have mentioned it
- Yom, means era-> God created the world in 6 eras, fits with science
- God is behind the process of the Big Bang and evolution
Why do scientists disagree with the Evangelical view?
- The universe began billions of years ago, not 10,000 years-> Big Bang evidence, 13.8 billion years ago, evidence of Red-shift/background radiation
- There is no God for atheists-> Big Bang happened as a result of natural causes. Hawkins: it happened by chance, out of nothing
- Natural selection and survival of the fittest-> explains why living organisms are so well adapted to environments
- Complex natural organisms (ie eye), explained through evolution as sight has evolved over millions of years (Dawkins). NOT as complex as Behe claims + no need for God
What is the Theory of Evolution?
- Darwin
- Living organisms develop from less to more complex over millions of years
- Dawkins-> agreed, eye is complex, evolved over millions of years
What is Natural selection?
Animals with gene mutations that give them a survival advantage as they become more adapted to their environment
What is Environmental Responsibility?
By being good stewards and ensuring environmental sustainability. Humans are being environmentally responsible.
What is Stewardship?
Humans have to take environmental responsibility to control it, cultivate it and guard it on behalf of God. Not to exploit it.
What is Dominion?
To have charge over the environment , to have power over the environment. This means that humans can do as they please with it.
What is Sustainability?
This means to ensure that environmental resources are still here in the years to come for the use of future generations e.g coal, tropical forests.
What is Global citizenship?
To take care of the environment on a global scale.
Why do Liberal Christians believe humans should be stewards towards the environment?
- Genesis 2, God told Adam to till the earth and take care of it
- Genesis 1, “so God created them in his image”
- God said to “rule over the fish of the sea….” -> Humans were created in the image of God so to care for living beings and the world.
- Jesus, “Love thy neighbour”, Situation ethics -> Environmental damage can cause problems (ie climate change-> flooding, loss of housing) so must take care of environment and be loving in our response.
- Anglican Church (1992), wrote humans should be able to live in sustainably harmony with the rest of the natural world and flourish.
Why do some Evangelical Christians believe humans should have dominion over the environment?
- Genesis 1, “Let us make man in our image… and them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air”-> implies power and to do what we want with the world
- “you made him rule over the work of your hands; you put everything under his feet”, rule implies humans can have power over the environment, do as they please
- Book of Revelations (Bible), The earth will be destroyed in the last days, can spend their time prepping for End Time + treat the environment how they please
Name a Humanist organisation?
Humanists for a Better World
What do Humanists do to show environmental responsibility?
- Campaign for ethical climate change, joined the ethical climate coalition campaign
- Campaigned for the stunning of animals pre slaughter
- Encourage supermarkets (ie Tesco) to label their meat as stunned pre slaughter
- Supported Campaign ‘For the love of the world’
Why do Humanists show concern for the environment?
- To ensure a good world for future generations-> “I want my grandchildren to see elephants”
- Humans have reason and intelligence. At the top of their food chain, have to responsibly act in order to save the environment
- “The environment is unique and beautiful”- Peter Singer
- It brings happiness to humans, if it is destroyed, it impacts human happiness (ie famine)
- “Only planet we have so we should treasure it”- Carl Sagan
How can Christians be global citizens towards the environment?
- Jesus, “love thy neighbour” etc, taught people to be loving-> care for global neighbours by preventing rising temperatures that cause famine etc
- Jesus, “treat others as you would like to be treated” etc, taught compassion-> Shouldn’t let others suffer from climate change if you don’t want to
- God made all people “In his image”-> everyone should be protected globally through environmental work
How can Humanists be global citizens to the environment?
- Feel awe over natural sites that enrich life, global sites
- Future generations all over the world matter (ie Bangladesh, Tuvalu (sinking country)
- Humanists love and care for all, globally
- Should share with everyone globally, sea is shared-> humans should do everything to save the shared earth
What are features of the Big Bang theory?
- 14 billion years ago
- Started with a singularity
- Singularity came out of the laws of gravity (Hawkins)
- Subatomic particles formed
- First gases were hydrogen and helium
- Planets and stars formed
- Evidence-> red shift, background radiation
What are the features of the Theory of Evolution?
- Natural selection
- Survival of the fittest
- Development to complex organisms from simpler ones
- Dawkins: the eye can be explained through evolution. Light sensitive cells developed in the eye over millions of years
- Darwin: Studied finches, those with beaks better survived the environment with lucky genes, pass them down to future generations
- Evolution is random: random mutation of a gene
- Evidence: fossil development over years
- Dawkins: all types of eyes exist in the animal kingdom, simple to complex
What do Buddhists believe about the environment?
- Should look after the environment
- Turtle analogy: life is precious, should be cared for
- Good Karma: motivated by metta for all creatures
- 8 fold path: right action and mindfulness-> look after the environment
- 2nd precept: avoid taking what is not freely given ie from the earth (stewardship)