Christian beliefs Flashcards
What is the Inconsistent Triad/Problem of Evil by Epicurus?
-God wants to stop evil but cannot-> not omnipotent
-God can stop evil but doesn’t want to-> not omnibenevolent
-God is both omnibenevolent and omnipotent-> evil shouldn’t exist
Conclusion-> God doesn’t exist
How do Christians respond to the problem of evil and existence of God? (5)
- Evil is a punishment from God of human sin-> Augustine
- Evil is the work of the Devil
- Evil allows humans to develop by showing qualities (compassion and bravery etc)-> Irenaeus and Hick
- Evil is a result of abuse of free will-> Irenaeus, Hick and Augustine
- Evil is a test from God-> Irenaeus and Hick
What is the story of Job?
Job loses everything-> his home, gets a skin disease, his family
- Question suffering with friends and is tested on faith by the devil
- He decides to continue believing in God, which is the opposite of what the Devil wanted
Why do people suffer/innocent people suffer? (in the story of Job)
- People suffer as a test of their faith
- Good people suffer lots because the devil wants to turn them from God
,What is Matthew’s account/gospel of Jesus’ birth?
- Born in a house
- Visited by the wise men in the east
- Followed a star
- Brought gifts: Frankincense (worship), Myrrh (suffering), Gold (Kingship)
- Visited Herod who told them to let him know where Jesus was
- Told by an angel not to go back to see Herod
What is Luke’s account/Gospel of Jesus’ birth?
- Mary told she will give birth to Son of most high-> by Angel Gabriel
- Born in a manger in Bethlehem
- In Bethlehem for a census, no room in the inns
- Shepherd’s told of his birth by heavenly host of angels-> no gifts, outcast Jews
What is the meaning of Incarnation?
God in flesh
Why do Christians believe in the Incarnation?
- Angel Gabriel said Mary will give birth to the “Son of the most High”
- Jesus performed miracles-> walked on water, overturned nature
- Virgin birth, miracle
- Baptism: God ‘this is my son with whom I am well pleased’
What happens before the Crucifixion? (holy week) (5)
- Week up to his death, Jesus foretells his death at the last supper
- Is betrayed to Jewish High Priests by Judas
- Is arrested in Garden of Gethsemane by Roman soldiers and Jewish high priests
- Is given illegal trial at night by high priests, handed to Pontius Pilate, tried and chosen to die over Barabbas
- Jesus was whipped and mocked by Roman soldiers-> drew lots over his clothes + gave him crown of thorns
What happens during the Crucifixion? (holy week) (5)
- Made to carry cross, helped by Simon of Cyrene
- Offered wine but refused to drink it
- Romans divided up his clothes by drawing lots
- Nailed to the cross, on the top-> “this is Jesus, King of the Jews)
- Those below mocked him saying he should save himself if he was really the Son of God
- He was crucified between 2 thieves: cries out “Why have you forsaken me?”, to God as he dies, also offered wine and vinegar
- When he dies, earth shakes + temple curtain comes down-> many women mourn
What is the Atonement?
Means to make humans and God one again
- Christians believe that through Jesus’ death he took the punishment for Human Sin
- This meant God could be reconciled with humans again
- Jesus was a sacrafice for human sin
Why is the Incarnation important to Christians?
- Enabled God to atone for human sin: Jesus was the sacrafice, Lamb of God, Made up for the Fall- Adam and Eve
- God could understand human suffering: Went through pain of crucifixion, betrayed by friends (Peter and Jesus)
- God could show humans the perfect way to behave through Jesus and his teachings (ie love thy neighbour etc)
Why is the Crucifixion important for Christians?
- Was the sacrafice for Adam’s sin + the Fall-> the lamb of God, Isaiah says “he was sent like a lamb to the slaughter”. “Jesus is the second Adam”- St Paul
- Atoned for sin, reconciled humans with God. Jesus was the scapegoat for evil like the Jews used a goat to take on their sins in the Old Testament
- Helped God understand human sacrafice-> he went through it himself
- Showed God’s Grace-> suffered to save humans, “For God so loved the world he gave his only son”
- Showed Jesus was the Son of God-> tombs of Holy men came open, earthquake, temple came down
- Enabled eternal life-> “so that all who believe in him may have eternal life”
Why is Atonement important for Christians?
- Shows God’s love/grace-> sacrificed his son to reconcile with humans, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son”
- Jesus enables Eternal life, “So all who believe in him may have eternal life, “I am the way, the truth… No one can get through to the father except through me”
- Jesus overturned what Adam and Eve did when they sinned-> St Paul refers to him as 2nd Adam, he is the lamb sacrafice, Last supper-> Jesus “This is my blood which I shed for you”
- Fulfils Old Testament prophecy-> Isaiah predicts suffering servant who dies for the sins of others, “He was pierced for our transgressions”
What happens during the resurrection? (4 different accounts)
- Tomb was found empty by 3 women-> Mary, Mary the mother of James, Joanna
- Women were told by 2 angels, Why do you look for the living amongst the dead
- Mary visits tomb by herself, mistakes Jesus for a Gardener
- Disciples didn’t believe her, Peter has to go look for himself
- Jesus appeared to disciples, only believed once he broke bread and drunk wine with them
- Doubting Thomas asks to see Jesus’ wounds
- Earthquake, stone in front of the tomb rolls away
- St Paul: Jesus appeared to 500 women + men after appearing to the disciples
What is the Ascension?
40 days after resurrection
- Jesus ascends to heaven in front of disciples
- Tells them to spread the message of good news + baptise in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
What are Key Biblical Quotes for Christian Belief topic?
- “For God so loved the world he gave his only Son, so that all who believe in him may have eternal life”, John’s Gospel
- “I and the Father are one”, Jesus
- “No one can get to the Father except through me”, Jesus
- “This is my blood which I shed for you”, Jesus at last supper
- “He was pierced for our transgressions”, Isaiah foretelling the suffering servant
- Scapegoat used for Israelites to atone for sin
- Adam and Eve in The Fall
Why is the resurrection important?
- Shows Christians can have eternal life
- In the Bible
- Shows Jesus is the Son of God
How does the resurrection show that Christians can have eternal life?
- Jesus rose from the dead-> showed death could be defeated
-(St Paul) he was the second Adam-> Adam brought death, Jesus (through death and resurrection) brought life - he ate and drank with his disciples despite having died
- “we are sown a physical body and raised a spiritual body (St Paul)
- “For God so loved the world he gave his only son…so all who believe in him will have eternal life”
How is the resurrection important due to being in the bible?
- 3 women go to his tomb and find it empty, angels ask why they go look for the living within the dead
- tell disciples, Peter looks for himself (disbelief)
- Jesus appears to them, breaks bread and drinks wine-> then recognised
How does the resurrection show that Jesus is the Son of God?
- Earthquake, boulder rolls away
- Women told by angels/divine beings that Jesus has risen
- After resurrection: Jesus doesn’t die again but ascends (so still alive in heaven)
- Shows Thomas his wounds from crucifixion to show he was crucified, did die and then rise again
- (St Paul), If Christ has not risen, faith is useless, still within sin
Why is the Ascension important for Christians?
- Shows even though God is no longer physically on earth, God’s spirit is still with Christians-> (EVidence= Pentecost, Holy Spirit came to disciples, gave strength to spread Jesus’ message)
- Shows Christians must try to spread Jesus’ message (EV= Jesus said “go and spread the gospel to all creation” before ascending, must baptise people as Jesus was baptised)
- Shows Jesus is waiting in heaven for Christians (EV= Apostles Creed, read out in church every week “He is seated at the right hand of the Father”)
- Jesus didn’t die-> further EV he is the Son of God, eternally in heaven
What are Key points across the topic about God?
God needs to understand suffering
God needs to atone for human sin
God needs to offer hope to all humans
God is ever present through the Trinity
What are characteristics of God + examples? (3)
Omnipotent- parts the Red Sea
Omnibenevolent- Jesus includes the Outcasts in his miracles (cures lepers and the blind)
Creator- Genesis 1 and 2
What is the Trinity + points?
Father- creates universe and provides
Son- Incarnation, is the sacrifice and brings atonement and eternal life
Holy Spirit- brings gifts (love, speaking in tongues). Presence makes everything holy (cleanses sin in baptism and holy communion)
What are teachings/biblical passages to support the Trinity? (4)
Jesus’ baptism- “This is my son with whom I am well pleased”
Dove- holy spirit
Jesus “I and the Father are one”
Jesus “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father”
Stated in Nicene Creed
Why is the Trinity important? (6)
In the Bible: ie Revealed directly by God at Jesus’ baptism
Helps Christians to understand God: ie Tells them the different eternal roles of God
Helps Christians to understand how they can be saved from sin: Son atones from sin and shows Christians how to live a good life through his example, Holy Spirit sanctifies during sacraments (Washes away sin during Baptism), Father sent Jesus to atone + sent prophets in the Old Testament to warn people of sin
Witnessed by Apostles: already believed in the Father, saw Son’s miracles and teachings, Holy Spirit= Pentecost
Jesus’ Teachings: “I and the Father are one” “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father”
It is the teaching of the Church: stated in the Nicene Creed, “I believe in God the Father… Jesus Christ his only Son…I believe in the Holy Spirit
What is the brief explanation of Genesis 1 and Genesis 2?
- 7 Days
- humans created last
- God before everything
- Image of God
- Rule over
- Good
- Adam from Dust
- Eve from his rib
- The Fall
- Cultivate the land
- “A man will leave his mother and father, join with his wife and the two will become one flesh”
What is the Fundamentalist interpretation of Genesis?
- Literal word of God
- Scientific theories are wrong
- Earth is 10,000 years old
- Genesis 2 explains, Genesis 1 further
What is the Liberal Christian interpretation of Genesis?
- Should be read as a myth/poem
- Science is correct
- Writers of Bible inspired by God, covers important spiritual truths (ie God is creator-> he is behind the Big Bang)
What do Christians believe about Sin?
Original Sin- The Fall, sin is inherited. Adam and Eve
Original Sin- symbolic not literal, shows human inclination towards sin
Sin= turning away from God
What is Salvation?
Being freed from Sin
- cleansed of original sin (for some Christians)
Why is Salvation important?
Christians can be atoned and go to heaven
How did Christians being atoned become possible?
Christians believed Jesus died to atone for human sin
- sacrafice and scapegoat
- took on human sin and took punishment
- so that humans can now be at one with God again after the Fall of Adam and Eve
How is the Bible seen as Divine Law?
- Bible includes God’s laws-> guide Christians in the right way to behave to be saved
- The most important parts of the Bible for guidance detail Jesus’ teachings about behaviour (Gospels, Matthew, Luke, Mark, John)
- New and Old Testament: 10 commandments in OT. Do not steal, lie, commit, adultery, be jealous, honour your mother and father
How do different Christians interpret the Bible?
Fundamentalists: interpret as the literal word of God, NOT be updated to modern society
Liberal: interpret as inspired by God, needs updating to today’s society
What is the importance of the Holy Spirit to Salvation?
- believed to be present at the sacraments of baptism and the eucharist-> cleanses humans of sin during these
- sign of God’s grace he sent Holy Spirit to save humans
- important to Evangelical worship + brings gifts (ie healing, speaking in tongues)
- Came upon disciples at the Pentecost to show they needed to spread the gospel to all nations
What is the Catholic view on Salvation?
Needs confession, contrition, repentance, penance
Salvation is through Jesus atoning his death
Must take mass, be baptised (the sacraments) -> Holy spirit is present, cleanses sin
What is the Protestant/Anglican view on Salvation?
Don’t need Priest for salvation, need to be sorry
Do not agree with confession
Should pray to God to receive forgiveness
Salvation comes through Jesus’ death
Some believe Holy Spirit will cleanse sins in baptism and Holy Communion
What is Liturgical worship?
Set pattern to worship
- Anglican church: set service for Holy Communion (biblical reading, sermon, prayers, Holy Communion)
What are the Pros and Cons to Liturgical worship?
- sets the pattern that Jesus set up (ie Lord’s prayer, sermon on the mount, last supper)
- not as much room in the service to be moved by the Holy Spirit
What is Non-Liturgical worship?
No set pattern to worship
- ie Quakers
- Moved by the Holy Spirit, speak in tongues
What are the pros and cons to Non-Liturgical worship?
- mirrors the Pentecost when Holy Spirit came over the disciples and they began speaking in tongues
- could miss out important practices which Jesus set up (ie his Last Supper, which is remembered in Holy Communion/eucharist)
What does eschatology mean?
Study of the ends/death
Why do Christians believe there will be life after death? (5)
- Jesus rose from the dead
- Stated in the Nicene Creed weekly in church, “I look for the resurrection of the dead”
- Jesus “… whoever lives by believing in me will never die”
- Jesus said he was going to prepare a place for his followers to go
- Jesus told many parables suggesting there would be an afterlife (sheep and the goats, rich man and Lazarus)
What is the parable of the Sheep and the Goats? And what does it teach about Judgement?
- Judgement will be at the end of time
- Those who have looked after others will go to heaven, and those who have ignored the suffering will go to hell
What is the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus? And what does it teach about Judgement?
- If you ignore those in need, you will go to hell and no one will be able to save you
- You must listen to the words of prophets and heed them to go to heaven.
What is the traditional view on resurrection?
- It will be bodily because Jesus’ tomb was empty
- St Paul said we will reap a spiritual body
What is the Liberal view on resurrection?
- It will be our soul which lives on-> spiritual body refers to soul immortality
- Heaven and Hell aren’t physical places, so no physical body
EV: Jesus’ disciples didn’t immediately recognise him after the resurrection, indicating he may have been a spiritual presence rather than physical
What is the Traditional/Evangelical view on heaven and hell?
- Heaven and Hell are places
- referred to as places in the Bible (Revelations says hell is a lake of fire)
What is the Liberal view on heaven and hell?
- Heaven and Hell are spiritual states and not places
- Hell is feeling separated from God, Heaven is being with God. EV= space exploration has never found heaven and hell
- Some liberals believe there is no hell-> a loving God would not send anyone to eternal hell
What is Purgatory?
Catholic belief
- where souls go to be purified of sin
- no body in purgatory, only soul
- after purification, soul can go to heaven
Purgatory isn’t as bad as hell but is very painful
What happens in Genesis 1?
Spirit of God hovers over the raging waters
God creates by spoken word
Creates in 6 days and rests on the 7th
- light and darkness
- separates heaven and earth
- separates land and water
- sun, moon and stars (light in the sky)
- makes life in sea and land animals
- humans in his own image + tells them to rule over all the fish in the sea
- sees creation and thinks that it is good
What happens in Genesis 2?
Creates Adam from earth
- land animals, asks Adam to name them all
Sees Adam alone: “It is not good for man to be alone”
- creates Eve out of Adam’s rib
Tells Adam and Eve not to eat out of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
- serpent tempts Eve, Eve tells Adam to eat from the tree
- Lets evil into the world (The Fall)
God punishes Adam by telling him to till the earth + punishes Eve by making her have a painful childbirth
After The Fall:
humans no longer immortal, they will die
How do Fundamentalist Christians interpret Genesis?
Bible is complete word of God
- both stories are true and happen exactly as they are written
How do Conservative Christians interpret Genesis?
Stories are written as myths to explain important spiritual truths
- didn’t happen as they say they did BUT Christians should learn from them bc God is powerful, the Creator + Man has a special relationship with God so are in charge of the earth and Humans are sinful and humans need forgiveness
How do Liberal Christians interpret Genesis?
Bible needs updating to today’s society
- Genesis stories contradict with science so are incorrect
- BUT important to learn that God is the creator
What are roles of humans for Christians?
- Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the air
- To be a companion (isn’t good for man to be alone)
- To have a family (“to be fruitful and increase”)
- To have sex (“the two will become one flesh”)
- To look after the earth (Adam is told to till the earth)
- To worship God (the Lord’s prayer)
What are the roles of the spirit and the Son (word) in Creation?
- John’s Gospel, “In the beginning was the word and the word became flesh and lived amongst us”
- The son (word) has been present for all creation, as have all the members of the Trinity
- Genesis 1, talks of the spirit of God hovering over the raging waters
- God’s spirit was there at the start and was the power behind creation
- Spirit of God orders creation out of chaos
What is Sin?
Any action that breaks God’s moral law
What is Salvation?
Being saved from original sin and its consequences
What is Confession?
to confess your sin
What is Contrition?
to show genuine regret for sins committed
What is Repentance?
To confess to God and ask for his forgiveness
What is Penance?
An action that shows regret for wrongdoing
What is Atonement?
At one with God achieved by Jesus’ death