libralism Flashcards
what were john lockes 2 main theory’s
social contact theory and minimal state
what is social contract theory
society,state and the government are based on voluntary agreements
what is limited government
the idea that government should be limited and must have consent of the people
what are marywollstonecrafts 2 main ideas
reason and formal equality
what is reason?
the idea that woman are rational independent beings capable of reason
what is formal equality
to be free woman should enjoy full civic liberties and be allowed to have a career
what are john stuart mills 2 main ideas
harm printable and tolerance
what is harm principle?
we should be free to do anything other then harm other individuals
what is tolarance?
just because a view is popular dosent make it correct
what is john rawls main 2 ideas
theory of justice and veil of ignorance
what is the theory of justice
society must be just and guarantee each citizen a good quality of life
what is the veil of ignorance
hypothetical scenerio where individuals agree on the type of society they want without knowing what there potion in that society will be
what are betty friedan 2 main ideas
legal equality and equal opportunity
what is legal equality
woman are just as capable as men and oppressive laws and social views must be overturned
what is equal opportunity
woman are being held back form achieving there potential because of the limited number of jobs that are acceptable for women
who are the 5 key thinkers?
john Locke, mary Wollstonecraft, john Stuart mill, john rawly, betty friedan
what is positive freedom?
the idea that freedom is about personal fulfilment and retaliation of potential
what is negative freedom
the absence of external constraints in society as well as no interference in the private sphere
what are the key beliefs of classic liberalist
- egotistical individualism
-mechanistic theory
-social contract theory
-mills harm principle
-individuals are rational and are capable of logical thought
-individuals are tolerant
what is the original position
individuals must construct a society from scratch that they thought was better then the one currently lived in one of the main focouses on this position would be how to identify how wealth and power should be distributed
what do classic liberals believe the about the size of the state
they believe in a minimal state that should protect negative freedom and negative rights and guarantee formal equality of oppertunity
what do modern liberals believe about the size of the state
they believe in an large enabling state that promotes positive freedom and positive rights and sustains equality of oppertunity
what is negative rights
condemned by majotorianism and the threat that extending the franchise posed to property rights
why do Liberals view the state as a nessicary evil
as they believe that the state is something that is necessary to protect individual rights but also believe that it can limit rights
what is Mary wollstone crafts idea on formal equality
she agreed with a constitutional defence on individual rights but that those rights must be available to both woman and man and that to be free woman should enjoy full civil liberties and be allowed a carrerr
what is individualism
the idea that individuals intrests are more important then collective social interests
what is collectivism
limits that are placed on individuals freedom in order to presue common good
what is classic liberals view on individualism
they believe in egotistical individualism that place importance on self intestines and self reliance they believe our human nature is fixed and we have everything we need at birth to flourish
what is modern liberals view of individualism
modern liberals believe in developmental individualism. the idea that the individual freedom is linked to the desire to create a society in which each person can grow and flourish
what is the state of nature
a hypothetical example of what life might have been like before laws and governments
what is the classic liberal view on tolerance
classic liberals belive that rational individuals are capible of tolerance. Locke argued that int he state of nature that people are able to excersise there natural rights
what is the modern liberal view on tolerance
they believe that individuals are capable of tolarance and that tolerance should be extended to intolerant acts unless it thretend the security of others in society.
attempted to expand the principle of tolarance outlined by classical librals this is known as social liberalism
what is modern liberal thinker Betty Friedan view on tolerance
she argued for grater toleration of different genders and races she argued that too many individuals were held back in western socities based on innate factors like there gender race ethnicity etc