Liberals How Effective Essay Flashcards
1906, growing industrialisation 19th century growth large cities, vast army unemployed and poor laissez-faire attitude
1904, liberals came to power began moving away from trad values in response to social surveys highlighting
Old age, childhood, the sick, the unemployed/poorly paid
The Young k1
Free school meals act of 1906, 14 million by 1914
The Young K2
Medical inspections of 1907 30%of children deemed verminous, TB treatment provided
Old age k1
Pensions act of 1908 gave eligible people 1-5 shillings a week
Old age k2
Eligible 70+ estimate 500,000 however 650000 applied
Sickness k1
National inspection part 1 of 1911 provided 26 weeks of benefits
Sickness k2
9pemceof benefits per week for 4p contribution from worker
Unemployment k1
National insurance act part 2 of 1911 provided 15 weeks of benifits
Unemployment k2
The labour exchanges act of 1909 helped workers to find jobs quickly, 1914 300 found jobs everyday
Unemployment E
Below Rowantree poverty line as only 7 shillings a week so only helped minimise the effects or parents not eradicate it.
Sickness E
only available to ages 16-60 so gap opened up between insurance and pensions
the young E
childrens charter 1908 made it on offence to neglect a child, 1000 children burned to death every Year.