Liberalism (short) Flashcards
Who is John Loke and what are his texts?
John Loke is the founder of classic liberalism
Two treaties of government
Classic liberals- what is negative liberty?
The freedom involves individual being left alone to pursue own destiny
Freedom of absence is restraint
Interference of any kind if there’s an infringement on your liberty
Loke- What is the social contract theory?
An agreement between the government and the government
What’s Lokes view on the state?
State must be a representative based on the consent of the governed
Limited state via constitutional reform
Whats Lokes view on human nature?
Human beings are rational guided by the pursuit of self interest but mindful of others concerns
Tolerate all views
Whats Lokes view on society?
Society predates the state
Natural society with natural rights and laws
Whats Lokes view on economy?
State policy should respect the natural right to private property and arbitrate effectively between individual competition for trade and recourses
Enforce contracts
Lassies faire economics
What is lassies faire capitalism?
Based on private property
Economic system allowing private enterprise and capitalism to operate with little or no state interference
Who is mary wollstonecraft an what were her texts?
Classical liberalist
Vindication of the rights of women
Mary WSC- what is revolutionary potential?
Men and women both require an education
Mary WSC- view on human nature?
Rationalism defines both genders, men and women are no difference
Mary WSC- view on the state?
The monarchail state should be replaced by a republic enshrining women
Mary WSC- view on society?
Society infadelised women and this stifled female individuality
Mary WSC- view on economy?
Free market economy would be energised by the enterprise of liberated women
John Stuart Mill- who is he and what text does he write?
Classical liberalism
‘On liberty’
John sm- what is harm principle?
The only reason for power to be exercised over any member of a civilised community against their will is to prevent harm from others
self regarding- dont impact freedom of others e.g. free speech
Other regarding- don’t limit freedom e.g. violence
John SM- views on human nature?
Through fundamentally rational, human nature is fixed, its forever progressing to a high level
John SM- views on the state?
State should proceed cautiously towards representative democracy mindful and minority rights
John SM- views on society
The best society is one where individually co exists with tolerance and self improvement
John SM- view on economy?
Laissez faire capitalism is vital to progress
Individual enterprise and individual initiative
John Loke- provenance?
Lived through the civil war so against absolute monarchy
and supporter of social contract
Protector of natural rights (property) but doesn’t regard women or non land owning classes
Mary wollstonecraft- provenance?
Social contract should be updated to include women
-Says this because she wanted more divorce rights due to a man left her and their baby they had outside of wedlock
-Visited france during revolution to show support, criticised Edmund Burke who opposed the revolution
-Remove absolute monarchs
John Stuart Mills- provenance?
Lived during industrialisation and was aware of class mistreatment
Wife was a feminist
Developmental individualism what people can become not what they are e.g. need via education
-Not sold on 100% democracy
Who is Thomas Hill Green?
A modern liberalist
Provenance of THG?
Lived in Victorian era via the industrial revolution and saw poverty growing in child labour and lack of state regulation
Challenges negative lib with positive lib
Wife promoted girls education and said the state should provide universal education
Campaigned for men’s rights to vote
THG- what is positive freedom?
Individuals left alone are inhibited rather than free to exercise their individual risk
Need laws enabling social justice
Done via enabling state (tax and laws)
The freedom to
Positive freedom in regards to the governments?
Blair- sure start, minimum wadge and free school meals
Atlee- NHS
G Bush- no child left behind
Obama- obamacare
FDR- new deals
Bevaridge report- tackling want ignorance squalor etc
THG- view on human nature
Human nature has clear social demensions
THG- view on state?
Large enabling state
The state to take a positive role in tackling poverty
THG- view on society?
Equality of opportunity
Removal of hereditary priveladge
THG-view on economy?
Free market capitalism creates social and economic problems
Keynesian economic= govt intervention via public policies that aim to achieve full employments and full stability
Who is John Rawls?
A modern liberalist who wrote the theory of justice
John Rawls- provenance?
Fought in ww2 in the pacific and began an interest in what is fairness and justice
Published a book in 1971 civil rights and vietnam war, to become more conscious of plight
At this time democracy and universal suffrage are part of consensus
John Rawls- original positive/the veil of ignorance?
We are in an original position picking the society our about to from, we are placed behind the VOI preventing us from knowing about ourselves (gender race class ect)
We would all agree that there should be quality and welfare
John Rawls- does he agree with negative or positive freedom?
freedom to
JR- view on human nature?
Mankind is selfish yet empathetic, valuing individual liberty and the plight of those around them
-We must tolerate and share mutual respect
JR- view on state?
State should enable the less fortunate via public services and spending for individuals to advance
JR- view on society?
Society must be one where the poorest lives are important
Society must take into consideration the original position and the voi
JR- view on economy?
Free market capitalism should be tempered by states obligation to advanced its poorest citizens
Disruptive justice
Who is Betty Freidan?
Modern liberal feminist
Wrote the feminist mystique
Betty Freidan- provenance?
Grew up middle class, white and collage educated and became a housewife
Didnt work and experienced the problem with no name
Saw housewives take sedatives to survive
-Western society hold back on gender, ethnicity etc to prevent injustice so we need more legislation and affirmative action
BF- what is the problem with no name?
happy-suburban-housewife image that then was marketed to many women as their best if not their only option in life
Become unfufilled
BF- view on human nature?
Human nature has evolved to discourage self advancement among women
HN unchecked produces gender inequality
BF- view on the state?
Equality of opportunity for women, need state intervention
Should legislate to prevent continued discrimination against female individuals
BF- view on society?
Society remains chauvinist towards women, through women are complicit in repression
The problem with no name
BF- view on the economy?
Free market capitalism can become an ally of female emancipation if allied legislation precluded sexual discrimination
Legislation to stop discrimination and women need to access careers