Liberalism & Nationalism Flashcards
Why was the congress of Vienna considered succesful?
It succeeded since there was no major European war for 35 years (the longest peace in Europe for centuries). Also, since France was not heavily punished, it did not seek revenge on the other countries.
What 2 new movements were ignored by the congress?
Liberalism and Nationalism
What is liberalism and who did it emerge from?
It is an ideology that emerged from the ideas of
John Locke and French enlightened thinkers.
What had political liberalism previously Influenced?
American war of Independence and French Revolution
What did liberism emphasise?
It emphasised individual freedoms, and represented interests of the bourgeoisie.
What concept is liberalism based on?
It is based on the concept that society is made up of free citizens who have fundamental rights and liberties which must be guaranteed by the state.
What are basic principles of liberalism?
National sovereignity, Constitutional Monarchy, Separation of Power, Limited Suffrage, Individual Liberties and Free Market economy
What is National sovereignity?
Citizens possess national choose representatives by voting. These representatives make up political parties
What is Constitutional Monarchy?
Monarch becomes representative of the nation and the constitutions establishes the rights and duties of citizens.
What is Separation of Power?
3 Separate branches of power to avoid tyranny: Executive, Legislative and Judicial.
What is Limited Suffrage?
Male property owners. (limited because women could not own property)
What is Individual Liberties?
right to property. Freedom of the press, association, expression and religion
What is Free Market economy?
State cannot interfere in market economy.
What is Nationalism?
Most powerful idea of 1800s. Its influence stretched throughout Europe and America. It shaped countries by creating new ones or breaking old ones.
What did Nationalism Advocate?
It advocated the right of people who defined themselves as nations to establish
their own independent states.
What is a nation?
It can be defined as a group of individuals who have
a set of their own cultural ties and choose to live together.
What is a state?
Political and administrative organization that exercises power over a specific territory.
Who were nationalists loyal to?
Not to kings, but to their people, to those who shared common bonds.
What did nationalists believe?
They believed that people of a single “nationality” should unite under a single government.
What are 3 types of nationalist movements?
Unification, Separation, State-building
Explain Unification with examples
Mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands (19th Century Germany & 19th Century Italy)
Explain Separation with examples
Culturally distinct group resists being added to a state or tries to break away. (Greeks in Ottoman Empire, French-Speaking Canadians)
Explain State-Building with examples
Culturally distinct groups form into a new state by accepting single culture. (United States, Turkey)