liberalism example questions Flashcards
three ways liberal ideas limit freedom
-john stuart mill harm principle that government should only intervene when freedoms of individuals are too powerful and could harm someone
-laws consented to by society, based on fixing the issue of negative freedom e.g laws against discrimination of individuals
-john lockes idea that there is a social contract limits the individuals freedom by allowing government to intervene when necessary
three ways liberal thinkers view the role of the state
modern liberals - enabling state. one the provides society with what’s needed to develop as an individual rather than force success upon them
links to positive freedom and john rawls view
classic liberals favour a night-watchman state - rejects paternalism and associates with negative freedom and laissez faire economics
john Stuart mill - a utilitarian thinker thinks state should only ensure happiness within individuals achieved through the granting of more freedom and equality of opportunity
three ways liberal thinks view human nature
all liberals believe humans are rational and develop through reason (john locke says human nature is guided by tolerance and reason
modern liberals- self interest is needed for a just society in order to allow for any equality of opportunity. “theory of justice” Rawls tries to fix the problem of balancing freedom and equality of individuals.
all liberals reject social hierarchy, and instead strongly emphasise the need for equality of individuals. all humans are fundamentally equal and there are also forms of formal equality. Mary Wollstonecraft criticises aristocracy (placing power in the hands of highest class individuals)
25 marker- significance of society in liberalism
point 1- how society consents to govt
Locke- reluctant to direct democracy and prefers representative instead
society consents to others to carry out wishes for them
Rawls- humans are fundamentally rational so should be able to grant own freedoms and make own decisions, however still necessary for these rights to be protected by state
point 2- the concept of the social contract
Locke-society are judging their own case. it is acceptable as humans are rational so can make good decision of consetning to govt.
Rawls- more social justice can be achieved if more freedoms were given therefor society might be better off with no social contract and very limited govt
point 3- the overall view of the nature of the state
classic liberals (Locke)- limit intevernetion as only necessary if there is an infringement of freedoms perhaps due to tyranny govt . Locke says all humans are entitled to the natural rights of life, freedom and property so govt should not intervene with this at all
Rawls- does require some extent of govt intervention by providing essential institutions like hospitals and schools in order for equality of opportunity anf therefor govt guides individal through their rational and reasoned development (enabling state) also progressive tax and redistribution of wealth is impirtant to modern liberals