Liberalism Flashcards
What are the 6 core liberal ideas?
The state ‘a necessary evil’
Equality and social justice
Liberal democracy
Define rationalism
People are capable of making their own decisions. They are reasonable and logical.
What is a ‘liberal democracy’?
A democracy that balances the will of the people through elections with a limited gov and respect for civil liberties.
What type of individualism do classical liberals believe in?
Egotistical individualism: people are self seeking and self reliant
What type of individualism do modern liberals believe in?
- Developmental: minimal self interest, and individual freedom links to a desire to create a society where all can flourish.
What did John Locke say about freedom?
‘Where there is no law, there is no freedom’
What is utilitarianism?
Human action are motivated by a desire for pleasure and to avoid pain.
Who thought the utilitarian concept was too simplistic?
John Stuart Mill
Who put forward the idea of ‘negative freedom’?
John Stuart Mill
What is negative freedom?
Individuals should only be subject to external restraint when their actions potentially effect others.
What did Lord Acton say about power?
‘Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’’
What is constitutionalism?
A government where power is distributed and limited by laws
How do liberals believe you can keep the government limited?
Checks and balances
Separation of powers
Bill of rights
What liberals believe in laissez-faire capitalism?
Self interest drives economic growth
Due to rationalism, what did classical liberals accept?
Competition between individuals. It will produce conflicts but they favour the use of reasoned debate to resolve issues.
What do modern liberals believe would prevent conflict between groups and people?
Industrial arbitration (a neutral 3rd party which would meditate between people. E.g. employers and trade unions in effort to avert costly legal action.)
What is liberalism based on?
- The belief in foundational equality.
- Formal equality.
- Equal voting rights.
What type of society do classical liberals support?
A meritocracy
What are four distinct features of classical liberalism?
- Revolutionary potential.
- Negative liberty.
- Minimal state.
- Laissez-faire capitalism.
What are the liberal key thinkers?
- John Locke
- Mary Wollstonecraft
- John Stuart Mill
- John Rawls
- Betty Friedan
What are John Locke’s ideas?
- Social Contract Theory.
- Limited government - constitutionalism, separation of powers.
- Gov should protect property rights.
- Tolerance to some..
- State of nature. (people had ‘Natural Laws’, ‘Natural Rights’, ‘Natural Liberties’) - Innate rights.
What are Mary Wollstonecrafts ideas?
- Women are rational.
- Formal equality.
- Society free from discrimination.
- Education would enable potential.
- Equality of opportunity (right for women to choose).
What are John Stuart Mill’s ideas?
- Harm principle.
- Degree of state intervention to prevent injustice.
- Single rate income tax, inheritance tax.
- Equality for men and women.
- Exercise tolerance for diverse opinions and the ability to express a minority view.
- Developmental individualism.
What are John Rawls’s ideas?
- Rejected utilitarianism as it didn’t take into account the range of goals/desires.
- All entitled to certain rights and economic justice.
- Minimise difference in outcomes.
- ’Veil of ignorance’ and a low-risk strategy for those at bottom/ minimum standard of living.
- ‘Property owning democracy’ where ownership is widely distributed, and poor can be economically independent.
- State intervention to enable society (welfare) Redistribution of wealth. Human nature is empathetic.
What are Betty Friedan’s ideas?
- Oppressive laws and views must be rejected.
- Anti discrimination laws.
- Reform in existing social structure.
- Wanted opportunistic equality.
- Ensure foundational equality and equality of opportunity in both society and the economy.
What is positive freedom?
Some individuals may need enabling so that they’re free.
Why do Modern liberals believe an enabling state is necessary?
- Nature of modern economics and society meant individuals were subject to socio economic forces.
- They can then exploit their potential and achieve control.
What type of constitutional change do modern liberals want?
Written constitution, accountability to lords and lowering voter age.
What do modern liberals think about direct democracy?
- Can encourage tyranny of the majority.
- Mill argued vital decisions where best left for more liberally minded Parliament.
What are examples of legislation which protects minority groups?
Race relations act 1976 and Sex discrimination act 1975
Where is there agreement over human nature?
Positive view. Humans are rational and capable
Where is there disagreement over human nature?
- Egotistical individualism: naturally drawn to own advancement.
- Developmental individualism: desire to create a society where everyone can flourish.
What is social Darwinism?
believe in “survival of the fittest”—the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better.
Where is their consensus over Individualism?
- The exercise in tolerance
- The belief in rationalism
Where is there consensus over freedom/liberty?
- Believe in a mechanistic view of the state and human nature.
- State should be limited in order to free individuals.
What do liberals believe about equality and social justice?
- Equality of opportunity (all should have equal chances).
- Foundational equality (all should enjoy same legal and political rights in society).
- Ensured by free and fair elections and law.
What do classical liberals believe about equality and social justice?
- Different individuals with different talents should be rewarded differently.
- Social inequality is good as it gives people an incentive to work.
- Meritocracy.
What do modern liberals believe about equality and social justice?
Support full civil rights for women and minorities
Degree of state intervention
Where is there consensus over the idea of a liberal democracy?
- Gov based on consent, right to rebel if they break this contract.
- Limited power of the state.
- Constitutionalism.
Where is there differing views over liberal democracy?
- Classical liberal Mill discusses allocating more votes for educated to avoid influence of the uneducated. Dislikes tyranny of the majority.
- Modern liberals would say this is elitist. they support democracy as long as it provides a constitutional framework.