Lexture #9 Flashcards
Complex Trauma
Involved prolonged or repeated exposure during critical development windows usually in early childhood.
What are the 4 proposed criteria of complex trauma?
Criterion A - Traumatic Victimization
Criterion B - Affective/Physiological dysregulation
Criterion C - Avoidance
Criterion D - Self and relation Dysregulation
What are the 8 Risk Favtors For RAD And DSED?
Maternal postpartum depression
Parental mental illness
Substance abuse of parent
Inexperienced parent
Inconsistent care giving
Many different caregivers
DSM-V disinhibited social disengagement disorder
- overly comfortable interacting with unfamiliar adults.
- experienced social neglect, changes in caregivers.
DSM-V Reactive Attachment Disorder
- emotionally withdrawn behaviour
- reduced responsiveness
- limited affect and or irritability, sadness or fearfulness
- Exposure to extremes of insufficient care
- social neglect / deprivation
- repeated changes in caregivers
- rearing in unusual settings
PTSD ages 6 and under
Criterion A:
- direct experience of event
- child witness event
- child learned about traumatic event that happened to caregiver.
Criterion B:
- Intrusive symptoms
Criterion C:
- Attention and behavioural dysregulation
Criterion D:
- changes in arousal or reactivity
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- symptoms of avoidance and emotional numbing
- symptoms of intrusive memories
- symptoms of alterations in cognitions and mood.
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
- Difficulty processing sensory input
- Hyper (over) or hypo (under) in one or more senses.
Mood Dysregulation Disorder (MDD)
- severe recurrent temper outbursts that are grossly out of proportion in intensity or duration to the situation
- 3 or more times per week
Trauma Informed Interventions
- Interventions that target trauma reactions and attachment
- focused on attachment and self regulation
Classical Confitioning (3)
1) Systematic desensitization
2) Exposure therapy
3) Aversion Therapy
Systematic Desensitization Components:
- developed by John Wolpe
- Relaxation paired with CS
- anxiety hierarchy
- Relaxation training
- desensitization
CBT is effective for what disorders?
- depression
- anxiety
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- panic disorder
Ellis invented what type of therapy?
- rational emotive therapy
Beck invented what type of therapy?
- cognitive therapy
Beck thought depressed people had a negative view of….
- themselves
- the world
- the future
Negative schemas
- always present
- unconscious
- becomes activated with stressful events
Rational Emotive Therapy
- identify the patients irrational beliefs
- Add “D” (dispute) and “E” (Evaluate) to the A-B-C theory
- teach the patient to dispute the beliefs and substitute logical and rational beliefs.
- evaluate the effects of disputing their irrational beliefs
Example of rational thinking:
A-B-C Theory of dysfunctional Behavior:
A = fail a midterm
B = it’s unfortunate that I failed I did not study enough and I must make sure That I do better on the final.
C = No consequences
Example Of Irrational Thinking
A-B-C Theory of dysfunctional behavior
A = fail exam
B = I’m stupid, I’ll never be able to pass this course and I will fail.
C = depresssion
Becks Cognitive Theory
based on the theory that the way individuals perceive a situation is more closely connected to their reaction than the situation itself
Becks Cognitive Theory (1st session)
- Therapist explains cognitive theory of emotional disorders
Becks Cognitive Theories (Middle Sessions)
- client is taught to identify, evaluate and replace negative automatic thoughts were more positive cognitions.
Becks Cognitive Theory (Final Sessions)
- Solidify gains, focus on prevention of recurrence