Lexis and semantics Flashcards
What is lexis?
word choice
What is an open word class?
A word class that can be changed or added to
What is a closed-word class?
Word classes that are rarely changed or added to
What are semantics?
How words are categorized
What is a synonym?
Words that sound different but have same meanings
What is an antonym?
Words with opposing meanings
What is a complementary antonym?
Words that are exact opposites
What is a gradable antonym?
Opposing words that lie on a continuous spectrum
eg, my ‘short’ isn’t the same as yours
What are collocations?
Words that typically appear together
What are euphemisms?
Socially accepted words or phrases to avoid saying something embarrassing
What are dysphemisms?
Harsher words used for humor
eg, he’s shitting through the eye of a needle
What is a hyponym?
The least specific, most general word
eg, food
What is a hypernym?
More specific term
eg, Granny Smith
What is a connotation?
Associations made around a word
What is a denotation?
A dictionary definition