levels of body organization Flashcards
what are the 5 levels of body organization?
- cells
- tissues
- organs
- systems
- body
what are the 4 primary functions of cells?
what are the 4 different types of cells from the body? *state what two of them do
- reproduction
- excretion
- energy production
- hormone secretion
- white blood cell
- muscle cell = contraction
- nerve cell = electrical impulse transmission
- sperm cell
formed when like cells are grouped together and function together to perform a specific activity
- muscular tissue
- epithellial tissue
- connective tissue
- nervous tissue
histology = study of tissue
muscular tissue
produces movement in the body through contraction, or shortening in length, and is composed of indivdual muscle cells called muscle fibers.
skeletal muscle - attached to the bone
smooth muscle - found in internal organs such as the intestine, uterus, and blood vessels.
cardiac muscle - found only in heart
epithelial tissue
found throughout the body and is composed of closely packed cells that form the covering for and lining of body structures. these tissues may be specialized to absob substances [nutrients from the intestine], secrete substances [such as sweat glands], or excrete wastes [kidney tubules].
connective tissue
the supporting and protecting tissue in body structures
bone - provides structural support for the whole body
cartilage - the shock absorber in joints
tendons - tightly connect skeletal muscles to bones
adipose - provides protective padding around body structures
nervous tissue
nervous tissue - composed of cells called neurons, forms the brain, spinal cord, and a network of nerves throughout the entire body, allowing for the conduction of electrical impulses to send information between the brain ans the rest of the body.
a collection of tissues that work as a unit to perform special functions.
body systems
composed of several organs working in a coordinated manner to perform a complex function or functions.
integumentary system
forms protective two-way barrier and aides in temperature regulation
dermatology = study of skin
- skin
- hair
- nails
- sweat glands
- sebacenous glands
musculoskeletal system
skeleton supports and protects the body, forms blood cells, and stores minerals. muscle produce movement
orthopedics, orthopedic surgery
- bones
- joints
- muscles
hematic system
transports oxygen, protects against pathogens, and controls bleeding.
• Plasma
• Erythrocytes
• Leukocytes
• Platelets
cardiovascular system
pumps blood throughout the entire body to transport nutrients, oxygen, and wastes.
cardiology = study of the heart
- heart
- arteries
- veins
lymphatic system
protects the body from disease and invasion from pathogens.
immunology - study of immune system
- lymph nodes
- lymph vessels
- spleen
- thymus gland
- tonsils
respiratory system
obtains oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the body
otorhinolaryngology - study of the ear, nose, and larynx (voicebox)
pulmonology - study of the lung
thoracic surgery - surgery of the chest
- nasal cavity
- pharynx
- trachea
- bronchial tubes
- lungs
digestive system - gastrointestinal system
ingests, digests, and absorbs nutrients for the body
gastroenterology and proctology = studies of the digestive system.
- pharynx (oral cavity)
- esophagus
- stomach
- small intestine
- colon
- liver
- gallbladder
- pancreas
- sallvary of glands
urinary system
filters waste products out of the blood and removes them from the body.
nephrology - study of the kidney
urology - study of the urine
- kidney (2)
- ureters (2)
- urinary bladder
- urethra
male reproductive system
produces sperm for reproduction
urology - study of urine
- testes
- epididymis
- vas deferens
- penis
- seminal vesicles
- prostate gland
- bulbourethral gland
female reproductive system
produces eggs for reproduction and provides a place for a growing baby.
gynecology = study of female
- ovary
- fallopian tubes
- uterus
- vagina
- vulva
- breasts
endocrine system
regulates metabolic activites of the body
endocrinology - study of the endocrine system
- pituitary gland
- pineal gland
- thyroid gland
- parathyroid gland
- thymus gland
- adrenal gland
- ovaries
- testes
nervous system
recieves sensory information and coordinate the body’s respone.
neurology = study of the nerves or nevous system
- brain
- spinal cord
- nerves
special senses
ophthalmology - eye
otorhinolaryngology - hearing and balance (ear)