Level 9 Flashcards
Which character do you get if you combine “糸” and “” in top-bottom formation?
“素” sù
Which character do you get if you combine “哥” and “欠” in left-right formation?
“歌” gē
Which character do you get if you combine “艮” and “辶” in left-right formation?
“退” tuì
Which character do you get if you combine “屯” and “页” in left-right formation?
“顿” dùn
Which character do you get if you combine “扌” and “爰” in left-right formation?
“援” yuán
Which character do you get if you combine “讠” and “射” in left-right formation?
“谢” xiè
Which character do you get if you combine “扌” and “军” in left-right formation?
“挥” huī
Which character do you get if you combine “隶” and “广” in in-out formation?
“康” kāng
Which character do you get if you combine “口” and “乞” in left-right formation?
“吃” chī
Which character do you get if you combine “亻” and “叚” in left-right formation?
“假” jiǎ jià
Which character do you get if you combine “” and “厃” in top-bottom formation?
“危” wēi
Which character do you get if you combine “吾” and “讠” in left-right formation?
“语” yǔ
Which character do you get if you combine “真” and “钅” in left-right formation?
“镇” zhèn
Which character do you get if you combine “巾” and “邦” in top-bottom formation?
“帮” bāng
Which character do you get if you combine “佥” and “竹” in top-bottom formation?
“签” qiān
Which character do you get if you combine “贝” and “攵” in left-right formation?
“败” bài
Which character do you get if you combine “灬” and “列” in top-bottom formation?
“烈” liè
Which character do you get if you combine “立” and “早” in top-bottom formation?
“章” zhāng
Which character do you get if you combine “疒” and “了” in in-out formation?
“疗” liáo
Which character do you get if you combine “工” and “” in top-bottom formation?
“差” chā chà chāi cī
Which character do you get if you combine “川” and “讠” in left-right formation?
“训” xùn
Which character do you get if you combine “帛” and “钅” in left-right formation?
“锦” jǐn
Which character do you get if you combine “某” and “火” in left-right formation?
“煤” méi
Which character do you get if you combine “力” and “奴” in top-bottom formation?
“努” nǔ
Which character do you get if you combine “匚” and “氵” in left-right formation?
“汇” huì
Which character do you get if you combine “氵” and “敫” in left-right formation?
“激” jī
Which character do you get if you combine “氿” and “木” in top-bottom formation?
“染” rǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “力” and “革” in left-right formation?
“勒” lè lēi
Which character do you get if you combine “讠” and “若” in left-right formation?
“诺” nuò
Which character do you get if you combine “钅” and “中” in left-right formation?
“钟” zhōng
Which character do you get if you combine “鬲” and “虫” in left-right formation?
“融” róng
Which character do you get if you combine “氵” and “步” in left-right formation?
“涉” shè
Which character do you get if you combine “木” and “加” in top-bottom formation?
“架” jià
Which character do you get if you combine “咠” and “车” in left-right formation?
“辑” jí
Which character do you get if you combine “多” and “禾” in left-right formation?
“移” yí
Which character do you get if you combine “女” and “昏” in left-right formation?
“婚” hūn
Which character do you get if you combine “龙” and “衣” in top-bottom formation?
“袭” xí
Which character do you get if you combine “亻” and “仑” in left-right formation?
“伦” lún
Which character do you get if you combine “辶” and “舌” in in-out formation?
“适” shì
Which character do you get if you combine “木” and “娄” in left-right formation?
“楼” lóu
Which character do you get if you combine “彳” and “正” in left-right formation?
“征” zhēng
Which character do you get if you combine “者” and “罒” in top-bottom formation?
“署” shǔ
Which character do you get if you combine “丁” and “宀” in top-bottom formation?
“宁” níng nìng
Which character do you get if you combine “乎” and “口” in left-right formation?
“呼” hū
Which character do you get if you combine “化” and “贝” in top-bottom formation?
“货” huò
Which character do you get if you combine “豆” and “矢” in left-right formation?
“短” duǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “买” and “十” in top-bottom formation?
“卖” mài
Which character do you get if you combine “衤” and “卜” in left-right formation?
“补” bǔ
Which character do you get if you combine “氵” and “气” in left-right formation?
“汽” qì
Which character do you get if you combine “元” and “囗” in in-out formation?
“园” yuán
Which character do you get if you combine “工” and “攵” in left-right formation?
“攻” gōng
Which character do you get if you combine “示” and “林” in top-bottom formation?
“禁” jìn jīn
Which character do you get if you combine “口” and “马” in left-right formation?
“吗” ma mǎ má
Which character do you get if you combine “以” and “亻” in left-right formation?
“似” sì
Which character do you get if you combine “占” and “广” in in-out formation?
“店” diàn
Which character do you get if you combine “口” and “丩” in left-right formation?
“叫” jiào
Which character do you get if you combine “纟” and “田” in left-right formation?
“细” xì
Which character do you get if you combine “卂” and “讠” in left-right formation?
“讯” xùn
Which character do you get if you combine “人” and “离” in top-bottom formation?
“禽” qín
Which character do you get if you combine “广” and “扌” in left-right formation?
“扩” kuò
Which character do you get if you combine “禾” and “必” in left-right formation?
“秘” mì bì
Which character do you get if you combine “身” and “寸” in left-right formation?
“射” shè
Which character do you get if you combine “大” and “可” in top-bottom formation?
“奇” qí jī
Which character do you get if you combine “扌” and “召” in left-right formation?
“招” zhāo
Which character do you get if you combine “介” and “阝” in left-right formation?
“阶” jiē
Which character do you get if you combine “疒” and “殳” in in-out formation?
“疫” yì
Which character do you get if you combine “扌” and “奂” in left-right formation?
“换” huàn
Which character do you get if you combine “钅” and “十” in left-right formation?
“针” zhēn
Which character do you get if you combine “缶” and “夬” in left-right formation?
“缺” quē
Which character do you get if you combine “莫” and “巾” in top-bottom formation?
“幕” mù
Which character do you get if you combine “章” and “阝” in left-right formation?
“障” zhàng
Which character do you get if you combine “禾” and “子” in top-bottom formation?
“季” jì