Level 8 Flashcards
Which character do you get if you combine “夅” and “阝” in left-right formation?
“降” jiàng xiáng
Which character do you get if you combine “宓” and “山” in top-bottom formation?
“密” mì
Which character do you get if you combine “禹” and “尸” in in-out formation?
“属” shǔ zhǔ
Which character do you get if you combine “氵” and “少” in left-right formation?
“沙” shā
Which character do you get if you combine “戈” and “扌” in left-right formation?
“找” zhǎo
Which character do you get if you combine “衤” and “刀” in left-right formation?
“初” chū
Which character do you get if you combine “可” and “氵” in left-right formation?
“河” hé
Which character do you get if you combine “力” and “亻” in left-right formation?
“伤” shāng
Which character do you get if you combine “广” and “廷” in in-out formation?
“庭” tíng
Which character do you get if you combine “足” and “艮” in left-right formation?
“跟” gēn
Which character do you get if you combine “口” and “合” in left-right formation?
“哈” hā hǎ hà
Which character do you get if you combine “欠” and “又” in left-right formation?
“欢” huān
Which character do you get if you combine “日” and “乍” in left-right formation?
“昨” zuó
Which character do you get if you combine “饣” and “官” in left-right formation?
“馆” guǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “亻” and “尤” in left-right formation?
“优” yōu
Which character do you get if you combine “囗” and “韦” in in-out formation?
“围” wéi
Which character do you get if you combine “扁” and “纟” in left-right formation?
“编” biān
Which character do you get if you combine “安” and “扌” in left-right formation?
“按” àn
Which character do you get if you combine “丬” and “犬” in left-right formation?
“状” zhuàng
Which character do you get if you combine “丘” and “八” in top-bottom formation?
“兵” bīng
Which character do you get if you combine “卑” and “片” in left-right formation?
“牌” pái
Which character do you get if you combine “母” and “” in top-bottom formation?
“毒” dú
Which character do you get if you combine “亻” and “亭” in left-right formation?
“停” tíng
Which character do you get if you combine “尸” and “由” in in-out formation?
“届” jiè
Which character do you get if you combine “肖” and “钅” in left-right formation?
“销” xiāo
Which character do you get if you combine “尼” and “口” in left-right formation?
“呢” ne ní
Which character do you get if you combine “圡” and “厂” in in-out formation?
“压” yā yà
Which character do you get if you combine “刂” and “居” in left-right formation?
“剧” jù
Which character do you get if you combine “寸” and “讠” in left-right formation?
“讨” tǎo
Which character do you get if you combine “乛” and “头” in top-bottom formation?
“买” mǎi
Which character do you get if you combine “匀” and “土” in left-right formation?
“均” jūn
Which character do you get if you combine “心” and “乍” in top-bottom formation?
“怎” zěn
Which character do you get if you combine “” and “冫” in in-out formation?
“习” xí
Which character do you get if you combine “则” and “氵” in left-right formation?
“测” cè
Which character do you get if you combine “昷” and “氵” in left-right formation?
“温” wēn
Which character do you get if you combine “十” and “口” in top-bottom formation?
“古” gǔ
Which character do you get if you combine “目” and “艮” in left-right formation?
“眼” yǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “豆” and “癶” in top-bottom formation?
“登” dēng
Which character do you get if you combine “大” and “广” in in-out formation?
“庆” qìng
Which character do you get if you combine “失” and “钅” in left-right formation?
“铁” tiě
Which character do you get if you combine “己” and “酉” in left-right formation?
“配” pèi
Which character do you get if you combine “页” and “客” in left-right formation?
“额” é
Which character do you get if you combine “母” and “女” in left-right formation?
“姆” mǔ
Which character do you get if you combine “刍” and “心” in top-bottom formation?
“急” jí
Which character do you get if you combine “艹” and “乙” in top-bottom formation?
“艺” yì
Which character do you get if you combine “冫” and “咸” in left-right formation?
“减” jiǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “氵” and “皮” in left-right formation?
“波” bō
Which character do you get if you combine “口” and “隹” in top-bottom formation?
“售” shòu
Which character do you get if you combine “番” and “扌” in left-right formation?
“播” bō
Which character do you get if you combine “罒” and “直” in top-bottom formation?
“置” zhì
Which character do you get if you combine “至” and “宀” in top-bottom formation?
“室” shì
Which character do you get if you combine “约” and “艹” in top-bottom formation?
“药” yào
Which character do you get if you combine “亻” and “建” in left-right formation?
“健” jiàn
Which character do you get if you combine “丿” and “巾” in top-bottom formation?
“币” bì
Which character do you get if you combine “禾” and “急” in left-right formation?
“稳” wěn
Which character do you get if you combine “主” and “马” in left-right formation?
“驻” zhù
Which character do you get if you combine “冖” and “与” in top-bottom formation?
“写” xiě
Which character do you get if you combine “刀” and “儿” in top-bottom formation?
“免” miǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “囗” and “木” in in-out formation?
“困” kùn
Which character do you get if you combine “艮” and “丶” in top-bottom formation?
“良” liáng
Which character do you get if you combine “月” and “良” in left-right formation?
“朗” lǎng
Which character do you get if you combine “十” and “尃” in left-right formation?
“博” bó
Which character do you get if you combine “口” and “士” in top-bottom formation?
“吉” jí
Which character do you get if you combine “中” and “冫” in left-right formation?
“冲” chōng chòng
Which character do you get if you combine “扌” and “昔” in left-right formation?
“措” cuò
Which character do you get if you combine “阝” and “日” in left-right formation?
“阳” yáng
Which character do you get if you combine “壴” and “口” in top-bottom formation?
“喜” xǐ
Which character do you get if you combine “兄” and “立” in top-bottom formation?
“竞” jìng
Which character do you get if you combine “玉” and “宀” in top-bottom formation?
“宝” bǎo
Which character do you get if you combine “纟” and “召” in left-right formation?
“绍” shào
Which character do you get if you combine “京” and “日” in top-bottom formation?
“景” jǐng yǐng
Which character do you get if you combine “足” and “亻” in left-right formation?
“促” cù
Which character do you get if you combine “艹” and “者” in top-bottom formation?
“著” zhù zhuó zhe
Which character do you get if you combine “白” and “扌” in left-right formation?
“拍” pāi