Level 7 Flashcards
Which character do you get if you combine “攵” and “古” in left-right formation?
“故” gù
Which character do you get if you combine “且” and “厶” in top-bottom formation?
“县” xiàn
Which character do you get if you combine “亻” and “乃” in left-right formation?
“仍” réng
Which character do you get if you combine “舌” and “扌” in left-right formation?
“括” kuò
Which character do you get if you combine “句” and “多” in left-right formation?
“够” gòu
Which character do you get if you combine “犬” and “穴” in top-bottom formation?
“突” tū
Which character do you get if you combine “羊” and “君” in left-right formation?
“群” qún
Which character do you get if you combine “元” and “辶” in in-out formation?
“远” yuǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “扌” and “丸” in left-right formation?
“执” zhí
Which character do you get if you combine “且” and “八” in top-bottom formation?
“具” jù
Which character do you get if you combine “丿” and “十” in top-bottom formation?
“千” qiān
Which character do you get if you combine “扌” and “旦” in left-right formation?
“担” dān dàn
Which character do you get if you combine “並” and “日” in top-bottom formation?
“普” pǔ
Which character do you get if you combine “钅” and “艮” in left-right formation?
“银” yín
Which character do you get if you combine “心” and “士” in top-bottom formation?
“志” zhì
Which character do you get if you combine “化” and “艹” in top-bottom formation?
“花” huā
Which character do you get if you combine “灬” and “执” in top-bottom formation?
“热” rè
Which character do you get if you combine “宀” and “畐” in top-bottom formation?
“富” fù
Which character do you get if you combine “虫” and “犭” in left-right formation?
“独” dú
Which character do you get if you combine “” and “亽” in top-bottom formation?
“令” lìng
Which character do you get if you combine “禾” and “只” in left-right formation?
“积” jī
Which character do you get if you combine “文” and “刂” in left-right formation?
“刘” liú
Which character do you get if you combine “冈” and “刂” in left-right formation?
“刚” gāng
Which character do you get if you combine “冬” and “囗” in in-out formation?
“图” tú
Which character do you get if you combine “氐” and “广” in in-out formation?
“底” dǐ
Which character do you get if you combine “艮” and “阝” in left-right formation?
“限” xiàn
Which character do you get if you combine “子” and “宀” in top-bottom formation?
“字” zì
Which character do you get if you combine “心” and “田” in top-bottom formation?
“思” sī
Which character do you get if you combine “辶” and “束” in left-right formation?
“速” sù
Which character do you get if you combine “纟” and “内” in left-right formation?
“纳” nà
Which character do you get if you combine “兑” and “禾” in left-right formation?
“税” shuì
Which character do you get if you combine “直” and “亻” in left-right formation?
“值” zhí
Which character do you get if you combine “非” and “罒” in top-bottom formation?
“罪” zuì
Which character do you get if you combine “佥” and “阝” in left-right formation?
“险” xiǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “列” and “亻” in left-right formation?
“例” lì
Which character do you get if you combine “子” and “亥” in left-right formation?
“孩” hái
Which character do you get if you combine “雨” and “路” in top-bottom formation?
“露” lù lòu
Which character do you get if you combine “衣” and “亻” in left-right formation?
“依” yī
Which character do you get if you combine “巩” and “心” in top-bottom formation?
“恐” kǒng
Which character do you get if you combine “原” and “心” in top-bottom formation?
“愿” yuàn
Which character do you get if you combine “丶” and “匸” in top-bottom formation?
“亡” wáng
Which character do you get if you combine “彳” and “寺” in left-right formation?
“待” dài dāi
Which character do you get if you combine “斤” and “口” in left-right formation?
“听” tīng
Which character do you get if you combine “今” and “心” in top-bottom formation?
“念” niàn
Which character do you get if you combine “车” and “仑” in left-right formation?
“轮” lún
Which character do you get if you combine “月” and “生” in left-right formation?
“胜” shèng
Which character do you get if you combine “式” and “讠” in left-right formation?
“试” shì
Which character do you get if you combine “旦” and “土” in left-right formation?
“坦” tǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “氾” and “艹” in top-bottom formation?
“范” fàn
Which character do you get if you combine “亢” and “扌” in left-right formation?
“抗” kàng
Which character do you get if you combine “纟” and “工” in left-right formation?
“红” hóng gōng
Which character do you get if you combine “石” and “皮” in left-right formation?
“破” pò
Which character do you get if you combine “斗” and “米” in left-right formation?
“料” liào
Which character do you get if you combine “羊” and “鱼” in left-right formation?
“鲜” xiān xiǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “云” and “尸” in in-out formation?
“层” céng
Which character do you get if you combine “反” and “片” in left-right formation?
“版” bǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “虫” and “口” in top-bottom formation?
“虽” suī
Which character do you get if you combine “木” and “甘” in top-bottom formation?
“某” mǒu
Which character do you get if you combine “” and “日” in top-bottom formation?
“春” chūn
Which character do you get if you combine “礻” and “畐” in left-right formation?
“福” fú
Which character do you get if you combine “弓” and “单” in left-right formation?
“弹” tán dàn
Which character do you get if you combine “秀” and “辶” in left-right formation?
“透” tòu
Which character do you get if you combine “火” and “暴” in left-right formation?
“爆” bào
Which character do you get if you combine “各” and “田” in left-right formation?
“略” lüè
Which character do you get if you combine “纟” and “色” in left-right formation?
“绝” jué
Which character do you get if you combine “艹” and “办” in top-bottom formation?
“苏” sū
Which character do you get if you combine “乍” and “火” in left-right formation?
“炸” zhà zhá
Which character do you get if you combine “页” and “彡” in left-right formation?
“须” xū
Which character do you get if you combine “土” and “或” in left-right formation?
“域” yù
Which character do you get if you combine “手” and “合” in top-bottom formation?
“拿” ná
Which character do you get if you combine “更” and “亻” in left-right formation?
“便” biàn pián
Which character do you get if you combine “莫” and “木” in left-right formation?
“模” mó
Which character do you get if you combine “宀” and “火” in top-bottom formation?
“灾” zāi
Which character do you get if you combine “勾” and “贝” in left-right formation?
“购” gòu
Which character do you get if you combine “佥” and “马” in left-right formation?
“验” yàn
Which character do you get if you combine “古” and “月” in left-right formation?
“胡” hú
Which character do you get if you combine “广” and “石” in left-right formation?
“矿” kuàng