Level 5 Flashcards
Which character do you get if you combine “氵” and “原” in left-right formation?
“源” yuán
Which character do you get if you combine “禾” and “日” in top-bottom formation?
“香” xiāng
Which character do you get if you combine “纟” and “及” in left-right formation?
“级” jí
Which character do you get if you combine “纟” and “只” in left-right formation?
“织” zhī
Which character do you get if you combine “隹” and “木” in top-bottom formation?
“集” jí
Which character do you get if you combine “冫” and “兄” in left-right formation?
“况” kuàng
Which character do you get if you combine “乂” and “布” in top-bottom formation?
“希” xī
Which character do you get if you combine “爫” and “木” in top-bottom formation?
“采” cǎi
Which character do you get if you combine “匕” and “歹” in left-right formation?
“死” sǐ
Which character do you get if you combine “扌” and “隹” in left-right formation?
“推” tuī
Which character do you get if you combine “丶” and “大” in in-out formation?
“太” tài
Which character do you get if you combine “贝” and “刂” in left-right formation?
“则” zé
Which character do you get if you combine “欠” and “区” in left-right formation?
“欧” ōu
Which character do you get if you combine “击” and “阝” in left-right formation?
“陆” lù liù
Which character do you get if you combine “木” and “木” in left-right formation?
“林” lín
Which character do you get if you combine “夂” and “朩” in top-bottom formation?
“条” tiáo
Which character do you get if you combine “东” and “阝” in left-right formation?
“陈” chén
Which character do you get if you combine “巾” and “巾” in top-bottom formation?
“带” dài
Which character do you get if you combine “午” and “讠” in left-right formation?
“许” xǔ
Which character do you get if you combine “敕” and “正” in left-right formation?
“整” zhěng
Which character do you get if you combine “石” and “开” in left-right formation?
“研” yán
Which character do you get if you combine “氵” and “由” in left-right formation?
“油” yóu
Which character do you get if you combine “且” and “力” in left-right formation?
“助” zhù
Which character do you get if you combine “八” and “亠” in top-bottom formation?
“六” liù
Which character do you get if you combine “厂” and “力” in in-out formation?
“历” lì
Which character do you get if you combine “夂” and “田” in top-bottom formation?
“备” bèi
Which character do you get if you combine “雨” and “而” in top-bottom formation?
“需” xū
Which character do you get if you combine “犾” and “艹” in top-bottom formation?
“获” huò
Which character do you get if you combine “罙” and “氵” in left-right formation?
“深” shēn
Which character do you get if you combine “力” and “执” in top-bottom formation?
“势” shì
Which character do you get if you combine “亢” and “舟” in left-right formation?
“航” háng
Which character do you get if you combine “川” and “丶” in in-out formation?
“州” zhōu
Which character do you get if you combine “弓” and “丨” in left-right formation?
“引” yǐn
Which character do you get if you combine “勿” and “日” in top-bottom formation?
“易” yì
Which character do you get if you combine “开” and “彡” in left-right formation?
“形” xíng
Which character do you get if you combine “宀” and “各” in top-bottom formation?
“客” kè
Which character do you get if you combine “主” and “彳” in left-right formation?
“往” wǎng
Which character do you get if you combine “刂” and “戈” in left-right formation?
“划” huá huà
Which character do you get if you combine “立” and “朩” in top-bottom formation?
“亲” qīn qìng
Which character do you get if you combine “氵” and “州” in left-right formation?
“洲” zhōu
Which character do you get if you combine “心” and “丿” in in-out formation?
“必” bì
Which character do you get if you combine “木” and “艮” in left-right formation?
“根” gēn
Which character do you get if you combine “纟” and “隹” in left-right formation?
“维” wéi
Which character do you get if you combine “共” and “亻” in left-right formation?
“供” gōng gòng
Which character do you get if you combine “页” and “予” in left-right formation?
“预” yù
Which character do you get if you combine “竹” and “朿” in top-bottom formation?
“策” cè
Which character do you get if you combine “耳” and “只” in left-right formation?
“职” zhí
Which character do you get if you combine “我” and “亻” in left-right formation?
“俄” é
Which character do you get if you combine “扌” and “户” in left-right formation?
“护” hù
Which character do you get if you combine “歹” and “刂” in left-right formation?
“列” liè
Which character do you get if you combine “礻” and “申” in left-right formation?
“神” shén
Which character do you get if you combine “穴” and “九” in top-bottom formation?
“究” jiū
Which character do you get if you combine “业” and “日” in top-bottom formation?
“显” xiǎn
Which character do you get if you combine “氵” and “青” in left-right formation?
“清” qīng
Which character do you get if you combine “氵” and “工” in left-right formation?
“江” jiāng
Which character do you get if you combine “分” and “亻” in left-right formation?
“份” fèn
Which character do you get if you combine “又” and “又” in left-right formation?
“双” shuāng
Which character do you get if you combine “支” and “扌” in left-right formation?
“技” jì
Which character do you get if you combine “衣” and “壮” in top-bottom formation?
“装” zhuāng
Which character do you get if you combine “西” and “示” in top-bottom formation?
“票” piào
Which character do you get if you combine “口” and “向” in left-right formation?
“响” xiǎng
Which character do you get if you combine “聿” and “彳” in left-right formation?
“律” lǜ
Which character do you get if you combine “某” and “女” in left-right formation?
“媒” méi
Which character do you get if you combine “讠” and “平” in left-right formation?
“评” píng
Which character do you get if you combine “力” and “辶” in in-out formation?
“边” biān