Level 4 Flashcards
Impute (im-PYOOT)
Lay the responsibility or blame upon, ascribe, attribute
Provident (PRAHV-i-dent)
Thrifty, economical, prudent, frugal
Astute (uh-STOOT)
Shrewd, clever, perceptive, discerning
Neophyte (NEE-uh-fyt)
A beginner, novice, tyro; specifically, a new convert to a religion
Enigma (i-NIG-muh)
A mystery, puzzle, perplexing problem
Credence (KREE-dints)
Belief, acceptance
Venerate (VEN-uh-rayt)
To respect deeply, revere, regard with awe and admiration
Garrulous (GAR-uh-lus)
Talkative, rambling in an annoying way
Trenchant (TREN-chint)
Keen, penetrating, vigorously effective
Autonomous (aw-TAHN-uh-mus)
Independent, self-governing
Panacea (PAN-uh-SEE-uh)
A cure-all, universal antidote, remedy for all
Ephemeral (i-FEM-uh-rul)
Short-lived, fleeting, lasting only a short while
Onerous (AHN-ur-us)
Difficult to accomplish or endure, troublesome, burdensome
Laity (LAY-i-tee)
Nonprofessionals, laypeople collectively, all the people outside of a given profession
Pungent (PUN-jint)
Sharp, penetrating, acrid, caustic
Prosaic (proh-ZAY-ik)
Dull, ordinary, uninteresting, unimaginative
Charlatan (SHAHR-luh-tin)
A fake, quack, imposter, fraud, humbug
Perfunctory (pur-FUHNGK-tur-ee)
Mechanical, routine, listless, done merely as a duty
Morass (muh-RAS)
A swamp, marsh, bog; a sticky situation
Sophistry (SAHF-i-stree)
Speech or writing that is clever and plausible but marred by false or deceptive reasoning
Prolific (proh-LIF-ik)
Productive, fruitful, fertile
Mundane (MUHN-dayn)
Worldly, earthly, material as distinguished from spiritual
Myriad (MIR-ee-id)
Countless, innumerable, infinite
Dissident (DIS-i-dent)
Disagreeing, dissenting, nonconformist
Laudable (LAW-duh-bul)
Praiseworthy, commendable, worthy of admiration
Inimitable (i-NIM-i-tuh-bul)
Unable to be imitated; beyond compare
Jaded (JAY-did)
Worn out, tired, fatigued, weary
Myopic (my-AHP-ik)
Short-sighted, having a circumscribed view; lacking discernment, foresight, or perspective
Demonstrable (di-MAHN-struh-buul)
Capable of being demonstrated, able to be proved
Callow (KAL-oh)
Immature, inexperienced, unsophisticated, naive
Acquiesce (AK-wee-ES)
To agree without protest, give in quietly
Pontificate (pahn-TIF-i-kayt)
Express one’s opinion as though it were fact
Deleterious (DEL-i-TEER-ee-us)
Harmful, destructive, detrimental
Ambivalent (am-BIV-uh-lint)
Uncertain, indecisive, having conflicting feelings or desires
Pensive (PEN-siv)
Absorbed in thought, especially in a deep or melancholy way
Impromptu (im-PRAHMP-too)
Made up or done on the spur of the moment, without preparation
Conjecture (kun-JEK-chur)
To make an educated guess
Surreptitious (SUR-up-TISH-us)
Stealthy; characterized by secrecy and caution
Exemplary (ig-ZEM-pluh-ree)
Worthy of imitation, praiseworthy, commendable, serving as a model of excellence
Impeccable (im-PEK-uh-buul)
Perfect, flawless, faultless; unable to do wrong
Attest (uh-TEST)
To affirm to be true
Copious (KOH-pee-us)
Abundant, plentiful
Fallacious (fuh-LAY-shus)
False, misleading, deceptive, based on a fallacy
Stoic (STOH-ik)
Showing no feelings, emotionless, stolid
Recrimination (ri-KRIM-uh-NAY-shin)
A countercharge or counteraccusation
Affinity (uh-FIN-i-tee)
Close resemblance or relationship
A natural attraction to
Volatile (VAHL-uh-tul)
Unstable, inconstant, changeable
Squalid (SKWAHL-id)
Dirty and run-down as a result of poverty or neglect, wretched, miserable, degraded
Expedite (EK-spi-dyt)
To speed up, hasten, facilitate
Abject (AB-jekt)
Degraded, low in condition or status; hence, lacking self-respect, contemptible, wretched