Level 2 Flashcards
Delegate (DEL-uh-gayt)
To entrust with authority or power, deliver to another’s care or management, hand over duties
Advocate (AD-vuh-kayt)
To support, plead for, be in favor of, defend by argument
Unprecedented (uhn-PRES-i-den-tid)
Unheard-of, novel, new, having no precedent or parallel, having no prior example
Poignant (POYN-yint)
Piercing, sharp, biting, penetrating, keen
Nebulous (NEB-yuh-lus)
Unclear, vague, obscure, hazy, indefinite, indistinct
Clandestine (klan-DES-tin)
Kept secret, done in secrecy, especially for an evil, immoral or illegal purpose, covert, stealthy, furtive
Tirade (TY-rayd)
A long drawn-out speech, especially a vehement and abusive one
Recur (ri-KUR)
The happen again more than once, occur again and again, especially at intervals or after some lapse of time
Tacit (TAS-it)
Unspoken, silent, implied or understood without words
Allegation (AL-uh-GAY-shin)
An assertion or declaration, especially one made without proof
Gullible (GUHL-uh-bul)
Easily deceived, fooled, or cheated
Benign (bi-NYN)
Kindly, good-natured, gracious, mild, having or showing a gentle disposition
Peripheral (puh-RIF-uh-rul)
External, outer, lying at or forming the outside or boundary of something; hence, not essential, irrelevant
Rebuff (ri-BUHF)
To refuse bluntly, reject sharply, turn down abruptly, snub, spurn
Animosity (AN-i-MAS-i-tee)
Ill will, hostility, antagonism, strong dislike or hatred
Tenuous (TEN-yoo-us)
Thin, slender, slight, flimsy, weak, not dense or substantial, lacking a strong basis
Complacent (kum-PLAY-sint)
Self-satisfied, smug, overly pleased with oneself
Acme (AK-mee)
The peak, highest point, summit, zenith
Defunct (di-FUHNGKT)
Dead, extinct, obsolete, no longer in existence or use
Abet (uh-BET)
To encourage, support, help, aid, promote, assist in achieving a purpose
Haggard (HAG-urd)
Worn out, tired, gaunt, drawn, emaciated, exhausted
Waive (WAYV)
To relinquish voluntarily, give up, forgo
Carnal (KAHR-nal)
Bodily, pertaining to the flesh as opposed to the spirit, sensual, corporeal
Sanction (SANGK-shun)
To approve, allow, permit, authorize, certify, ratify
Ambiguous (am-BIG-yoo-us)
Uncertain, unclear, doubtful, dubious, questionable, puzzling, having an obscure or indefinite meaning
Spendthrift (rhymes with bend lift)
Wasteful, spending extravagantly or foolishly, squandering one’s resources
Mollify (MAHL-uh-fy)
To calm, soothe, pacify, appease, soften in feeling or tone, make less harsh or severe
Unequivocal (UHN-i-KWIV-uh-kul)
Clear and direct, definite, straightforward, certain, having a single, obvious meaning
Malleable (MAL-ee-uh-bul)
Capable of being shaped, able to be molded or manipulated, adaptable, impressionable
Verbose (vur-BOHS)
Wordy, having too many words, long-winded, full of verbiage, garrulous, loquacious, voluble, prolix
Transient (TRAN-shint)
Temporary, passing away with time, lasting only a short while, ephemeral, momentary, fleeting, short-lived
Nettle (NET-‘l)
To irritate, annoy, vex, harass, pester, provoke
Repudiate (ti-PYOO-dee-ayt)
To reject, cast off, disown, renounce, refuse to accept as one’s own, to reject as false, to refuse to accept as true
Impetuous (im-PECH-oo-us)
Hasty, rash, overeager, acting in a sudden, vigorous, emotional way, with little thought
Frugal (FROO-gul)
Spending carefully and wisely, thrifty, economical
Incongruous (in-KAHNG-groo-wus)
Out of place, inappropriate, inconsistent, unsuitable, lacking harmony of parts or agreement in character
Assuage (uh-SWAYJ)
To relieve, ease, allay, mitigate, appease, mollify, satisfy, make content
Corroborate (kuh-RAHB-uh-rayt)
To confirm, support, make more certain or believable
Embellish (em-BEL-ish)
To decorate, adorn, enhance with ornamentation, make more elegant or interesting
Avaricious (AV-uh-RISH-us)
Greedy, money-grubbing, miserly, consumed with a selfish desire to accumulate money or property
Cursory (KUR-sur-ee)
Quick, hasty, not methodical, done rapidly with little attention to detail
Vacillate (VAS-i-layt)
To waver, fluctuate, be indecisive, show uncertainty, hesitate in making up one’s mind
Clement (KLEM-int)
Mild, calm, tranquil, moderate, temperate, not severe or extreme, also inclined to pardon or forgive, merciful
Lucrative (LOO-kruh-tiv)
Profitable, producing wealth, money-making, financially productive, remunerative
Allocate (AL-uh-kayt)
To assign, designate, earmark, set aside for a specific purpose
Reconcile (REK-un-syl)
To make friendly again, restore friendly relations between, settle, resolve, bring into harmony or agreement
Paragon (PAR-uh-gahn)
A model of excellence, perfect example
Analogous (un-NAL-uh-gus)
Similar, akin, comparable, corresponding partially, sharing some aspects of form, function, or content
Diurnal (dy-UR-nul)
Daily, recurring each day, performed or happening in the course of a day, active during the day as opposed to nocturnal
Pretext (PREE-tekst)
An excuse, ostensible reason or motive, professed purpose