Level 1 Flashcards
Ostensible (ah-STEN-si-bul)
Apparent, Appearing or seeming to be true
Paraphrase (PAR-uh-frayz)
To restate, To put what someone else has said into different words
Digress (di-GRES)
To wander, Stray from the point, ramble, deviate
Uncanny (uhn-KAN-ee)
Eerie, strange, weird, mysterious
Candor (CAN-dur)
Frankness, openness, sincere expression
Morose (muh-ROHS)
Gloomy, moody, glum, grumpy, ill-tempered, depressed
Adept (uh-DEPT)
Saturated (SACH-uh-RAY-tid)
Soaked, thoroughly wet, full of moisture
Pragmatic (prag-MAT-ik)
Practical, concerned with everyday affairs as opposed to theory or speculation
Congenial (kun-JEE-nee-ul)
Sympathetic, agreeable, compatible, kindred, harmonious, having the same taste, nature or temperament
Capricious (kuh-PRISH-us)
Unpredictable, tending to change abruptly for no apparent reason
Blatant (BLAYT-‘nt)
Noisy, disagreeable, offensively loud, clamorous
Sticking out in a glaring way, obtrusive, flagrant
Obligatory (uh-BLIG-uh-tor-ee)
Required, necessary, binding, mandatory
Negligible (NEG-li-ji-bul)
Unimportant, trifling, of little consequence
Adamant (AD-uh-mint)
Unyielding, immovable, inflexible, refusing to give in, unrelenting, implacable
Sporadic (spuh-RAD-ik)
Occasional, infrequent, irregular, not constant
Vanguard (VAN-gahrd)
The forefront of an action or movement, leading position
Concur (kun-KUR)
To agree, be in accord with, unite in opinion
Precociousness (pruh-KOH-shus-nis)
Early development or maturity, especially in mental ability
Aloof (uh-LOOF)
Apart, at a distance, removed, withdrawn, standoffish, indifferent, not wishing to speak or associate with others