Level 3 Flashcards
Taciturn (TAS-i-turn)
Silent, not talkative, holding one’s tongue, reserved, uncommunicative, reticent
Defray (di-FRAY)
To pay, provide money for, cover the cost or expenses of
Terse (rhymes with worse)
Brief and to the point, free of superfluous words, expressed in a pointed or polished way
Boon (rhymes with moon)
A blessing, timely and welcome benefit, something beneficial bestowed upon one, something to be thankful for
Proletariat (PROH-luh-TAIR-ee-it)
The working class, especially the industrial wage-earning class, which earns its living by manual labor
The adjective is proletarian
Heterogenous (HET-uh-roh-JEE-nee-us)
Varied, composed of parts of different kinds, made up of unrelated or diverse elements, mixed, dissimilar, miscellaneous
Pittance (PIT-‘ns)
A small amount, portion, or share, especially a small or meager amount of money
Glib (rhymes with rib)
Too smooth-spoken, talkative in a nonchalant and insincere way, unctuous, smarmy
Penchant (PEN-chint)
A liking, leaning, strong inclination, decided taste
Solicitous (suh-LIS-i-tus)
Concerned, showing care and attention, especially in a worried, anxious or fearful way
Circumscribe (sur-kum-SKRYB)
To limit, restrict, confine, hem in, fix the boundaries of
Dearth (rhymes with earth)
A lack, scarcity, insufficiency, inadequate supply of something needed
Ingratiating (in-GRAY-shee-AY-ting)
Flattering, attempting to win approval or curry favor, trying to gain acceptance, done to charm or please another
Mercenary (MUR-suh-NER-ee)
Greedy, done for payment only, motivated by a selfish desire for money or other reward, covetous, avaricious, venal
Extemporize (ek-STEM-puh-ryz)
To improvise a speech or answer, to speak or compose with little or no preparation, preform something in an offhand or unpremeditated way
Erudite (ER-yuh-DYT)
Learned, scholarly, possessing extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books
Austere (aw-STEER)
Severe, somber, stern, serous, grim, grave, dour (rhymes with poor)
Laconic (luh-KAHN-ik)
Using few words, briefly and often bluntly expressed, succinct, concise, terse, pithy
Ameliorate (uh-MEEL-yuh-rayt)
To make or become better or more tolerable, improve, amend, correct, reform, rectify, raise the condition or state of
Expunge (ek-SPUHNJ)
To erase, delete, cancel; punch, strike, or wipe out; eradicate, obliterate