Level 3 Tr 3b(1) Flashcards
!Cueste lo que cueste!
Whatever the cost!
!Deje que lo agarre!
Don’t let me catch you!
!Dése prisa!
Make it quick!
!El futuro es fantástico!
The future is fantastic!
!Entre en cordura!
Shape up.
!Esa es una buena pregunta!
That’s a good question!
!Eso es un desastre!
It’s a disaster!
!Eso no me sorprende!
That doesn’t surprise me!
Precisely so!
!Gracias a ellos!
Thanks to them!
Just think!
!Qué bueno no tener preocupaciones!
O - to be free from cares!
!Serán destrozados!
They will be shattered!
!Qué escándalo!
What a scandal!
!Vaya con cuidado!
Go carefully!
?Cuál fue el resultado?
What was the outcome?
How soon?
?De qué depende?
Depending on what?
?De verdad?
Really - is that so?
?Dónde está la parada de taxis?
Where is the taxi stand?
?No prefería negociarlo?
Wouldn’t you rather negotiate it?
?Por qué jactarse de eso?
Why brag about that?
?Qué le hace pensar así?
What makes you think so?
A él le codiciaban el oro
The coveted his gold
A él le gusta dominar
He likes to dominate
A ella le tenemos mucho cariño
We have great affection for her.
A propósito - ella mantiene un diario.
Incidentally - she keeps a diary.
Actualmente duele much.
It hurts too much right now.
Aún hay más.
There’s even more besides.
Cancelaron la feria por lluvia.
The fair was rained out.