Level 3 - Carmarthen Flashcards
Tell me about your inspection in Carmarthen?
Point 1 – I inspected a detached industrial unit in South Wales that was situated near a railway track
Point 2 – I’m aware of the impact of invasive species, notably Japanese Knotweed which is prolifc around railway tracks
Point 3 – My inspection didn’t highlight any knotweed, but I inspected in winter when it may have been died back, so advised further inspections throughout the year
Tell me about the Property?
10,000 sq ft industrials unit in Carmarthen 1960s
Eaves of 5m
Two roller shutter doors
Steel portal frame with breezeblock elevations
Asbestos roof
High site cover of 50%
next to a railway line
What physical factors impacted value?
High site cover would be less attractive
Older specification
Lower eaves height compared to compared
Contamination risk being by railway
What locational factors impacted value?
Poor industrial location within Carmarthen
Limited access to M4
How would you identify Japanese Knotweed?
It has large heart shaped leaves
Purple/green, hollow bamboo like stems
Creamy white flowers in bloom
Why is Japanese Knotweed prolific along railways?
Network Rail use to use it to defend against other weeds but did not know its impact, it then spread easily across railtracks
Why is Japanese Knotweed bad?
It rapidly grounds underground and can break through cracks in concrete and foundations causing wider issues
It is incredibly difficult to remove and requires professional remediation
What steps did you take in your examination of the site?
I understood what Knotweed looked like therefore i walked the perimeter, and notably round the railway track to see if i could visibly identify
How did you confirm there was no Knotweed?
I did not notice the presence of any, however I reported that further inspections should be undertaken in summer months when it is in full growth
Why is it hard to identify in winter?
Knotweed typically dies back dramatically in winter and is much harder to identify
When would be a good time to inspect for Knotweed
Summer months when the plant has flowered
What risks did you outline about invasive species?
I noted the remuneration of resolving issues associated with invasive species
Notably Knotweed that requires expert removal and routine assessment
What would you have done if you identified it?
I would have strongly advised my client to seek expert investigation and immediate and property removal of the plant
Are you aware of any RICS publications of Knotweed?
RICS PS - Japanese Knotweed and Residential Property 2022
Are you aware of any Case Law for Knotweed?
Williams v Network Rail 2018
Network Rail liable for cost of training plant and damages for loss of enjoyment of property