Level 2 & 3 Examples Technical Flashcards
Commercial Management (Level 2) – Reasoned Knowledge
Can you tell me how you have reasonably managed a provisional sum?
- I used a defined provisional sum in the raised access flooring order as number of Floorboxes not yet quantifiable, however based on a number per floor for the rate.
- Included an undefined prov sum within the cladding order for the canopy soffit, which was not yet designed, this captured the cost plan allowance for this element within the package.
Commercial Management (Level 2)
Can you tell me how you managed an EOT process?
- Worthy down soft flooring, claiming EOT and Loss & Expense for delay because of matters affecting their regular progress.
- Using my records, I was able to inform them that there were areas available for them on the dates stated and therefore no EOT or Loss and expense due.
- Before I could do this, I included the potential liability in my worst case forecast for accuracy.
Commercial Management (Level 2)
Can you give me an example of where you have given advice on WBS Costs? / Commercial Advice?
- During the change to ERP, I advised senior commercial leads for the transition of the project WBS structure being migrated over to Uniclass coding system.
- The Uniclass system will provide many benefits and I advised the rest of the commercial team on these benefits.
Commercial Management (Level 2)
Can you give an example where you have advised on a variation cost?
- Navy logs required me to submit a ROC then to produce the actual variation cost.
- First was an elemental cost plan, second fixed price cost was a full BOQ take off.
- I advised commercial director throughout on the progress.
- I also advised on relevant risk % based on ML / WC and BC rates I was using.
Commercial Management (Level 2)
How do you calculate the liability to advise the commercial manager?
- I review actual works completed versus their cost plan to calculate the potential liabilities; I also factor in variations.
- I also inform him of accruals on purchase orders or costs not yet hit (i.e. staged)
Construction Technology (Level 2)
Can you give an example where information at a design workshop has influenced your procurement?
- During a design review the designers expressed their concern on the design for the high-level brackets holding the building signage.
- The signage procurement wasn’t due, so I brought this forward so we could have specialist advice.
- This was vital as there were a number of additional support bars required to achieve Client aesthetic objectives as well as power information.
Construction Technology (Level 2)
Can you give an example where you have applied your knowledge when writing a scope document?
- During procurement of the Brickwork sub-contractor, I ensured all items were required, including Cavity closers etc, drip trays etc.
I..e cavity closers to all BWIC not just door openings.
I.e. cutting around the rubber cavity tray
I.e. ensuring weep holes are isntalled correctly and not full of mortar
i.e. ensure cavities are clean
Construction Technology (Level 2)
How do you know when to appoint external consultants for feedback or input?
- When specialist advice is required, with a competent designer.
- One example was during the VE exercise at Norwood on the plant screen.
Construction Technology (Level 3)
What advice have you given with construction technology?
- I advised about changing a blockwork wall to SFS due to the complexity of the openings.
- I acted within my scope of competence and the design manager reviewed the data of the solution to see if it was feasible.
- I then advised the team on the costs to change this wall, more expensive but better on site.
Construction Technology (Level 3)
What advice did you give on phase 2 worthy down?
- I was asked to advice on high level costs for a comparison between modular and traditional and I also recommended a panelised SFS system I knew about.
- I used previous building cost data (£per m2) for the traditional options
- For SFS I obtained £per m2 from the market, and another Skanska project.
- I had to make assumptions and clarified these where I did.
- Reviewed all options with project planner for prelim costs.
Construction Technology (Level 3)
How did you calculate inflation on the cost data?
- I included a % for TPI inflation on the rates used. I also cross checked these with BCIS and included location and date indices.
Index A / Index B - Index A = % Inflation
Contract Administration (Level 2)
How did you manage the disallowable costs at Worthy down?
- Held multiple meetings to agree
* Had a good relationship based on what was fair and reasonable
Contract Administration (Level 2)
Tell me how you manage the employer agent instruction process?
- I review any changes that I believe may impact their works
- I ask them to submit a quotation for these works
Contract Administration (Level 2)
How do you manage risk on EAI’s
- I conduct a cause-and-effect schedule which helps identify any further impacts that aren’t captured.
- Inform Sub-Contractors I want them to hold their price for this when instructed.
- Allow a contingency within the submission
Contract Practice (Level 2)
Can you give an example of an amendment?
- We have a clause within the Contract that states any restriction of Brexit holding up materials will be a Relevant Event if proven to be the sole cause.
- There is an amendment to the contract which states that any discrepancy between the derogations schedule and the Employer Requirements, the derogations schedule takes precedence.
Contract Practice (Level 2)
Can you give an example of where a Sub-contractor has wished to amend one?
- Roofing Weather Clause (Spoke in level 3).
- The metalwork sub-contractor wanted COVID to be a ‘force majeure event’, I informed them it was a known event and therefore could not be force majeure.
Contract Practice (Level 2)
Why did you use an intermediate contract then a JCT Sub-Contract?
- This was the fastest option to mobilise on site, our intermediate contract reflects the JCT well and sub-contractors we commonly use are aware of it and the contents.
- Uses some simplified language
- Is well reviewed by Skanska legal teams and sub-contractors we use frequently.
Contract Practice (Level 3)
What advice have you given with regards to weather delay?
- At project Norwood the Roofing sub-contractor wanted a clause amended to allow for a relevant event to any weather that impeded their progress. – I advised them that they could accept standard clause ‘Adverse’ one in ten years…
- I agreed a specific set of conditions with them
Contract Practice (Level 3)
What advice did you give with regards to a letter of intent?
- I advised the Plant screen louvre sub-contractor that I didn’t think they time it would take to have a good LOI drafted would be worth it, better to concentrate on getting the contract and design sorted…