Level 10 Beam Flashcards
Overtime on beam
Flat 0.1 CJ
What is the warning and time limit for the level 10 beam routine?
Warning 1 min 20 sec
Time 1 min 30 sec
The gymnast does a wolf jump full but lands 1-44 degrees short; what is the deduction?
Deduct 0.05-0.1
Award D
+.1 Bonus DV
The gymnast does a double turn on beam but her heel drops 45-89 degrees short; what is the penalty?
Award D
+0.1 bonus DV
The gymnast attempts a pike jump full turn but lands 90 degrees short; what is the deduction?
No deduction but award D instead of E.
+0.1 DV Bonus
The gymnast performs a split jump but only hits 160 degrees in her split; what is the maximum deduction?
Max 0.1
0.05-0.1 for 1-20 degrees split missing
The gymnast performs a switch leg leap to 150 degrees; what is the deduction range for missing split?
0.15-0.2 for 21-45 degrees missing
The gymnast performs a switch leg leap but only hits 125 degrees; what is the penalty?
Award A not C
What are the 4 SR for level 10 beam routine?
Acro series with 2 flight elements; one must be a C OR an A from group 7 connected to an E acro flight
One leap or jump with 180 degree split
Min of 360 degree turn on one foot
Aerial or salto dismount C or B that is directly connected to an Acro series that includes a minimum of a C acro element or a minimum C acro FLIGHT or C dance element
Failure to perform acrobatic elements in 2 different directions during beam routine (backward and forward or sideward)
Each flat 0.1
If the only forward/ sideward is the dismount on beam, what is the penalty?
Flat 0.05
More than 2 elements with wolf or tuck position with or without turn are performed on the beam, what is the deduction?
Flat 0.1
More than 2 straddle jumps are performed in the beam routine; what is penalty?
Flat 0.1
Dismount not up to the competitive level
Up to 0.1
More than one 180 degree pivot turn on 2 feet throughout the beam exercise; what is the deduction?
Flat 0.1
Choice of acro Elements not up to competitive level
Up to 0.2
Choice of dance elements not up to competitive level
Up to 0.2
The level 10 runs and does a front full tucked dismount; what could be taken for composition?
Flat 0.05 for direction
Flat 0.1 for Dismount Not Up to to Competitive Level
The gymnast has insufficient level changes in her beam exercise; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.1
The gymnast fails to use the entire length of the beam in her routine; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.1
The gymnast has insufficient directional changes choreographed into her routine; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.1
Each 0.05 MUST show 2 out of 3 directions (fwd, swd, and/or bwd)
The gymnast’s choice of acro elements is not up to the level 10 competition; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.2
The gymnast fails to perform dance series with a minimum of 2 dance elements; what is the deduction?
Flat 0.2
More than two seconds for a concentration pause
Flat 0.2
The gymnast fails to perform her full turn in high releve; what is the penalty?
Each up to 0.1
There is a lack of precision when the gymnast performs her dance value parts; what is the penalty?
Each Up to 0.1
The gymnast fails to land with her feet together on her straddle jump; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.1 (each time)
What is the deduction of concentration pauses of two seconds?
Each flat 0.1
Relaxed or incorrect footwork on non value parts is observed through the whole beam routine; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.3
There is a lack of tempo or poor rhythm between elements performed in a dance, mixed, or acro series; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.2
The gymnast supports one leg against the side surface of the beam to maintain her balance; what is the deduction?
Flat each 0.2
A directional error on gainer salto dismounts off the end of the beam is observed; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.3
Relaxed/incorrect leg position/body posture and insufficient flexibility in non value parts throughout the beam exercise.
Up to 0.3
The gymnast grasps the beam to avoid a fall; what is deduction?
Flat 0.3
The gymnast balks on her first 2 mount attempts; she successfully does a punch front tuck onto the end of the beam on the third attempt.
Flat 0.5
Award E
+0.2 DV Bonus
Flexed or sickled feet during value parts
Flat 0.05
Slight hop or small adjustment of feet on landing of elements or dismounts on beam
Up to 0.1
Deviation from straight direction on landing of beam dismount
Up to 0.1
Extra arms swings on landing of dismount on beam
Up to 0.1
The gymnast hesitates on her press handstand mount; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.1
Award B VP
The gymnast has incorrect body posture/alignment on her dance value parts; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.1
The gymnast crosses her legs on her round off double twist dismount; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.1
Award B for roundoff
Award C for double twist salto dismount
The gymnast lands her dismount too close to the beam; what is the deduction?
Flat 0.1
Extra steps on landing
Each flat 0.1 (max of .4)
The gymnast separates her legs on her back handspring two foot; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.2
The gymnast separates her knees on an arch jump; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.2
The gymnast sticks her round off double back tucked salto dismount but has additional trunk movements on landing to maintain control; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.2
The gymnast has insufficient height of her switch leg leap on beam; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.2
A gymnast has insufficient height on her front handspring step out on beam; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.2
Award B Value Part
The gymnast performs a straddle pike jump but her legs are not parallel to the beam; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.2
The gymnast performs a standing back tuck but the position is not exactly tucked in the salto; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.2
The gymnast does a back handspring 2 foot back pike salto series, but the pike is not an ideal pike position; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.2
The gymnast performs a flic flac lay out step out on the beam but arches in the lay out step out; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.2
What is the penalty if the gymnast pikes in her layout salto to two feet on beam?
Up to 0.2
There is an insufficient variation in rhythm and tempo throughout the beam exercise; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.2
The gymnast has incorrect body position on landing her dismount on beam; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.2
The gymnast has insufficient dynamics throughout her whole beam routine; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.2
There is a large jump on landing on the double front dismount; what is the deduction?
Exactly 0.2
The gymnast hesitates and has insufficient sureness of performance throughout the exercise; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.2
The gymnast has bent arms in her back handspring two feet; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.3
What is the penalty if the gymnast has bent knees on her leap?
Up to 0.3
The gymnast has additional movement to maintain balance on the beam; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.3
The gymnast squats on the landing of her beam dismount; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.3
The gymnast has insufficient height of her dismount off the beam; what is the deduction?
Up to 0.3
The gymnast brushes the landing surface with 1 or both hands on her beam dismount with no support; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.3
The gymnast has insufficient extension of body prior to landing of acro or dismount elements; what is the penalty?
Up to 0.3
Support on mat with 1 or 2 hands on landing of beam dismount
Flat 0.5
The gymnast falls off the beam.
Flat 0.5
The gymnast fails to land dismount on the bottom of the feet first; what is the penalty?
Flat 0.5
No VP, No Bonus, No SR
Insufficient originality and choreography of elements and connections.
Insufficient quality of gymnast’s movement to reflect her personal style
Insufficient quality of expression (projection, focus)
What is the value of the split leap forward (take-off from one leg)?
B (Now element number 2.201)
Failure to show movement/choreography in different directions (fwd, swd, bwd)
Up to 0.1
What is the value of the split leap forward (take-off from one leg) connected to a Wolf Jump 3/4?
B + C for 0.1 connective bonus
The gymnast lands her double back tuck dismount in a pit; what is the deduction?
CJ Flat 0.3
No VP, SR, or Bonus
Deduct 0.5 off SV for missing a dismount
Use of supplemental support
Flat 0.3
Coach catches falling gymnast on an element or dismount
Flat 0.5 for fall
No bonus, do get SR and VP