Letter Writing Phrases Flashcards
How are things
Conas atá cúrsaí leatsa?
Its a long time since I have heard from you
Is fada an lá a chuala mé uait
I hope that you are in the best of health
Tá súil agam go bhfuil tú i mbarr na sláinte
I have to go now my dinner is ready/i have homework to do
Caithfidh mé imeacht anois mar tá mo dhinnéar réidh/ tá obair bhaile le déanamh agam
Write to me soon
Scríobh chugam go luath
Visit me over the weekend
Tabhair cuairt chugam ag an deireadh seachtaine
Tell your parents I was asking for them
Abair le do thuismitheorí go raibh mé ag cur a dtuairsce
Give a foreign address from spain
Óstán na Mara
An Spáinn
Thats all my news on my side
Sin mo nuacht go léir ar an mbabtha seo
Wait until you hear my news
Fan go cloisfidh tú mo nuacht
I saw in your letter that
Chonaic mé i do litir go raibh
With repect
Le meas
Bye for now
Slán go fóill
Your friend
Do chara
Bye with love
Slán le grá
As you know
Mar is eol duit
To mother, dear
A mham, a stór
I would love to see you
Ba bhreá liom tú le fheiceáil